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Timmins Production Library Update and Code Versions Verification

Timmins has sent code versions for verification which have been checked by multiple individuals. Production library to start in a few weeks. Includes hack for current version and updates on alignment and silicon bunch issues. Selection cuts and algorithm details provided for reference.

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Timmins Production Library Update and Code Versions Verification

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  1. Update • -DST : A. Timmins has sent a few versions of codes until I’ve verified “OK”. ( Other people like JH & Yury have also checked. ) • Lidia said “according to their priorities, they can start the production in a couple of weeks”. • Made a “hack” for the current version which Lidia said that they’ll a production library by the end of this week • Alignment “worse” in 10185004 for 2 more pairs • silicon_bunch issues

  2. Mean = -2.6 mm Mean = -2.9 mm

  3. Mean = -1.9 mm

  4. Bunch-crossing no. from the sequencer electronics has different offsets for a small no. of events. Most of the time the difference is 9 (~-111), but not always. Igor  bad. • I hope to insert a byte for this StEvent but for now, I’ve put this difference [0-119] in the mStatus byte for each RP.

  5. My nominal Selection Cuts • silicon_bunches ( 0 or > 8 ) • Elastically Triggered (according to the online definitions) • Inherent in the cluster algorithm in St_pp2pp_Maker: Valid hit/strip with ADC  pedestal_per_channel + 5  • Inherent in my root-trees: Cluster (≤5 valid consecutive hits) with total ADC sum  20 • At least one of the following track pairs : EHI-WHO or EHO-WHI or EVU-WVD or EVD-WVU • In forming track, at least 1 cluster in A/C or B/D planes in each RP • When there are >1 cluster in 1 plane, find the closest one • Obvious if there only 1 cluster in plane and none on the other plane • If more than 1 cluster in one plane and none on the other plane, use the cluster with the highest energy (if not would lose (0.1-0.2)% ET events • Collinearity  9 mm (need to center for some bad aligned pairs)

  6. Combining 10182025/10183035/10183037/10184030/10185004 and all tracks (over all –t regions):

  7. SAME as the previous page but using horizontal plot only

  8. Combining 10182025/10183035/10183037/10184030/10185004 and all tracks (over all –t regions): All RP’s Horizontal RP’s only

  9. Combining 10182025/10183035/10183037/10184030/10185004 and all tracks (over all –t regions):

  10. Backup slides

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