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The Skyrme-RPA model and the tensor force

Explore our RPA implementation for nuclei, correlation with nuclear matter properties, examples of states, and adding the tensor force in RPA. Discover the application in infinite and finite systems at the ENST Workshop.

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The Skyrme-RPA model and the tensor force

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  1. The Skyrme-RPA model and the tensor force Linear Response Theory : from infinite nuclear matter to finite nuclei ENST Workshop, CEA Saclay May 30th, 2012 G. Colò

  2. Our specific implementation of RPA for finite nuclei • Correlation between RPA results and nuclear matter properties • Examples: dipole states, Gamow-Teller resonance • Adding the tensor force in RPA • Examples: Gamow-Teller and spin-dipole resonances • Instabilities Outline

  3. Microscopic HF plus RPA • After generating the HF mean-field, one is left with a residual force Vres. • The residual force acts as a restoring force, and sustains collective oscillations (like GRs). Its effect is included in the linear response theory = RPA. Skyrme effective force attraction short-range repulsion

  4. The continuum isdiscretized. The basis must be large due to the zero-rangecharacter of the force. Parameters: R, EC. The energy-weighted sum ruleshould be equal to the double-commutator value: wellfulfilled ! Our fully self-consistent implementation 208Pb - SGII Percentages m1(RPA)/m1(DC) [%]

  5. Consistent treatment of • all standard Skyrme terms • direct Coulomb interaction • exchange Coulomb in Slater approximation • one-body center-of-mass correction • is essential for such accurate fulfillment of EWSRs. G. Colò, L. Cao, N. Van Giai, L. Capelli (submitted).

  6. EISGMR RPA • One of the main interests has been: finding correlations between a quantity that characterize the EoS of infinite matter, and a result from RPA (e.g., a GR property). • Example: • Other interests: finding new modes, new trends of collective states towards drip lines, help experimental simulations, fitting new functionals, detecting instabilities … RPA can be used in many ways … K∞ = 240 ± 20 MeV Eexp K∞ [MeV] 220 240 260

  7. Symmetric matter EOS Symmetry energy S 2+3- GDR PDR Nuclearmatter EOS Dipole states and the symmetry energy Courtesy: N. Pietralla These states may be, to a different extent, thought to be correlated with the symmetry energy. Uncertainties affect

  8. What is precisely the GDR correlated with ? In the case in which the GDR exhausts the whole sum rule, its energy can be deduced following the formulas given by E. Lipparini and S. Stringari [Phys. Rep. 175, 103 (1989)]. Employing a simplified, yet realistic functional they arrive at Cf. also G.C., N. Van Giai, H. Sagawa, PLB 363 (1995) 5. LDA ρ r If there is only volume, the GDR energy should scale as √S(ρ0) which is √J or √bvol. The surface correction may be slightly model-dependent but several results point to beff = S(0.1 fm-3) ! Independent work by the Barcelona group confirms this.

  9. 23.3 < S(0.1) < 24.9 MeV This result, namely 24.1 ± 0.8 MeV is based on an estimate of κ. Most of the error is coming from the uncertainty on this quantity. Phys. Rev. C77, 061304(R) (2008) It is assumed that the GDR energy scales with the square root of S at “some” sub-saturation density. The best value comes from χ2 minimization. It turns out to be around 0.1 fm-3. 208Pb

  10. What is the nature of the “pygmy” states ? • The appearance of a pygmy “resonance” in the Skyrme models depends on the specific set. However, SkI3 (built to mimick RMF) provides a peak but also reproduces the experimental findings. • The low-energy strength is more prominent if one looks the case of the IS operator ! X. Roca-Maza, G. Pozzi, M. Brenna, K. Mizuyama, G. Colò, PRC 85, 024601 (2012)

  11. Suggestion: try isoscalar probes There is coherence only among few components using an IV operator. This coherence increases using an IS operator.

  12. Highest and lowest particle-hole transitions in the picture The Gamow-Teller resonance (GTR) Unperturbed GT energy related to the spin-orbit splitting Z N RPA GT energy related also to V in στ channel Osterfeld, 1982: Using empirical Woods-Saxon s.p. energies, the GT energy is claimed to determine g0’ Y.F. Niu, G. Colò, M. Brenna, P.F. Bortignon, J. Meng, PRC 85, 034314 (2012)

  13. RPA GTR in 208Pb from Skyrme forces

  14. Coupling with other configurations than 1p-1h is needed. Phonon coupling: coupling with 1p-1h plus a low-lying collective vibration Main missing element: spreading width N. Paar, D. Vretenar, E. Khan, G.C., Rep. Prog. Phys. 70, 691 (2007)

  15. Skyrme with zero-range tensor terms T ↔ tensor even, U ↔ tensor odd The zero-range tensor force was considered in the original papers by T.H.R. Skyrme, and by Fl. Stancu et al., after the introduction of the SIII parametrization. The results did not allow making any clear conclusion. WHY ? TOO FEW (AND MAGIC) NUCLEI ! Manypapers on the subject of tensor force and s.p. states in 2007-2011 ! B.A. Brownet al., J. Dobaczewski, D.M. Brink and Fl. Stancu, T. Lesinskiet al., M. Grasso et al., M. Zalewskiet al.

  16. s j> s l = + l s j< s l = - l Case a: large relative momentum = spatial w.f. more concentrated (deuteron-like) Case b: small relative momentum = spatial w.f. more spread

  17. Tensor terms are chosen as The remaining terms are fitted, so the forces should have similar quality as the Lyon forces. They are denoted as TIJ.

  18. Mainly spin states are expected to be sensitive to the tensor force. • The force that Otsuka et al. suggested may play a strong role is a proton-neutron force. So we are led to consider mainly spin-isospin states like the GTR j< j> j’< j’> Non spin-flip Spin-flip Adding the tensor force in RPA - I • Tensor force may lead to instabilities

  19. The tensor is included self-consistently in HF and RPA. We use our discretized RPA (matrix formulation). Large model space are used to check convergence. Adding the tensor force in RPA - II NON CHARGE-EXCHANGE Phys. Rev. C80, 064304 (2009); Phys. Rev. C83, 034324 (2011). CHARGE-EXCHANGE Phys. Lett. B675, 28 (2009); Phys. Rev. C79, 041301(R) (2009); Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 072501 (2010); Phys. Rev. C83, 054316 (2011); Phys. Rev. C84, 044329 (2011) 208Pb – T46

  20. Giant resonances are essentially not affected. In the case of low-lying states, since they are related to shell effects, the effects depend on the chosen parameter set in a non trivial way, due to the interplay of mean-field and Vres. Non charge-exchange multipole response T36, T44, T45, T46 and SGII+T reproduce within 20% the energy and B(EL) values of 2+ and 3- in 208Pb. T45, T46, SGII+T also reproduce the low-lying 3- in 40Ca with the same accuracy.

  21. The main GT peak is moved downward by 2 MeV.Much larger effect than those seen before ! Effect of tensor on the GTR strength About 10% of the strength is moved in the energy region above 30 MeV by the tensor. Relevance for the GT quenching problem.

  22. The effects on the GTR can be seen as a coupling between GTR and spin-quadrupole modes (“deuteron-like” coupling between L=0 and L=2 in the 1+ case). Phys. Rev. C79, 041301(R) (2009) • It has been checked that the GT energy (or strength) is not a strong criterion to choose the strength of the tensor even and odd terms. • The spin-dipole is more powerful in this respect ! A more selective observable ' Key point: the spin-dipole (L=1 coupled to S=1) has three components 0-, 1-, 2- !

  23. The recent (p,n) experiment by T. Wakasa et al. is a complete polarization measurement. T. Wakasa, slide presented at SIR2010

  24. Separable approximation It is found that the tensor force has a unique multipole-dependent effect: if the coefficients have the appropriate sign, the tensor force can lead to a softening of the 1- response and a hardening of the 2- and especially of the 0- response.

  25. T43 is accurate for the GT in 90Zr and 208Pb, for the SDR in 208Pb and for its 1- and 2- components.

  26. The effect of tensor is small on natural parity GRs, not so large on low-lying states. • Spin-isospin states are affected more strongly. In particular, the three different spin-dipole components are specially influenced by the tensor. • T44 behaves well for low-lying states, T43 for charge-exchange states. Conclusions from RPA with tensor

  27. Interaction ↔ Landau parameters Uniform matter within Landau theory • The inclusion of the tensor force leads to new parameters qk=relative momentum • The stability conditions must be generalized, by including spin (and spin-isospin) deformations of the Fermi sphere. kF J. Dabrowski and P. Haensel, Ann. Phys. 97, 452 (1976); S.-O. Bäckman,, O. Sjöberg, and A.D. Jackson, Nucl. Phys. A321, 10 (1979); E. Olsson, P. Haensel, and C.J. Pethick, Phys. Rev. C 70, 025804 (2004).

  28. The tensor force couples the ΔL=0 and ΔL=2 deformations with ΔS=1 and ΔJ=1. So we have coupled equations for these two 1+ modes that must lead to positive frequencies. We must also impose positive frequencies for the ΔL=1, ΔS=1 modes: 0-, 1-, 2-. Note: these are for IS modes, the same holds for IV (put '). Generalized stability conditions

  29. L. Cao, G. Colò, and H. Sagawa, Phys. Rev. C81, 044302 (2010). We have studied the onset of instabilities, without and with the tensor terms, on a wide (!) range of densities. The goal is to discard sets that allow instabilities already around 1.5-2ρ0.

  30. IS 0- (left) IS 1+ (right) IV 0- (left) IV 1- (right) IV 1+ (right)

  31. As Skyrme forces are effective, not fundamental interactions, limits should be set on their validity in momentum space. Instabilities for q > qmax should be tolerated. qmax must be obviously smaller than 1/(nucleon size), but probably much smaller if Skyrme needs to account only for ground states and (relatively) low-lying states. qmax < 2 fm-1, perhaps (much) lower … General comment(s) on instabilites

  32. M. Brenna, L. Capelli, G. Pozzi, X. Roca-Maza, L. Sciacchitano, L. Trippa, E. Vigezzi (University and INFN, Milano) • N. Van Giai (IPN-Orsay, France) • Y. Niu, J. Meng, F.R. Xu (PKU, Beijing, China) • H.Q. Zhang, X.Z. Zhang (CIAE, China) • L. Cao (IMP-CAS, Lanzhou, China) • C.L. Bai (Sichuan University, Chengdu, China) • K. Mizuyama (RCNP, Osaka) • H. Sagawa (University of Aizu, Japan) Co-workers

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