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ESD 113 Superintendents ’ Meeting Sept 26, 2012 Jessica Vavrus, OSPI Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning. Agenda. CCSS timeline and content shifts CCSS implementation guidance and supports Assessment changes and recommendations.
ESD 113 Superintendents’ Meeting Sept 26, 2012 Jessica Vavrus, OSPI Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning
Agenda • CCSS timeline and content shifts • CCSS implementation guidance and supports • Assessment changes and recommendations ESD 113 Superintendent's Meeting
Superintendent Dorn’s Priorities2011-2014 OSPI’s Mission: To provide funding, resources, tools, data and technical assistance to educators so that they can help students to be successful in our public schools and in college and careers. • Meet our Constitutional Obligation to Fully-fund our Public Schools • Improve Achievement for ALL Students • Reduce the opportunity gap • Reduce the dropout rate • Increase STEM opportunities • Provide additional student supports • Improve our Student Assessment System • Expand Career and Technical Education (CTE) • Expand and Enhance Early Learning Opportunities ESD 113 Superintendent's Meeting
Our Context: Washington State Learning Standards (aka…EALRs, GLEs, etc.)
CCSS Implementation Timeline ESD 113 Superintendent's Meeting
Our guiding beliefs and approach for CCSS Implementation in WA 2-Prongs: • The What: Content Shifts (for students and educators) • Belief that past standards implementation efforts have provided a strong foundation on which to build for CCSS; HOWEVER there are shifts that need to be attended to in the content. • The How: System “Remodeling” • Belief that successful CCSS implementation will not take place top down or bottom up – it must be “both, and…” • Belief that districts and communities across the state have the conditions and commitment present to engage wholly in this work. • Professional learning systems are critical ESD 113 Superintendent's Meeting
The “What”:ELA and Math Content Shifts • Shifts in ELA • Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction and informational texts in addition to literature • Reading and writing grounded in evidence from the text • Regular practice with complex text and its academic vocabulary These apply to content area (social studies, science, and technical subject) teachers as well as to English teachers. • Shifts in Mathematics • Focus: 2-3 topics focused on deeply in each grade • Coherence: Concepts logically connected from one grade to the next and linked to other major topics within the grade • Rigor: Fluency with arithmetic, application of knowledge to real world situations, and deep understanding of mathematical concepts ESD 113 Superintendent's Meeting
The “How”: System Remodeling 1. What do all students need to know and be able to do as a result of the CCSS? 3. How do we design a professional learning system to support them? 2. What do the adults in the system need to know and be able to do to support all students? 2012-13 CCSS Systems Webinar.Part 1.9/12/12
Washington The Key? Friends and Partners Across WA • PLUS… • School Districts (every size!) • Higher Education • Statewide Education and Educator Content Associations • Private Partners ESD 113 Superintendent's Meeting
CCSS Statewide Supports ESD 113 Superintendent's Meeting
WA 3-Year Transition Plans and Standards Comparisons • Articulate foci of state-developed and state-delivered professional learning supports each year. • http://www.k12.wa.us/CoreStandards/Transition.aspx • Developed using: • Comparisons of current WA standards with CCSS (structural and content) • Current MSP/HSPE test maps ESD 113 Superintendent's Meeting
More Supports ESD 113 Superintendent's Meeting
Where to Start?FIRST: Phase 1 - CCSS Exploration and Awareness Among… • District leaders and leadership teams • Communities, parents, school boards • Building leaders Immerse yourself in and learn about… • The WHY - The background and vision of the CCSS • The WHAT - The major CCSS shifts in ELA and Math • The HOW – • Our state’s approach toward supporting implementation • Emerging resources and support systems ESD 113 Superintendent's Meeting
NEXT: Consider Phase 2 within your District and Community Context Start the transition by Setting the Course! • Identify a core group of leaders as a lead CCSS implementation team • Establish a shared vision that will guide CCSS implementation with all students and educators – • What will it mean for your district/building and community? • Developing District-Specific CCSS Implementation Plans • Use the CCSS District Readiness Assessment to inform transition planning • Establish short and long term goals to begin moving forward ESD 113 Superintendent's Meeting
What about instructional materials? NOW • Overall quality that attends to the major shifts within the standards And • Deeper connections within the content • Integrated high leverage instructional practices that allow every student access to the CCSS within the instructional materials Versus…. THEN • Standard-by-Standard alignment • Unique supports for special populations of students ESD 113 Superintendent's Meeting
Instructional Materials:Resources and Opportunities From CCSS Developers… • CCSS Publisher’s Criteria – ELA and Math (http://engageny.org/resource/publishers-criteria-for-elaliteracy-and-math/) Going deeper with other states… • Tri-State Quality Review Rubrics and Process (http://engageny.org/resource/tri-state-quality-review-rubric-and-rating-process/) These tools can be used to… • Inform materials review and adoption process • Consider existing materials • Facilitate targeted discussions, collaboration, and professional development with publishers and other providers ESD 113 Superintendent's Meeting
Staying Connected • CCSS OSPI Web Site: http://www.k12.wa.us/Corestandards/default.aspx • Coming Soon – CCSS District Collaboration Moodle Site • OSPI Teaching and Learning Monthly Newsletter • TEACH: http://www.k12.wa.us/CurriculumInstruct/news.aspx • OSPI CCSS Lead Team ESD 113 Superintendent's Meeting
OSPI State Assessment UpdateTransitioning to New Assessments of New State Standards:What We Know So Far September 2012 ESD 113 Superintendent's Meeting
Smarter Balanced Assessment SystemComponents Summative assessments Benchmarked to college and career readiness Teachers and schools have information and tools they need to improve teaching and learning Common Core State Standards specify K-12 expectations for college and career readiness All students leave high school college and career ready Teacher resources for formative assessment practices to improve instruction Interim assessments Flexible, open, used for actionable feedback ESD 113 Superintendent's Meeting
Current Statewide Summative(Student) Assessments OSPI Assessment Update -- September 2012 ESD 113 Superintendent's Meeting
Washington’s Context…Likely Summative Assessments in 2014–15 ESD 113 Superintendent's Meeting
Current Testing Requirements for High School Graduation by Class ESD 113 Superintendent's Meeting
11th graders in Class of 2013Percent meeting and not meeting assessment requirement need 2 subjects needonly writing need 3 subjects need only reading need only math 26.0% have notmet requirement have met requirement ESD 113 Superintendent's Meeting
The Class of 2013, as of Spring 2012 • 74,598 students enrolled in the 11th grade in the Class of 2013 • 2,489 Class of 2013 students enrolled in the 10th grade • 477 Class of 2013 students enrolled in the 9th grade • Approximate (Collection of Evidence) COE cost for math for Class of 2013: 70,000 x 23% x $400 = $6.44M • NOTE: 61% of 2011–12 sophomores met standards on the Biology EOC exam • COE costs for Class of 2015 (5 subjects) should exceed $20M ESD 113 Superintendent's Meeting
What About Graduation Requirements? • Smarter Balanced tests measure college and career readiness. Should this be criteria for graduation? * % of Class of 2011 who met standard on exit exams or Certificate of Academic Achievement options ** Some Washington students are included in the national sample but no state level is available ESD 113 Superintendent's Meeting
HighSchoolTesting • How much is appropriate? • Currently five at 10th grade: Algebra, Geometry, Reading, Writing, Biology • 2014–15 Add two (SMARTER Balanced likely choice): • 11th grade E/LA • 11th grade math • How many should be passed for graduation? • Class of 2015 (2012–13 sophomores) must pass five • College and career-ready cut score for 11th grade exams is likely too high for graduation • How much do graduation tests cost? • $20M+ for Collection of Evidence (COE) for Class of 2015 • 11th grade tests will add $30/student/test ESD 113 Superintendent's Meeting
Note: 10th grade exams measure high school proficiency with passage required for graduation; 11th grade exams measure career and college-ready standards. Using SBAC for High School Graduation Tests ESD 113 Superintendent's Meeting
Questions? ESD 113 Superintendent's Meeting
Thank you! ESD 113 Superintendent's Meeting