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The Jump Manual : The Most Comprehensive Vertical Jump Program Available. THE JUMP MANUAL: The only program that targets every facet of vertical explosion. Effectively training every aspect of vertical jump is the only way to maximize your vertical jump explosion. Watch the video above to understand exactly why The Jump Manual's multifaceted approach produces the most rapid and maximal vertical jump gains possible. The only way to reap huge gains is by obeying true training principles. Learn exactly how to gain a serious physical edge over your competition. –> All testimonials are 100 % verifiable. I can put you in contact with real athletes who have gained 10 - 25 inches from this program. We are listed on several online better business agencies, and must maintain standards of
honesty and customer satisfaction. What exactly is The Jump Manual? The Jump Manual is an "all in one" vertical jump training software that provides you everything you need in order to achieve your maximum vertical jump and quickness. The Jump Manual is compatible with all computer platforms, Windows, Mac, Linux. Complete workout chart showing you exactly how to get the maximum effectiveness from your workout. Get started quick, and get results every time you train. Complete training video library with videos showing you exactly how to do every exercise and stretch. Exact nutrition plan showing you exactly what you can eat to increase gains, and reduce injury. I will show you exactly what to eat to have your body in
muscle building mode. One-on-one training is the only way to ensure that all your individual personal questions are answered so you can have 100% confidence in your training program. One-on-one training is provided via email. Weight room alternatives are provided for those who may not have access to a weight room. So the program can be done without a weight room. Much more... Training forum, access to interviews from NBA coaches, shooting coaches, professional athletes etc. How to make a portable nutrition center, Glossary of training vocabulary, complete section on how form enhancements can get you immediate gains, and much more all in one easy to
use software. Read on to find out more... Is the Jump Manual for me? The Jump Manual will allow you to make tremendous gains on your vertical and quickness. Here are a few questions I get about whether the Jump Manual is a good fit. I am or my son/daughter is 12. Is the Jump Manual a good fit? Getting a jump start on your athletic development is one of the best things you can do to give yourself an advantage over your competition and increased confidence. The truth about this is that if your athlete is competing at a sport they are already putting training level stress on their body in "uncontrolled environments." Proper training will not only increase performance but decrease risk of injury. Your body will be strengthened and less prone to injury in "uncontrolled environments." I am 27, 30, or 45 years old. Is the Jump Manual a good fit? As long as your joints are in good shape you are ready to start training. I have trained 45 year olds go from touching the rim, to dunking a basketball. No matter what age you are if you are playing basketball recreationally or competitively you can
benefit from this training. Do I need a weight room to use the Jump Manual? No, you do not need access to a weight room. While resistance training is an important part of getting the maximum benefit from your training a weight room is not necessary. I provide exercises you can do with or without a weight room, a weight room is simply a convenient way to provide resistance to muscles. I already have a 40 inch vertical. Can I continue to gain with the Jump Manual? Yes, I have had many athletes start the Jump Manual with a 40" vertical and quickly start adding more inches to their vertical. You will discover how to gain inches on your vertical from aspects you have never before trained. I have used many other vertical programs and tried everything but can't increase my vertical. Have I reached my genetic potential? Unless your vertical is in the upper 40s to lower 50s you are nowhere near your potential. Unfortunately most people have logged 100s of hours training incorrectly and thus have achieved very little progress. You must learn correct principles for "explosion training" which is very different from regular strength or quickness training. I am Asian, white, Hispanic etc... is it possible for me to increase my vertical? The Jump Manual has been effectively used to increase vertical on every continent. White men CAN jump, and so can anyone else regardless of race. Muscle fiber, although genetically endowed amounts vary, can always
be trained to be more and more explosive. Unless you have a vertical in the 40s to 50s you are no where close to your genetic potential. I want to buy the Jump Manual without the monthly coaching. Is that possible? As soon as you purchase you can cancel the one-on-one coaching. The monthly coaching also includes forum access and access to the interview I do each month. I get NBA coaches, professional sports psychologists, and professional athletes on the phone each month and ask them questions that you have given me. Canceling is as easy as sending an email and confirmation is given within 48 hours. Jacob, I’m 6 foot on a good day. Been trying to get my vertical to 50″ and I’m gonna do it. With The Jump Manual training I have been able to get my vertical to the upper 40s. Now I can 360 two handed dunk, alley oop, and dunk in between my legs. I have gained well over 17 inches using the trainings, not to mention my first step is untouchable bro. Thanks for giving out the real deal. Brandon, Hawaii
Learn exactly how The Jump Manual uses pure science to increase your vertical leap. Recent studies have proven these techniques to be the most effective methods of increasing explosion. Learn how to tap into the most effective methods known to the training world. What is the importance of a multi-faceted approach? Anything less than a multi-faceted approach is missing out on the improvement and synergy of targeting every effective facet of vertical jump explosion. Don't cheat yourself out of valuable results by ignoring unknown training aspects. There are nine different improvable aspects by which you may increase your vertical explosion and quickness. Would you rather target one or two--or all nine? This may seem like a silly question, but unfortunately most programs only target one or two. The Jump Manual is the only program to target every aspect of vertical jump explosion and quickness. Targeting each facet allows for the quickest possible results. The cumulative effect of effectively training each aspect produces results fast. Targeted improvements on your form alone can, upon mastery of the techniques, increase your vertical from 2 – 4 inches. A few commonly neglected aspects of a correct diet will allow your muscle recovery to improve by 150%, which will result in faster gains and greater injury prevention. An understanding of correct training methods and why 90% of people are doing the right exercises the wrong way, will sky rocket your
results. A correct understanding of what plyometrics really are, why most people are doing them incorrectly, and how to use them to get an unfair training advantage. Resistance training is highly neglected in most vertical jump programs and we show you how to use it to further increase your gains. Untargeted but highly involved muscle groups have been left untapped by many vertical jump training programs, use them to get your whole body involved in upward propulsion. Use advanced flexibility techniques to strengthen your muscles, provide leverage to your movements, and allow your muscles to contract more powerfully than before. Understand the elastic nature of your muscles and how that relates to your training and performance. No other program combines every aspect of vertical explosion training into one simple and comprehensive guide. The majority of other programs simply isolate one training method and consequently miss out on the enormous benefit of a comprehensive multi-faceted training approach. Is one-on-one training important? Professional athletes have one-on-one coaches to guarantee that their training is effective. An experienced trainer working personally with you will guarantee that you don't waste time, energy, and enthusiasm on ineffective methods. If you are truly serious about succeeding you need a coach. You need someone who can ensure that you completely understand what is going to be effective. Even the smallest unanswered question about your training can damper your confidence and hinder your dedication and motivation. You can't leave your success to chance. I have provided hundreds of athletes the
training and coaching to exceed 40+ inches of vertical explosion. If you were to obtain personal trainer you would likely pay $200 – $250 per hour. You can have this same benefit for a fraction of the price. You will have personal access to the same trainer who has trained Olympians, NBA athletes, and professional dunkers. Your purchase of The Jump Manual includes unlimited one-on-one email coaching for 30 days. When deemed necessary by the coach, phone support will be provided at no additional charge. Guarantee your success by having email access to a trainer who has achieved a 44 inch vertical AND trained athletes to gain in excess of 20 inches to their own vertical. NEVER wonder if you are doing everything correctly again, and ensure that all your questions are answered. One on one coaching guarantees that your program is tailored to your needs. Is it possible to get more than 30 days of one on one coaching? Yes, when availability permits. Responding personally to hundreds of emails can be very time consuming. You may inquire after purchase about one on one email coaching and about current rates.
I could only barely dunk a volleyball from a running start. Now I can stand under the rim and dunk a basketball with 2 hands, it's freakin nuts! I recommended the program to my entire team! J-Dubb - Des Moines, Iowa Hi Jacob, im 19 years old and I've been playing basketball all my life. When I was eighteen I reached a plateau on my vertical jump, no matter how much I trained or all the exercises my coaches gave me, I couldn't go an inch higher. I was stuck at a 32 inch vertical. After reading your program and doing the exercises for just two weeks I've increased my jump 5 inches already, your approach to vertical jump training has already given me a great advantage and I hope it will continue doing the same.Thanks man! Patrick How fast will I see results? Of course results depend on many independent circumstances and factors. Many athletes report gains of about 1 inch per week. Gains will vary from athlete to athlete.
It's important to maintain reasonable expectations of improvement. Results usually come when you don't expect them, but when you follow correct principles they WILL come. All the testimonials on this page are completely real and most of them were unsolicited emails sent to me after the first few weeks of our program. Early on during training, most athletes report feeling lighter on their feet and more powerful. Often gains of 1 inch per week are noticed. The fastest results come at the beginning as you begin to activate new muscles and benefit from new techniques that you have never used before. You will eventually settle in to a steady climb of increased explosion and speed. How am I qualified? I am not a marketer; I am a full time vertical jump and quickness trainer. I have been involved with vertical jump training theory for 10 years and have had the privilege to train with high school and college athletes and coaches, professional and NBA players, Olympians and professional dunkers. Here's how it started: As a young basketball player I wanted to improve my vertical. I was an average athlete with a vertical in the mid 20's. I was confused by all the different programs that provided me with nothing but hype and ineffective training. Each year I tried a new vertical jump training program: Air Alert, Jump Soles, Plyometrics. As a college basketball player and jumper in track and field I trusted in my coaches to provide me with effective training results.
After years of training all I had to show was a 29-inch vertical. During a two year mission trip away from training, basketball, and vertical jump training, I gave great thought to how my training went wrong. I developed a theory and started training local athletes using a few exercises each day. With those few exercises I saw more results than I had seen in any other training method. I continued to research, test, and develop vertical jump training programs. After returning from my mission I tested out the theories on myself. I was untrained for two years and at 6'4" I could hardly dunk. I devoted the following months to my training techniques and at the end of that time I dunked nine inches behind the free throw line, 360 dunk with two hands, and touched my head on the rim. My vertical had skyrocketed as I had always wanted. Wherever I went people asked me how I jumped like that. I soon developed the multi-faceted approach, and had athletes writing me thank you letters on a regular basis. I have been involved with vertical jump training for over ten years. I have developed my own vertical beyond 40 inches and helped hundreds of other
athletes to exceed 40+ vertical inches. The program provides an athlete everything they need to reach their peak vertical explosion and quickness. Jacob, I did get the manual and it was very easy to understand and I was able to read through it in a quick 15 minutes. As far as my progress goes, I am now starting week 4, and I am going at it hard. Today I put down the first 360 I've ever done and a short-armed windmill… Brett C. Is this type of training dangerous? The Jump Manual includes a section solely devoted to injury prevention and recovery. It employs every possible technique to ensure that you get healthy and stay there. It should be understood that high intensity sports and training has an inherently higher degree of injury potential. In order to completely eliminate any possibility of injury you would need to sit the sidelines. We provide every necessary precaution to ensure that your training and subsequent athletic performances are as safe and injury-free as possible. We have helped thousands of players to avoid or cure tendonitis and other injuries by effective training and prevention methods. Many players who currently have injuries will be able to use the techniques to quickly begin strengthening the weakness and overcoming their hindrance.
One player I recently worked with has had chronic patellar tendonitis (jumpers knee) for over 3 years. The pain has even caused him to sit out games and completely halt training. After using the techniques found in the Jump Manual the tendonitis quickly subsided, and within three weeks the pain was completely gone. A multi-faceted approach to injury prevention and recovery is important as well. What most people don't know is that most muscle injuries are not caused by the injured muscle or supporting structure. In most cases of patellar tendonitis the injury is caused by muscle imbalances that create undue stress on other muscles and supporting structures. By correctly balancing the bodies muscles, reducing repetitive impact on joints, and improving flexibility you will find yourself much less prone to overuse injuries and find old nagging injuries will quickly subside. I tried everything man! Air Alert, Strength shoes, plyos you name it I tried it. Your program made sense and I gave it a shot. I gained 13 inches in in 12 weeks and now I can 360 dunk with 2 hands. Every time I play people always notice. I recommended to our coach that the whole team does the work-out cause i'm also a whole lot quicker. Seriously… Thanks! - Wayne - Kansas City, Missouri The Jump Manual is simply the most intense, most comprehensive, and most effective jump training regimen available. how to increase vertical and jump higherDay by day workout chart shows
you exactly how to do each workout, and exercises are accompanied by videos. Learn why Strength X Quickness = Explosion and the most effective and proven methods to increase both. Learn to use the "stretch shortening cycle (SSC)", plyometrics, and "complex training" to boost your performance. Learn the 9 facets of an incredible vertical and how to systematically improve in each one to create an explosive synergy. Learn why the recovery phase of training is so important, why most athletes neglect it, and how you can capitalize. Learn how flexibility, balance, and form greatly affect your explosion potential and how to capitalize. Gain access to the Jumpers Forum where you can collaborate with other like minded athletes who have already achieved what you want. Get UNLIMITED one-on-one training to guarantee that ALL your questions are answered. Learn why most athletes are training harder and still getting less results. Learn how to recruit and train all muscles involved in the vertical jump. An entire section about jumping form shows you how to gain inches by tweaking your jumping form to use explosion you already have.
Immediate access is available to this product after secure payment. Includes: 1. The Jump Manual: Professional Vertical Jump Training System - Ebook, videos, workout program charts, and vertical jump training program. This includes everything you need to get started increasing your vertical jump. Exercises are accompanied by videos examples so you know EXACTLY how to do it. 2. One on One coaching (30 days) and Elite Jumpers Forum Access (Lifetime) BONUS PRODUCTS INTERVIEW WITH NBA SHOOTING COACH DAVE HOPLA: Dave Hopla is currently the assistant coach for the Washington Wizards, and is considered by many to be the best shooter in the world. He is a highly sought after shooting coach and has worked with athletes such as Ray Allen, Kobe Bryant, and Gilbert Arenas. Coach Hopla personally shoots regularly over
99%. During a lecture series Coach Hopla shot 35,332 out of 35,979. He also made 1,234 free throws in a row, and he earned the Guiness World Record for most 3 pointers in one minute. In this interview Dave goes over the same system he uses to coach NBA players. INTERVIEW WITH PEAK PERFORMANCE PSYCHOLOGIST DR. PATRICK COHN: Dr. Patrick Cohn has been advising professional athletes from nearly every sport for over 20 years. His valuable advice has been features in hundreds of credible magazines and he has been featured on ESPN, Versus, FOX, as well as many others. Dr. Cohn knows the obstacles athletes must overcome in order to master the mental game. In this interview Dr. Cohn reveals his system for athletes to ge in the "zone" and stay in it. During the interview Dr. Cohn also addresses how coaches and parents can best help their kids and athletes develop. Hi Jacob, I showed your workout to my coach (former coach of the
Czechoslovakian National team volleyball) and he told me it looks good, but if I don't get any results in the first month, then i have to stop. Ive done your workout for two weeks now and Ive already gained 3 inches!! If I continue doing progress like that, I can move from libero to an outside hitter. Thanks man. - Toni Burri, Lucerne, Switzerland How can you really guarantee me 10 inches in 12 weeks? People who tell you that 10 inches in 12 weeks is not possible are not familiar with all the methods at their disposal for increasing vertical jump explosion. That being said, there are exceptions…To this day I have not had one person complete this training and not be 100% satisfied with the results. Results are the only cure to an unbelieving athlete. People are prone to thinking that because they have tried and failed with many different techniques, that they cannot possibly increase their vertical. This is a common attitude of those who have put much effort and still failed. It is more comforting to think that there is no solution then to think they have been wasting their time with improper techniques. These techniques work. Research proves it, individual case studies prove it, and every week athletes are putting it to the test.
Of course there are athletes who come to me who have been working out their vertical using many but not all effective techniques. I have worked with athletes who started my program and they already had a 40 + vertical jump. Although these athletes will experience significant gains as they tap into unused methods of increasing their vertical, they will not get the same degree of increase as a new and much less trained athlete. Experience has been that these athletes are so pleased with their increased explosion as to dispel any possibility of dissatisfaction. Even athletes at this level are surprised at how quickly they can add additional inches. With my guarantee you have absolutely nothing to lose. I can only be this confident because EVERY person who has done my program has been satisfied with their results. Every week I get new thank you emails and phone calls. The Jump Manual is registered with several better business agencies , and I promise that if we don't exceed your expectations you can exercise the guarantee. I've had HUNDREDS of satisfied customers. No one who completes this program will be unhappy with their results. That means you've got nothing to lose. Jacob, Followed the program and the gains are insane. The weight lifting portion is amazing. I always over trained until your program. Now its quality over quantity. I just turned 40 and the dunks keep coming. This was the best purchase I have made on jump training, maybe I can get some money for my used jumpsole… I love how you have incorporated weight lifting into it as well as the plyometric stuff. Thanks again Jacob, your video blogs have the truth written all over them; that's what attracted me in the first place. Honesty without a car salesman pitch. Happy Customer, Brian ps. I will send some pics soon.
What do I receive with the program and how fast does it arrive? You can get started right now. You can get instant access to the Jump Manual, one-on-one coaching, and the Elite Jumpers Forum. Don't procrastinate becoming the athlete you have always dreamed about. You now have no excuses. The Jump Manual is a digital download that includes explanations, videos, and workout chart. Upon payment, you will have immediate access to The Jump Manual. You will also receive unlimited one-on-one email coaching to ensure you are on the right path. Access to the Elite Jumpers Forum is available within the Jump Manual e-book. The Jump Manual is printable. The e-book format allows you to benefit from videos, update content, and give you immediate access to training. I have found ebooks to be a superior resource to the printed manual. I Recommend the jump manual to any athlete who dreams of just rising above the rim and just slammin it. Especially basketball, for basketball players like me, I've been doing the Jump Manual for a month and I'm on week 4 and I have already increased my JUMP By 8". When I first started I could only throw it down with one hand and now I can do a two-handed reverse and throw it down with a lot of force so the sky's the limit. It's a serious manual. I recommend this to any athlete who's serious about increasing their vertical. I'm also grabbing more rebounds and blocking
more shots because of my vertical and i'm only 6' 2. Thanks Jacob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alvis S., Florida What other equipment do I need? I do not require any special equipment or other gadgetry that you must purchase. I do recommend the use of a weight room, a gym, and a jump rope; however alternative exercises are available. Expensive gadgets and gismos, although sometimes effective are unnecessary and are usually marketing attempts to duplicate techniques which already available to any athlete. This is NOT one of those programs where you buy, and then find out that now you have to buy 15 other things to get results. A weight room is highly recommended and is very useful for applying progressive resistance to muscles that in turn increase their potential for explosion; however we do provide alternative exercises if you do not have access to a weight room.
Jacob, I have doing the program for about four weeks now and I have already gained eight inches. I owe you so much man. I have used strength shoes and other programs but I only gained about two inches. I have gone from just dunking with one hand to dunking with considerable force with two hands. This program is the real deal. I recommend it to any athlete who is serious about training. Alvin S., Florida Ok… What's the catch? This requires hard work, discipline, focus, and consideration. Also, excelling at your sport is typically much more than being the most athletic player on the court. You will soon find that you ARE reaching your physical potential, and you will still need to focus on other aspects of your particular sport. I have absolutely no doubt you will, with hard work, reach your goals pertaining to vertical jump explosion and quickness. You will enjoy a much greater degree of athleticism in your chosen sport, and this will give you a heightened edge over your competition, there is no doubt about that. I have witnessed this time and time again. Your increased strength and quickness will help your progress as an athlete to an enormous degree. However, the catch is that there is more to being a phenomenal athlete than just how fast or how high you can jump. I have seen some of the most athletically inclined individuals be the least valuable member of a team. Do not become the one-sided athlete who can only dunk after the game. Become well rounded and allow your new found athletic prowess to be applied with finesse to your sport of choice. Allow it to compliment your game, not render it lopsided. If you do this, your physical skills and other aspects of your game will come together to make you a better athlete than you ever thought possible. In other words, this IS your key to reaching your athletic potential, but it is not the ONLY key to becoming the best player you can be. Are these testimonials legit?
These testimonials are 100% authentic. 90% of these testimonials were completely unsolicited emails or messages sent to me from people who have used the Jump Manual. A few others I requested that a happy customer write a testimonial or send me a video. Just wanted to say great job on your videos and on educating people of the right way to increase their vertical. Most people are totally misguided on how to increase their vertical and many "experts" on the subject as well. AtomB Thanks for reading this, to download all program. Please click the button below now!!!