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GRS and Accreditation March 2012. Learning objectives. After reviewing this presentation, you will understand How the Global Rating Scale supports accreditation Understand what is meant by quality improvement Understand the tools available to support improvements in e ndoscopy services.
Learning objectives After reviewing this presentation, you will understand • How the Global Rating Scale supports accreditation • Understand what is meant by quality improvement • Understand the tools available to support improvements in endoscopy services
The basics • The Endoscopy Global Scale (GRS) is a quality improvement system designed to provide a framework for continuous improvement for endoscopy services to achieve and maintain accreditation
Accreditation definition • Usually a voluntary process by which an independent agency grants recognition to organisations which meet certain standards that require continuous improvement in structures, processes and outcomes.
Accreditation represents A risk reduction strategy • That an endoscopy service is doing the right things and doing them well; • Thereby significantly reducing the risk of error in the delivery of services
Accreditation process The process stimulates continuous improvement • Continuous: uninterrupted, without cessation • Improvement: bringing into a more desirable or excellent condition; making more valuable; making or becoming better. (Macquarie Dictionary definition)
JAG Accreditation What is JAG Accreditation intended to accomplish? • Stimulate continuous improvement in processes and patient outcomes • Strengthen endoscopy services • Provide a knowledge base of best practices • Increase patient confidence in services • Improve the management and efficiency of services • Provide education on better/best practices
SEQOHS Accreditation (Cont’d) What is JAG Accreditation intended to accomplish? • Provide comparison with self and others • Enhance the workforce, retention and satisfaction • Increase chances to add to and grow services
Strengths of JAG Accreditation • Stimulates quality improvement culture in the service • External, objective evaluation • Uses agreed standards • Involves health professionals • Puts the patient at the heart of the process • Proactive not reactive • Annual re-evaluation against standards
Benefits for medical and nursing staff • Improves professional staff development • Provides education on standards • Provides leadership for quality improvement within medicine and nursing • Increases satisfaction with working conditions, leadership and accountability
Benefits for all employees • Values employee opinions • Involves them in quality activities • Improves employee job satisfaction and retention • Clearer lines of authority and accountability • Promotes teamwork
Endoscopy Services • What does a quality endoscopy service look like?
Quality Endoscopy Service • Patient centered with good customer service • Use standards and guidelines to continually improve safety and quality of care and the environment • Led and coordinated with efficient safe processes • Safe, low risk facility and environment • Staff with excellent skills and knowledge • Quality improvement culture supported by leaders and managers
Quality Endoscopy Service The GRS & accreditation pathway will assist you to both achieve and demonstrate this.
JAG Requirements • The JAG Accreditation process is based on the GRS Standards • The JAG will require GRS levels to be demonstrated though clear evidence submission • The JAG accreditation website, incorporates the GRS standards has an online accreditation system that services will have to participate in and upload the required evidence
Pathway - Stage one 0yr 1yr
To progress to stage two An endoscopy service must: • Be operational for a minimum of a year with supporting audits/evidence over an agreed period • Have completed the GRS over 2 census points • Ensure that evidence demonstrate agreed levels for domains of the Endoscopy Global Rating Scale (GRS): • Clinical quality • Quality of the patient experience • Workforce • Training • Ensure that there is a safe environment for patients and staff • Meet requirements for decontamination
Where are you on the GRS and accreditation pathway? 100% 80% 60% 40% Achieving all the standards Making progress: working through the standards 20% Ready now for accreditation Had a look at: progressing slowly Actively progressing well with good engagement
Meeting the standards • The GRS is not a “one man show” leadership across the disciplines was cited as the number one factor in achieving success. Clinical engagement is key
Complete it at each census point. The GRS must be completed twice a year to apply for and maintain accreditation Answer the statements critically each time Look the tools and advice available on the KMS Involve the whole team Engage with as many people as you can and publish results The GRS-practical advice
Work in partnership Involve as many as possible in doing the work: • Clinical lead for endoscopy • All endoscopists • General Manager • Nursing lead for endoscopy • Nursing staff • Support services: • IT • Audit • Patient groups • Documentation groups • Clinical Governance • External networks
Other specific support • Specific Training • How to pass your accreditation assessment • Schedule of teleconferences and Webinars • Specific Webex training and support • Dedicated email supportthrough ‘contact us’ on the website
Conclusion • Accreditation is the most comprehensive and powerful tool for quality improvement • Accreditation has been found to be effective in many systems in many other countries with very different systems • The JAG Accreditation Scheme is working to improve endoscopy services through the accreditation process