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Visual Rhetoric “The Rookie”

Visual Rhetoric “The Rookie”. Courtney Scoby. National Disaster Search Dog Foundation. Advertisement. TIME Magazine . 27 June 2011 Photographer: Deborah Samuel. THE NATIONAL DISASTER SEARCH DOG FOUNDATION

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Visual Rhetoric “The Rookie”

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  1. Visual Rhetoric“The Rookie” Courtney Scoby

  2. National Disaster Search Dog Foundation. Advertisement. TIME Magazine. 27 June 2011 Photographer: Deborah Samuel THE NATIONAL DISASTER SEARCH DOG FOUNDATION It’s his first day. In a year’s time, he’ll be ready to save lives. Maybe he’ll rescue somebody you love. To donate, call (888) 459-4376 or visit www.SearchDogFoundation.org BE PART OF THE SEARCH

  3. What Do You See? Significance? • Yellow Labrador Retriever puppy • Why? --Labradors are the most commonly used dogs in SAR work due to their trainability, strong sense of smell, ability to stay calm and focused under pressure

  4. What is the Purpose? • to convince people to donate money to the National Disaster Search Dog Foundation

  5. Who is the Intended Audience? • Animal lovers—those who will be moved by the image, take action • Those who know little or nothing about canine search and rescue—might encourage them to get involved

  6. What is the Image’s Message? • Search and Rescue dogs save many lives that would have been hopelessly lost otherwise. • An SAR dog could save someone close to you someday. • Donating money to the NDSDF could save the life of someone you love.

  7. Who Would Agree/Disagree with this Message? • Supporters: --handlers of SAR dogs --witnesses of canine rescues --animal lovers --those rescued by an SAR dog • Dissenters: --non-animal lovers (i.e. those who believe such organizations are not worthy causes)

  8. From Whose Point of View is the Image? How Does This Affect the Image? • Officials at the NDSDF • These people work with the dogs, know it’s a good cause, doesn’t need a lot of showy details or flashy colors, image speaks for itself

  9. How do Light and Color Affect the Image? • Light --The puppy is bright against the dark background—symbol of hope • Color --Black and white aspect of the image focuses only on the puppy, the hope of his youth, who he could save in the future

  10. What Do the Combination of the Bold Type and the Intriguing Title do for the Image? • The bold type catches your attention, first thing you see when you turn the page • The term “rookie” usually refers to an inexperienced individual—one wonders why this puppy is considered inexperienced, what he is destined to become

  11. What Could Have Been Omitted from the Image? Why? • The dog’s handler, other dogs or puppies in the program • Creators wanted the focus to be on the animals—the humans do virtually nothing but follow the animal, they want to emphasize how important, intelligent these dogs are

  12. How Would the Image Be Affected if More Puppies Were Added? • Would people be more or less inclined to support the NDSDF if there were more puppies in the image? --some might feel a stronger emotional reaction with more puppies, while others might empathize with the one, lone puppy

  13. How Would the Image Be Affected if Dogs of Other Breeds Were Added? • People tend to think that only certain breeds participate in search and rescue, while most any breed is capable. Perhaps adding other breeds of dogs to the image would help break this stereotype, and encourage previously reluctant dog owners to give SAR a try.

  14. What is the Ethical Appeal of the Image? • The National Disaster Search Dog Foundation is one of the nation’s most reputable canine search and rescue organizations—cooperates with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, a.k.a. FEMA (see handout)

  15. What is the Emotional Appeal of the Image? Think Animal Lovers vs. Non-animal lovers… • Animal lovers are attracted to the foundation because it involves dogs, many people have extremely strong bonds with dogs, this carries over to others as well • Non-animal lovers respond to the human aspect—you may not like dogs, but they could end up saving someone you love someday

  16. What is the Logical Appeal of the Image? • Once you know a little more about search and rescue dogs, you inevitably come to realize that they are undoubtedly a huge help in disaster relief and emergency situations—no matter what your feelings towards animals, you can’t ignore the fact that they save lives

  17. If you are ever trapped under a ton of rubble, I promise to sniff you out. I promise to be worth every cent of the $10,000 that it took to train me. I promise to ignore all other more fascinating smells and concentrate on the scent of live humans. I promise to go about my work with a wagging tail, even if my paws get sore. I promise never to give up.

  18. For more information on the National Disaster Search Dog Foundation, visit www.searchdogfoundation.com

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