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Evaluation of a Danish Digital Migration Project Danish National Archives (DNA)

Evaluation of a Danish Digital Migration Project Danish National Archives (DNA). Goals of the evaluation. Report to the Ministry of Culture Spread the word internationally (are we the first ones?) Lessons learnt for future migration projects. Background Legal and preservation perspectives.

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Evaluation of a Danish Digital Migration Project Danish National Archives (DNA)

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  1. Evaluation of a Danish Digital Migration ProjectDanish National Archives (DNA)

  2. Goals of the evaluation • Report to the Ministry of Culture • Spread the word internationally (are we the first ones?) • Lessons learnt for future migration projects

  3. BackgroundLegal and preservation perspectives • The Danish National Archives decides in which formats and structures public institutions submit their data for ingest • It hasn’t always been like that, and data submitted before 1998 had very heterogeneous datastructures and -formats • A standardisation of these data was therefore necessary in order to comply with today’s preservation standard

  4. The digital migration projectChallenge and purpose of the Migration Project -Standardise records to make future operations automatic Records from before1998 Preservation standard (Execution Order no. 342) Access AUTOMATION Migration

  5. The digital migration projectThe big numbers • 2005-2008; 30 person years • 10-15 specialised project members • Investment costs:190.000 $ • Total costs: 2.6 million $ • 1.7 GB data from 1960-90’ies in over • 200 different database structures totaling over • 2.200 Information Packages

  6. The digital migration project The Object of the Migration

  7. The digital migration projectPrerequisites #1 • Media Migration project

  8. The digital migration projectPrerequisites #2 • Development of preservation standard

  9. The digital migration projectKnowledge management • The knowledge challenge • Need of disappearing knowledge (ancient databases, code pages, COBOL) • Need of particular manpower capable of executing long, repetitive manual tasks in a structured and disciplined manner • The knowledge management setup • A favourable framework for easy access to knowledge via online databases and dynamic intranet • Two major documents dedicated to migration principles and working procedures. Updated at all times. Immense importance.

  10. The digital migration projectMigration method and procedure • Establishment of Software developmentspecificationrequirements • What to do - Requirements for the underpinning of the manual work: The Migration Principles • How to do it - Underpinning of the manual work: The Working Procedures

  11. The digital migration projectPreparation of data and documentation • Preparation of data • Restructuring of data and documentation into new IP structure • Registration of the IPs metadata into the preservation databases • Transfer to an intermediate storage, waiting for migration • Preparation of documentation • Documenting the IPs • Establish a documentation standard • Gather, create and systematise documentation • Scanning and registration of documentation • Documenting the migration • Logfiles

  12. The digital migration projectSoftware development • In-house software development for reasons of control and specialisation of task • 1 flexible migration tool was developed for all the pre 1998 archives, and 1 for the post 1998 ones • Enabling automatic migration for the older archives required the development of special pre-migration software that could handle the myriads of different formats and structures.

  13. The digital migration projectThe Migration - Illustration

  14. The digital migration projectConclusions Migration (of old data) is expensive! • The transformation of 1.7 GB of data (1,825,361,100 bytes) and its prerequisites took  50 person years (65,000 hours) or  27.4 KB per hour to migrate

  15. The digital migration projectConclusions Meeting preservation principles is expensive! • The Danish National Archives do not dispose of archives once they’ve been appraised and deemed worthy of preservation • The salvage operation of the magnetic tapes cost $ 9,000 per decayed tape and $ 62 per intact tape • It was 253,5 times as long to migrate 1 GB of a non standardised data as 1 GB of standardised data (63,36 hours <-> 0,25 hours)

  16. The digital migration projectConclusions Standardisation is the key! • The goal of every migrating preservation institution must be to standardise data so that it can be migrated with standardised software • The DNA had to develop 175 applications in order to migrate 165 non standardised IPs • The development of migration tools for non standardised IPs represented 80 % of the expenses pertaining to software development

  17. The digital migration projectConclusions Quality control is expensive but worth it! • A retrospectively unsatisfactory random check was performed on the magnetic tapes in 1995 and resulted in postponing the media migration project • Testing that data match your preservation standard on ingest is very important  influences preservation cycle • In an ideal world, there is thus 100% compliance between the preservation standard and all other preservation tools – from Ingest to Access

  18. The digital migration projectConclusions Project management at service for everyday work! • Rigorous management, loose method • The project was meticulously planned, but there was room for changing methods subsequently to lessons learnt • Knowledge management priority • The exchange of and access to knowledge was facilitated by direct online access, weekly meetings and dynamic documents • Project management as instigator for an intense and enthousiastic project process • Teamwork, enthousiasm, importance of task, responsibility and social commitment were succesfully implemented by the project management

  19. The digital migration projectConclusions Make sure your ancillary activitiesand preliminary examinations are adequate! • Hardware • The hardware used to process the migrations wasn’t powerful enough • Data and development • Examination of the data wasn’t thorough enough, and resulted in inadequate specification requirements for the software • The project could have examined the market for open source or commercial software solutions • Organisation • The agreements and coordination within the organisation weren’t in place from the beginning

  20. The digital migration projectConclusion The migration project was a succes But is automation a possibility today? Almost, but… Anyways, we saved the data!

  21. THANK YOU! MigreringsprojektetKonklusioner Köszönöm szépen! Evaluation Report  http://www.sa.dk/content/dk/forskning_og_udvikling/udviklingsprojekter/format-_og_strukturkonverteringsprojektet

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