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PERSONAL GROOMING. What is Grooming. Personal grooming is important for a positive self-image and every effort should be made to encourage and assist the resident to maintain a pleasing and attractive appearance. Some of the perceptions people can form solely from your appearance are:.
What is Grooming Personal grooming is important for a positive self-image and every effort should be made to encourage and assist the resident to maintain a pleasing and attractive appearance.
Some of the perceptions people can form solely from your appearance are: • Your professionalism. • Your level of sophistication. • Your intelligence. • Your credibility.
Personal Grooming habits • Grooming involves all the aspects of your body: • Overall Cleanliness • Hair. • Nails. • Teeth. • Uniform • Make-up
Personal Grooming Habits:HAIR • It is your crowning glory. • Keep it at a length and style at which you can maintain it. • Wash your hair at least once a week.
Hair styles • Males: • Not fall over the ears,eyebrows or even touch the back of the collar • Will always present a neat appearance. • Facial hair should be neatly trimmed (moustache, sideburns), beards are not recommended
Hairstyles • Females: • Tie your hair in a neat hairstyle with hair pulled back from face. • Hair if longer than jawline should be tied into a bun. • Should be well groomed with a neta appearance at all times • Hair holding devices should be plain and of natural colours
Nails • Clip nails short, along their shape. • A healthy body ensures healthy nails. • Brittle or discoloured nails show up deficiencies or disease conditions.
Teeth • Brush teeth twice a day and rinse well after every meal . • Remember to rinse your mouth after every meal • For those who smoke it is important you rinse your mouth after every smoke and use a mouth freshner
Uniform • Your uniform talks a lot about your organization. • First impressions are made within the first 5 minutes of meeting someone • A neat clean and well ironed uniform is acceptable and appreciated by one and all at all times.
Examples of Appropriate Attire for Men Business Casual Attire Business Professional Attire
Examples of Appropriate Attire for Women Business Casual Attire Business Professional Attire
Examples of Unprofessional and Inappropriate Attire • Midriff baring clothing • Miniskirts • Excessively high heeled shoes • Caps (headwear) indoors • Very tight clothing • Clothing that reveals cleavage, your back, your chest, your stomach or your underwear is not appropriate for the workplace, even in a business casual setting.
Which is appropriate? A) B) C)
Which is appropriate? A) B) C) D) F) E)
Make-up • Makeup should be natural looking. • Nail polish and lip color should not be too trendy or bright. • Mild fragrance. • Women: stay away from extremely dark, bright reds and fluorescent colors.
Make up • Hair color should not be more than one or two shades darker or lighter than your natural hair color. Unnatural colors (burgundy, green, etc.) must be avoided.
Accessories :Males • Men should limit accessories/jewelry to 3 pieces • Accessories include watch, ring, handkerchief • A dress watch should be worn, avoid athletic styles. • Avoid bracelets, necklaces, and visible piercing
Accessories :Women • Jewelry should be keep minimal and conservative • Remove all facial piercing except earrings • The 5 Piece Rule: Wear only 5 accessories - earrings count as 2; watch counts as 3, allowing 2 additional accessories,
Jewelry, Makeup, Perfume, and Cologne: Should be in good taste, with no visible body piercing other than pierced ears .Hats and Head Covering: Hats and caps are not appropriate in the office. Head Covers that are required for religious purposes or to honor cultural tradition are allowed.
Shoes:Males • Lace up conservative shoes are the most appropriate. • Choose black, brown or burgundy shoes. Shoe color should match your trousers or be of a darker color. • Shoes should be in good condition and polished. • Socks should match the color of your suit and cover your calves. (Should be washed daily) • Belts should be in good condition and match the color of your shoes.
Shoes:Females • Shoes should be pumps or sling backs, do not wear shoes with open toes, open heel, or ankle straps. • Shoes should be of good quality leather. • Shoe color should be darker than your trouser. • Heels should be 1-2 inches; higher heels should be saved for after hours.
Which is inappropriate? B) A) C)
Which is appropriate? B) A) D) C)
SNEAKERS: What is appropriate(for those authorized by duty/assignment to wear athletic shoes) • Appropriate, conservative athletic shoe • Inappropriate, flashy athletic shoe
Let’s remember • A neat and clean uniform at all times. • Hair neatly tied up. • No Bad breadth • Clean and washed socks with polished shoes. • Well manicured hands and…….. • Usage of a mild deodorant
There is a time and a place for all attire. Clothing that works well for the beach, yard work, dance clubs, trips to the mall, exercise sessions, and sports contests may not be appropriate for a professional appearance at work.
Violations of Dress Code • If an employee’s supervisor determines that an employee’s clothing fails to meet these standards, the supervisor shall ask the employee not to wear the inappropriate item to work again. The supervisor may send the employee home to change clothes and shall issue a verbal warning for the first offense. All other policies about personal time use will apply. Progressive disciplinary action will be taken for further dress code violations. HR should be contacted as the Facility Director/Chief Court Counselor deems appropriate.