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A Review of tone & Mood

A Review of tone & Mood. Because we missed them on the summer reading packet & it’s on Monday’s test. We are getting tone & mood mixed up…. TONE is how the author or speaker FEELS about whatever it is he/she is talking about.

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A Review of tone & Mood

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  1. A Review of tone & Mood Because we missed them on the summer reading packet & it’s on Monday’s test

  2. We are getting tone & mood mixed up… • TONEis how the author or speaker FEELS about whatever it is he/she is talking about. • (Think about our “tone of voice” or better yet, think about one of your parent’s tones of voice when they find out you missed 2 class assignments….)

  3. So, you missed two assignments in science and didn’t tell your mom. Mr. French just called and told her. • What would be her TONE? • [Now think, she is the speaker and she is talking to you… according to the definition, tone is the author or speakers feeling(s) about what he/she is talking about… • She is talking to you… about lying to her… about your multiple missed assignments. • She says, “What in the world would possess you to lie to me?” • WHAT IS HER TONE? • Loving and kind b. Inquisitive and bored • c. Celebratory and Encouraging d. Exasperated and angry

  4. A trick in determining tone is to pay attention to the diction (word choice) • Bentley leapt down the stairs, two at a time, flew into the living room, threw open the window, and basked in the glory of the freshly fallen snow. • Then Bentley plodded downstairs to the living room, where she reluctantly opened the window to find that the sticky, freezing white stuff was falling from the sky for the first time that year. Ugh. • Part A: What is the tone in each passage? • Part B: How does the diction in each passage lead you to that determination?

  5. Read this passage before we watch a video

  6. Let’s check our understanding (click the link) • Video~ Tone Check

  7. So you know tone~ but mood is different. • Tone is how the author or speaker feels, but • MOOD is the feeling YOU (yes you, the reader) • GET • [mood=me; tone=them]

  8. So, let’s go back to the example with your mom (“Your mama…”) • You decided her tone (of voice) was EXASPERATED and ANGRY… • So, the MOOD is how THAT TONE made you, the reader, feel; in other words, what “atmosphere” or “environment” is created? • “What in the world would possess you to lie to me?” • Do you feel thankful? Is there a “spooky” and suspenseful feeling in the air? Do you feel confident? • You should have said a big fat NO to those questions. • If you were in the room with the mom, you would feel ….. • NERVOUS for the child AND SLIGHTLY FRIGHTENED • by the possible repercussions for lying. • TONE is THEM---- MOOD is ME.

  9. Your test is Monday… • We will have a 20 minute review session before your test on Monday. • You will be tested over your understanding of: • Symbol  Motif  Theme • Mood vs. Tone & how Diction creates Tone • General plot points in the novel & characterization • The Vocabulary List • Conflicts (man vs. society, vs. man, vs. self, etc.) • It is multiple choice with one “open response.” Your study guide will be +5 bonus points added to the test. 

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