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D. L ä ngin, October 2008

South African Forestry Operations Outlook – the human factor as the major challenge for mechanization and outsourcing in our industry. D. L ä ngin, October 2008. Overview. ● Status quo – 2008 ● Where are we heading? ● Discussion and conclusion. Forest production factors.

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D. L ä ngin, October 2008

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  1. South African Forestry Operations Outlook– the human factor as the major challenge for mechanization and outsourcing in our industry D. Längin, October 2008

  2. Overview ●Status quo – 2008 ● Where are we heading? ● Discussion and conclusion

  3. Forest production factors [Heinimann, 2000]

  4. Harvesting methods/systems in SA [Warkotsch, 1986]

  5. Harvesting Systems in SA 2007 [Längin, Oberholzer, Ackerman, 2007]

  6. Scandinavia Central Europe South Africa Mechanization in % Mechanization in SA ? ? South Africa

  7. The Vision Vision of future semi-automated logging systems [Fryk & Kaarnametsa]

  8. Outsourcing of operations in SA % of outsourcing in South Africa [Längin & Ackerman, 2007]

  9. FTS 2007 survey results Most pressing challenges andproblems from a contractor perspective: A. Rates, contracts, negotiation & costing B. Relationship grower & contractor C. Growers’ problems effecting contractors’ operational aspects D. Labour & workforce

  10. The biggest challenge – labour [Längin & Ackerman, 2007]

  11. HIV infection in Africa Aldhouse, P. 2007, HIV’s killing fields. New Scientist 195(2612): 6-9

  12. Strategic questions • Who will log in future? (Outsourcing versus own operations) • Mechanization of forest operations? • Human aspects?(workforce, land ownership, social responsibility)

  13. Where are we heading?

  14. Delphi study • 2008 Delphi study: • Research and development needs in SA • Past and future drivers of change in FE • Future harvesting systems in SA • Future developments in outsourcing

  15. Change factors in SA forestry until 2020

  16. FE change factors during last 10 years South Africa International 1 – factor of highest importance 1 – factor of highest importance

  17. FE change factors over next 10 years International South Africa 1 – factor of highest importance 1 – factor of highest importance

  18. Mechanization – when? When will mechanization in forestry operations become dominant in SA?

  19. Impact of mechanization? What will be the impact of mechanization on ..

  20. Required action for mechanization Action required to make mechanization work in SA? [1 – highest importance]

  21. Outsourcing trends % of outsourcing in South Africa

  22. Developments in outsourcing How will the role of harvesting and transport contractors evolve during the next decade?

  23. Conclusion

  24. Human challenges for mechanization • Productivity drivers in mechanized harvesting systems: • compartment conditions (e.g. slope) • tree size • .. • operator skills • operations management

  25. Education, training and skills .. Foresters: ● Harvest planning for mechanized operations ● Management of contractors ● Harvesting Systems costing Forest Contractor: ● Contractors mind shift required (from manual to mechanized operations management) ● Sound operator training approach ● Active and improved management of productivity drivers ● Shift systems design ● Remuneration of operators Machine operators: ● High skills level required for machine operators ● Operator wellness

  26. Single shifts Multiple shifts Better utilisation of capital, but the number of shifts in 24 hours is the big question? Nightshift – productivity 50% below day shift (SA Mining research) Split shift (two operators sharing one shift) higher labour costs 20% higher production (Canadian research) Job rotation Taking responsibility for own work quality, e.g. Harvester / Forwarder Shift systems design 8 September 2014 NAME OF PRESENTATION

  27. Outsourcing of operations - Research - Innovation - Development - Training Forest Grower controlregulate deliver Forest Contractor Human resource / labour force

  28. How to meet current challanges • Invest in innovative harvesting systems and encourage contractors to buy in. • Own operations .. • Improve harvest planning. • Match harvesting systems with logging chance factors (not the other way round). • Take responsibility and initiative to reinstate Forest Engineering research, development & capacity building in South Africa.

  29. How to meet current challanges • Encourage application of technological advanced innovations in forest operations. • Reassess productivity in current operations. • Ensure a sound understanding of productivity and cost drivers in mechanized operations. • Ergonomics and labour aspects (wages, health and safety, training & skills development) • Focus on improving the supply chain, from stump to mill.

  30. Thank You !

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