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www.suchtinfo.net. Introduced by Doris Sarrazin, Koordinationsstelle Sucht, Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe (LWL), Münster, Germany. Prevnet-conference, 23th october 2003, Dublin, Ireland. DK. PL. NL. NRW. B. CZ. Lux. CH. A. Some Dates.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. www.suchtinfo.net Introduced by Doris Sarrazin, Koordinationsstelle Sucht, Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe (LWL), Münster, Germany Prevnet-conference, 23th october 2003, Dublin, Ireland


  3. Some Dates Inhabitants BRD = 82,1 MioInhabitants NRW = 18,0 MioInhabitants W-L = 8,5 MioLWL = a regional associationLWL = 9 cities and 18 districts LWL = 12.500 employeers Stand: Mai 2001

  4. Tasks of the LWL Psychiatric Care Social Welfare Culture Youth Welfare/ Special Schools

  5. 1.760,3 Mio € 224,0 Mio € 72,4 Mio € 64,8 Mio € 56,3 Mio € 54,1 Mio € 41,7 Mio € 31,2 Mio € 16,5 Mio € 10,1 Mio € 1,4 Mio € 18,0 Mio € 2.350,8 Mio € 74,9 % 9,5 % 3,1 % 2,7 % 2,4 % 2,3 % 1,8 % 1,3 % 0,7 % 0,4 % 0,1 % 0,8 % 100,0 % LWL-Budget Expenditures 2003 Sozialhilfe Integrationsamt/Hauptfürsorgestelle Gesundheit Schulen Allgemeine Finanzwirtschaft Kultur, Wissenschaft, Forschung Jugendhilfe Allgemeine Verwaltung Straßenbau Bau- und Wohnungswesen Wirtschaftliche Unternehmen,allgemeine Grund- und Sondervermögen Sonstige Bereichsbudgets

  6. Tasks of the Koordinationsstelle Sucht • Counceling, information, coordinationfor institutions, their leaders and employers, communities • Providing training for professionals(One-day-conference up to three-year-study) • Developing and carrying out model) – projectson a local, nationwide and european level

  7. Tasks of the Koordinationsstelle Sucht

  8. Tasks of the Koordinationsstelle Sucht

  9. www.suchtinfo.net • On-line service to provide information about drugs • to approach persons affected themselves • but also their relatives, friends and acquaintances

  10. www.suchtinfo.net Brief information about the respective drug Alcohol Nicotine Medicine Cannabis Amphetamines Ecstasy Cocaine/crack Heroin Gambling Eating Disorders Further Links Addresses W.-L. Germany Tests Evaluation Support

  11. Thanks! Doris Sarrazin, LWL, Münster, Germany

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