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Necesidad de difundir y preservar la información cientÃfca en el área de avicultura Tratamiento documental idóneo. UAB. COLABORACIÓN. CONTENIDOS REVISTAS Sumarios Acceso completo (red UAB) LIBROS Novedades CONGRESOS Sumarios BASES DE DATOS (CAB –red UAB-). SERVICIOS
Necesidad de difundir y preservar la información científca en el área de avicultura • Tratamiento documental idóneo UAB COLABORACIÓN AECA-FV UAB
SERVICIOS PETICIÓN DE FOTOCOPIAS Fondo documental UAB i de fondos no disponibles en la UAB BÚSQUEDA BIBLIOGRÁFICA Bases de datos existentes en la UAB (CAB, Agricola, CSA, Medline ...) Portales digitales (Science Direct, Blackwell’s Synergy, Web of Science –ISI- ...) OTROS: Préstamo de documentos, difusión novedades, agenda del sector .... AECA-FV UAB
POULTRY INTERNATIONAL Fondos Biblioteca Veterinaria (papel) http://www.babel.uab.es/cgi-bin/gateway?bib=0336-60860&conf=080000++++s+++++++++ Sumarios (1998 --) http://sumaris.cbuc.es/cgis/revista.cgi?issn=00325767 J.APPLIED POULTRY RESEARCH Fondos Biblioteca Veterinaria (papel) http://www.babel.uab.es/cgi-bin/gateway?bib=0442-76960&conf=080000++++s+++++++++ Sumarios (1999 --) http://sumaris.cbuc.es/cgis/revista.cgi?issn=10566171 INTERNATIONAL POULTRY PRODUCTION Fondos Biblioteca Veterinaria (papel) http://www.babel.uab.es/cgi-bin/gateway?bib=0470-51260&conf=080000++++s+++++++++ AECA-FV UAB
WORLD’S POULTRY SCIENCE Fondos Biblioteca Veterinaria (papel) http://www.babel.uab.es/cgi-bin/gateway?bib=0010-97560&conf=080000++++s+++++++++ Sumarios (2002 --) http://sumaris.cbuc.es/cgis/revista.cgi?issn=00439339 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE CIENCIA AVICOLA Acceso completo (2000 --) http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=1516-635X&lng=es&nrm=iso Y TAMBIÉN OTRAS REVISTAS DE AVES ... AECA-FV UAB
SEMINARS IN AVIAN & EXOTIC PET MEDICINE Fondos Biblioteca Veterinaria (papel) http://www.babel.uab.es/cgi-bin/gateway?bib=0367-51560&conf=080000++++s+++++++++ Acceso completo -red UAB- (2003 --) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/1055937X Sumarios (2000 --) http://sumaris.cbuc.es/cgis/revista.cgi?issn=1055937X JOURNAL OF AVIAN BIOLOGY Acceso completo -red UAB- (2000 --) http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/openurl?genre=journal&stitle=jav JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY Acceso completo -red UAB- (2004 --) http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0021-8375 IBIS Acceso completo -red UAB- (2002 --) http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/openurl?genre=journal&stitle=ibi AECA-FV UAB
2 1 Sumario1 http://www.bib.uab.es/veter/Presentacio/EGG%20QUALITY%20CURRENT%20sum%201.jpg http://www.bib.uab.es/veter/Presentacio/EGG%20QUALITY%20CURRENT%20sum%202.jpg Sumario2 http://www.bib.uab.es/veter/Presentacio/NUTRIENTS%20REQUERIMENT%20sum%201.jpg AECA-FV UAB
4 3 Sumario3 http://www.bib.uab.es/veter/Presentacio/POLTRY%20MEAT%20SCIENCE%20sum%201.jpg http://www.bib.uab.es/veter/Presentacio/POLTRY%20MEAT%20SCIENCE%20sum%202.jpg Sumario4 http://www.bib.uab.es/veter/Presentacio/POULTRY%20GENETICS%20BRIEF%20SUM%201.jpg AECA-FV UAB
Posiblidad de completar la colección de Poultry Science Symposium 5 5 Sumario5 http://www.bib.uab.es/veter/Presentacio/RECENTS%20ADVANCES%20TURKEY%20SUM%201.jpg http://www.bib.uab.es/veter/Presentacio/RECENTS%20ADVANCES%20TURKEY%20SUM%202.jpg AECA-FV UAB
Otros congresos nacionales e internacionales: http://www.babel.uab.es/cgi-bin/gateway?searchtype=subject&searcharg=aviram&operator=AND&searchtype2=subject&searcharg2=congressos&lang=catalan&f_lang=&f_format1=&f_format2=&f_pub_start= Posible digitalización de sumarios según selección AECA-UAB AECA-FV UAB
Trámites a través de formularios http://www.bib.uab.es/veter/tram/alta-aeca.htm AECA-FV UAB
http://www.bib.uab.es/veter/tram/cerca-aeca.htm AECA-FV UAB
http://www.bib.uab.es/veter/tram/fotocopias-aeca.htm AECA-FV UAB
Novedades Bibliográficas Nuevas Adquisiciones Bib.Veterinària Novedades Editoriales nacionales/internacionales This authoritative textbook provides an introduction and guide to poultry behaviour and welfare. It describes the origin and biology of the various species of bird that are of agricultural importance, as well as giving a succinct overview of their key behaviour patterns. There is careful discussion of the many factors that influence their welfare, and detailed consideration of the ways in which legislation and commercial interests interact in an attempt to satisfy the many needs involved. The final chapters discuss possible future developments within the subject. The book is in part an update of a previous work, Poultry Production Systems: Behaviour, Management and Welfare (CABI, 1992), completely rewritten and with much new material added. In response to concerns about animal welfare, food assurance schemes are now incorporating standards for animal welfare. This is particularly important in the poultry industry, where much attention has focused on the welfare of broilers (meat birds). However, there is as a result a greater need for scientifically-based methods for the measurement and auditing of welfare. This book brings together papers by international experts from the academic, professional and industrial sectors. It examines practical ways of measuring and auditing broiler welfare on-farm, during transit and pre-slaughter. Related marketing issues and future developments such as automation, are also discussed. AECA-FV UAB
Agenda del sector Noticias selectivas Ej: Influenza aviar Jornadas Profesionales deAVICULTURA 2005Hotel NH ValladolidValladolid, 25 - 29 de Abril 2005 http://www.google.com/search?ie=utf8&oe=utf8&num=10&q=avian+flu&lr=lang_en AECA-FV UAB
Webs, selección Generalistas Poultry site: Poultry news: Asociaciones Producciones Enfermedades Informes técnicos en línea .... http://www.thepoultrysite.com/Links/Default.asp?display=1 http://www.poultrynews.com/ AECA-FV UAB