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Professional Senate September 30, 2014. State Board Meeting Follow-Up. Rule Waiver: 160-4-2-.11 Promotion, Placement, and Retention sections (3)(a), (3)(b), (3)(c) and 160-4-2-.13 Statewide Passing Score sections (2)(d), (2)(e), (2)(f)
Professional Senate September 30, 2014
State Board Meeting Follow-Up Rule Waiver: 160-4-2-.11 Promotion, Placement, and Retention sections (3)(a), (3)(b), (3)(c) and 160-4-2-.13 Statewide Passing Score sections (2)(d), (2)(e), (2)(f) Based upon the delay of scores in this first year of Georgia Milestones due to the necessary and required technical work involved, including setting achievement expectations (i.e., cut scores), specific provisions of these two Board Rules were waived for the 2014-2015 school year. Additional information: • Academic Affairs and the Department of Accountability, Assessment, and Reporting Services are in the process of updating local regulations related to the calculation of final course grades for courses requiring a Georgia Milestones End Of Course assessment and for promotion criteria in grades 3, 5, and 8 for Georgia Milestones End Of Grade assessment. • Additional guidance regarding other purposes and uses of the end of course assessments, such as “test-outs”, retests, etc., will be forthcoming from GaDOE for the 2014-2015 school year.
Georgia Milestones: Unique Features Features include: • Constructed-response items in ELA and mathematics, in addition to selected-response items • A writing component (in response to text) at every grade level and course within the ELA assessment; • Norm-referenced items in every grade and content area to complement the criterion-referenced information and to provide a national comparison; and • Transition to online administration over time, with online administration considered the primary mode of administration and paper-pencil back-up until transition is completed. Addition of technology-enhanced items beginning in 2016-2017.
Georgia Milestones: Unique Features Blended: Criterion-Referenced and Norm-Referenced Georgia Milestones will provide: • criterion-referenced performance information in the form of four performance levels, depicting students’ mastery of state standards • norm-referenced performance information in the form of national percentiles, depicting how students’ achievement compares to peers nationally Note: To provide norm-referenced information, some norm-referenced items may not align to Georgia’s content standards. Only aligned NRT items will contribute to proficiency designations.
Georgia Milestones: Unique Features Item Types • Selected-Response [aka, multiple-choice] • all content areas • evidence-based selected response in ELA • Constructed-Response • ELA and mathematics • Extended-Response • ELA and mathematics • Technology Enhanced • to begin in SY 2016-2017 Constructed response is a general term for assessment items that require the student to generate a response as opposed to selecting a response. Extended-response items require more elaborate answers and explanations of reasoning. They allow for multiple correct answers and/or varying methods of arriving at the correct answer. Writing prompts and performance tasks are examples of extended-response items.
Constructed Response: 3rd Grade Fractions Ana George 12 inches 9 inches George Carlos 12 inches 12 inches
Constructed Response: 3rd Grade ELA Excerpt from David and the Phoenix by Edward Ormondroyd What do paragraphs 4 through 7 show about David? Use two details from the story to support your response. Extended Response: 3rdGrade ELA Sea Turtles by Kathy Kranking The author provides many details about how sea turtles are similar to and different from each other. How is a leatherback sea turtle similar to a green sea turtle? How are they different from each other? Use details from the passage to support your response. In your response, be sure to • explain how a leatherback sea turtle is similar to a green sea turtle • explain how a leatherback sea turtle is different from a green sea turtle • use details from the passage to support your response
Georgia Milestones - Writing Writing at Every Grade • All students will encounter a constructed-response item allowing for narrative prose, in response to text, within first or second section of the test. • Within the writing section of the test, students will read a pair of passages and complete a series of “warm-up” items: • 3 selected-response items asking about the salient features of each passage and comparing/contrasting between the two passages • 1 constructed-response item requiring linking the two passages • 1 writing prompt in which students must cite evidence to support their conclusions, claims, etc. Warning: Students who simply rewrite excerpts from the passage(s) to illustrate their point(s) will not receive favorable scores.
Georgia Milestones - ELA ELA will consists of 3 sections, 1 of which will focus mainly on writing. Each section is approximately 70 minutes long. • Criterion-Referenced • Total Number of Items: 44 / Total Number of Points: 55 • Breakdown by Item Type: • 40 Selected Response (worth 1 point each; 10 of which are aligned NRT) • 2 Constructed Response (2 points each) • 1 Constructed Response (worth 4 points) • 1 Extended Response (worth 7 points) • Norm-Referenced • Total Number of Items: 20 (10 of which contribute to CR score) • Embedded Field Test • Total field test items: 6 Total number of items taken by each student: 60
Georgia Milestones - Mathematics Mathematics will consist of 2 sections. Each section is approximately 70 minutes long. • Criterion-Referenced • Total Number of Items: 53 / Total Number of Points: 58 • Breakdown by Item Type: • 50 Selected Response (worth 1 point each; 10 of which are aligned NRT) • 2 Constructed Response (worth 2 points each) • 1 Constructed Response (worth 4 points) • Norm-Referenced • Total Number of Items: 20 (10 of which contribute to CR score) • Embedded Field Test • Total field test items: 10 Total number of items taken by each student: 73
Georgia Milestones - Science Science will consist of 2 sections. Each section is approximately 70 minutes long. • Criterion-Referenced • Total Number of Items: 55 / Total Number of Points: 55 • Breakdown by Item Type: • 55 Selected Response (worth 1 point each; approximately 10 of which are aligned NRT) • Norm-Referenced • Total Number of Items: 20 (approximately 10 of which contribute to CR score) • Embedded Field Test • Total field test items: 10 Total number of items taken by each student: 75
Georgia Milestones – Social Studies Social Studies will consist of 2 sections. Each section is approximately 70 minutes. • Criterion-Referenced • Total Number of Items: 55 / Total Number of Points: 55 • Breakdown by Item Type: • 55 Selected Response (worth 1 point each; approximately 10 of which are aligned NRT) • Norm-Referenced • Total Number of Items: 20 (approximately 10 of which contribute to CR score) • Embedded Field Test • Total field test items: 10 Total number of items taken by each student: 75
Georgia Milestones Review • Inclusion of 10 Norm Referenced Test items in all content tests which will contribute to the overall score. • Inclusion of 10 Norm Referenced Test items in all content tests which will be used for national comparison information only. • An extended response writing section added to the ELA test for grades 3-8, Ninth Grade Comp/Literature, and American Literature. • Requirement for 30% of tested students to use the online format. • Requirement for students requiring the read-to accommodation to use the online format. • Removal of separate writing assessments at grades 3, 5, and 8.
SCCPSS Online Testing Schedule *Does not include Special Education (Read-to) students. GaDOE regulations require that they test online at all grade levels
Transition to Georgia MilestonesResources • Content standards • frameworks, formative lessons, PARCC evidence statements • Sample items • formative items/benchmarks via Georgia OAS→GOFAR; • released items via PARCC, other states (KY, NY), NAEP • parent’s guide to Georgia’s new assessment developed by the National PTA [http://www.pta.org/advocacy/content.cfm?ItemNumber=3816 ] • CRCT Readiness Indicators • Lexiles (as one indicator of text complexity) • Technology Specifications • Eliciting Evidence of Student Learning Modules Focus on teaching and learning – eliciting evidence of student learning during instruction and adjusting as needed.
Georgia MilestonesAccommodations • There are three accommodations that are considered conditional: • Signing reading passages (SWD only) • Reading of reading passages (SWD or EL) • Use of a basic function calculator (SWD only) Reminder: It is exceptionally rare for a student with a 504 plan to qualify for a conditional accommodation.
Georgia MilestonesCalculator Policy 1Basic four-function calculator with square root and percentage functions. 2Graphing calculator with functionalities consistent with TI-84 or similar models. Calculators are not permitted on certain designated sections of each mathematics test.
Georgia MilestonesOnline Tools Available for All Students These tools are available to all students who test online and are therefore NOT considered accommodations. • Blocking Tool • Eraser • Highlighter • Magnifying Glass • Mark for Review • Online Calculator – if allowable • Option Eliminator • Scratch Pad • Test Pause