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They say fame is a fickle thing and never stays with any one for long but there are people who continue to have fame for a long time. Celebrities all around us stays famous until they are dead but being famous doesnu2019t mean we all have to become a celebrity.<br><br><br><br><a href="https://www.quranicsolution.com/dua-to-become-rich-and-famous/">Dua To Become Rich And Famous</a>
Dua to Become Rich and Famous Call/Whatsapp on +91-9680414864
In this world and after attaining an age, we all strive for money and fame. Money is like a fuel on which everything runs, from morning to nights each of us are looking for new and better ways to earn more and better and also in an easy way. After all, want for more is not a sin Call/Whatsapp on +91-9680414864
Every man wants to provide better for his family, for his kids and in order to do so he works hard day and night. But to some people, wealth and fame comes easy, for example there are people half of your age earning double than you or people doing less work are earning better. Call/Whatsapp on +91-9680414864
They say fame is a fickle thing and never stays with any one for long but there are people who continue to have fame for a long time. Celebrities all around us stays famous until they are dead but being famous doesn’t mean we all have to become a celebrity. Fame comes with our actions and mind you with good and genuine actions only. Call/Whatsapp on +91-9680414864
With those actions which are intended to do well to others. If we genuinely follow an Islamic lifestyle, it won’t be difficult to find fame and you will naturally become famous. Islam prescribes us to do charity, be truthful and honest always stand in the help of the needy; with all these simple qualities and gestures you will automatically become famous. Call/Whatsapp on +91-9680414864
As it is always when you pray to Allah the almighty, do a sincere dua, ask for your betterment and seek a legitimate path. Thus, after seeing purity of your heart Allah will definitely grant your wishes. But, we should also know that no path is easy and nothing comes for free. Call/Whatsapp on +91-9680414864
In this life, life is easy and rewarding only for those who know how to work hard. Ambani didn’t become Ambani in a day. So, do pray to god but also do your work and that too on time. As it is our tendency, for all our failures we blame others and Allah is often our favorite target. Call/Whatsapp on +91-9680414864
Firstly, here is a dua for you which I do daily and it will definitely fulfill your legitimate desires. Procedure to do the dua:- After every Namaz, first read duroodshareef and then, “Yaqazialhajaat” for 33 times and then again duroodshareef and then pray with a genuine intention and Allah will surely deliver all your legitimate desires. Call/Whatsapp on +91-9680414864
In English it can be translated as “Oh, bestower of desires” and more literally translated as “Oh, judge of our needs”. Allah the Almighty knows us inside out and he will genuinely fulfill all our desires and not just grant our wants but knows what we truly needs. Call/Whatsapp on +91-9680414864
If you have a complaint that whatever you earn has no prosperity or not sufficient enough then you must recite, YaGhanio for eleven thousand times (11000) in the morning or in the evening in the day and make it a routine. You will definitely have riches come your way, your business will flourish. Call/Whatsapp on +91-9680414864
As a muslim you should also know that Zakaat or charity is also one way towards wealth, as he who help others, feed them will be directly helped by Allah, his earnings will be doubled and his kids will never sleep a empty stomach. Scholar says if you recite Yaghanifor nineteen thousand times (19000) times on every Thursday then Allah will bless you with lot of blessing, will give you a lot and will turn your days. Call/Whatsapp on +91-9680414864
There are many more duas to have a flourishing business for example you can also recite Surah Al Kafiruun, Surah An-Nasr, Surah Al-Ikhlaas, Surah Al Falaq and Surah An-Naas. you can recite these surahs to have a successful business and to become very rich. Call/Whatsapp on +91-9680414864
There one more dua which will make you rich and famous both:- “TwakkkaltuAllallahi, Al lazilaayamuutu, alhamdulillahiAllaziLammYatTakhiz, waladuwaa lam yakullahu, sharikunnfilmulkiwa lam yakulllahuwaaLiyummiNallizulliwaaKabiruhuuTakbirran”. Call/Whatsapp on +91-9680414864
Allah will always have your back if you promise to seek for his guidance in all your works, pray to him and keep in your heart the genuine desires. You should always keep in your mind that you can never expect to become rich by making anyone else poor, by gaining on somebody else’s hard work. Call/Whatsapp on +91-9680414864
Sooner or later you will be punished. All our actions will be accounted for here only. The path of truth is always rewarding, no matter how hard it is, our prophet who is the guide of all the humanity took a difficult path and lived a simple life. How spiritually rich he was is of no comparison and his fame is unmatchable. Call/Whatsapp on +91-9680414864
Every wealth doesn’t have to be a materialistic one. Truthfulness is the wealth of heart and simplicity is wealth of mind. Don’t be jealous of others or their riches, in the end you will get only what you deserve. It is our righteous actions which makes Allah happy and make him reward us in the unexpected ways. Call/Whatsapp on +91-9680414864
Dua to Become Rich and Famous MolanaRazak khan Mobile : +91-9680414864 Email : Molanarazakkhan@gmail.com Site : https://www.quranicsolution.com Call/Whatsapp on +91-9680414864