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음향설비의 구성

음향설비의 구성. 시스템 내부 단락별 전압. 좋은 연결 (Good Chain). 기본 마이킹 개념도. 일반적 마이크 설치방법 1. 일반적 마이크 설치방법 2. 공연 후 철수. Mic 설치시 고려사항. MicrophoneDesign and Application. Neumann SM68 stereo mic. Shot Gun Mic. Neumann C4026 Condenser mic. Crown PZM mic. Shure Wireless Mic. Parabolic mic.

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음향설비의 구성

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 음향설비의구성

  2. 시스템내부단락별전압

  3. 좋은연결(Good Chain)

  4. 기본마이킹개념도

  5. 일반적마이크설치방법 1

  6. 일반적마이크설치방법 2

  7. 공연후철수

  8. Mic 설치시고려사항

  9. MicrophoneDesign and Application

  10. Neumann SM68 stereo mic

  11. Shot Gun Mic

  12. Neumann C4026 Condenser mic

  13. Crown PZM mic

  14. Shure Wireless Mic

  15. Parabolic mic

  16. Shot Gun Mic Grill Screen

  17. Shock Mount

  18. Neumann U89

  19. Neumann KM 140

  20. Neumann series

  21. AKG C414 B

  22. Shure SM57

  23. Sennheiser MD442

  24. Sennheiser MD422

  25. EV Re 20

  26. Shure BETA 52A

  27. Spear stereo microphone(Schoeps)

  28. AKG C426 Combo stereo microphone

  29. Crown SASS-P PZM stereo microphone

  30. Audio-Technica AT825 stereo mic

  31. Neumann KU 100 Dummy Head Mic

  32. Jenklin Disk Stereo Mic

  33. Sound Field MK V 4면체 Mic

  34. 1.2 Player(음원재생기) - Line Input 장비 • Line Level 장비들로발란스(Balanced)타입과언발란스(Unbalanced)타입이있다. • CDP(Compact Disk Player), MD(Mini Disk Player), DAT(Digital Audio Tape Player), MP3Player(DMP) • Cassette Record Player, Reel Player • Multi Track Recoder • Hard Disk Recording System

  35. Microphone Techniques • 1. Classical Music : Sound field Reproduction - Music, Player, Place : mic position & 종류 • 2. Popular Music : Creative Sound Reproduction - New Rhythm, Emotion, Sound : mic 종류 & 방법 • 3. 5.1Microphone Technique : Soundfield Reproduction - Place & Environment : mic 종류 & position

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