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Designing the Self Managing Organization

Designing the Self Managing Organization. Ronald E. Purser, Ph.D. College of Business San Francisco State Univ. Designing the SMO: Basic Methods. Democratize the Strategy Creation Process by using the Search Conference method

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Designing the Self Managing Organization

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  1. Designing the Self Managing Organization Ronald E. Purser, Ph.D. College of Business San Francisco State Univ.

  2. Designing the SMO: Basic Methods • Democratize the Strategy Creation Process by using the Search Conference method • Democratize the redesign of Business Processes using the Participative Design method

  3. What is a Search Conference? • Rapid Strategy Creation process • Brings together 25-50 people for 3 days • Produces a Strategic Vision for the Future of the Organization • Builds commitment and energy forchange

  4. Figure 1 The Open System Translated into the Search Conference Environment Changes in the world around us Desirable & Probable Future History Session Present System Analysis Desirable Future System (Strategic Goals) Constraints Action Plans Follow-Up Diffusion and Implementation Planning Learning SYSTEM Integration of System & Environment

  5. Classic Search Conference Funnel Design } • Environment • Desirable and probable futures of the region • History of the system • Present system analysis • Desirable future for the system • Constraints • Desirable and achievable • action plans • Implementation and diffusion Environment } System } Integration of system and environment

  6. Case Study: Xerox of Illinois Search Conference • Recovering from restructuring and downsizing • Consolidation of 3 separate sales and service districts into largest Customer Business Unit (CBU) in the U.S. • Employee Survey: Morale was low, with little sense of shared mission or goals

  7. Xerox of Ilinois Welcome to the SEARCH CONFERENCE Millennium Movers Creating a Bold New Vision

  8. Search Conference Purpose The Search Conference will develop a shared future direction for a market driven CBU in the next 24-36 months.

  9. Search Conference Participants are: M Motivated O Open Minded V Visionary E Enthusiastic R Risk Takers

  10. Introductions Purpose:Introductions to know who is here Task Directions: Shake hands and talk with as many people you don’t know during allotted time. Tell them who you are and where you are from. Time: 10 minutes

  11. Search Conference Premises The expertise and experience needed to design the future of Xerox are in the room. People of good will working together will make the best choices. Common interests above special interests.

  12. Puzzle Learning

  13. Search Conference Roles: Conference Managers Recorder Reporter Data Managers Graphics Illustrator

  14. Search Conference:Ground Rules All perceptions are valid and recorded in the speaker’s words Everyone participates; no one dominates Participation is equal and open, regardless of status, position, title or discipline People are self-managing and responsible for tasks, outcomes and implementation Focus on strategic conversation and dialogue. Disagreement can be productive (but don’t make it personal).

  15. Why are you here? Purpose:Share Search Conference Expectations Task Directions: Small group work - 25 minutes In table groups, recorder charts each persons’ Search Conference expectations. Select a reporter to share a summary of expectations for the total group. Large group work - 3 minutes each Time: 45 minutes

  16. Environmental Scan Purpose: Identify changes outside the boundary of Xerox that are having the most immediate impact on the future of the CBU Task Directions: Large group brainstorming session to answer the question: “What changes have you seen happening in the industry in the last 5-7 years that strike you as significant or novel?” Time: 30 minutes

  17. Environmental Scan Areas Social Political Economic Demographic Educational Trends Cultural Trends Legal Industry Environment World of Work Technological Trends and Changing Customer Expectations and Requirements

  18. Probable Future of the Global and Industry Environment Purpose:To analyze the probable future in the year 2001 Task Directions: Small group work - 45 minutes Construct a list of 5 statements on your flip charts that are descriptive of what the probable future of the industry will look like if current trends continue. In other words, if we do nothing and current trends continue, what will the probable state of the industry be in the year 2001? Large group work - 5 minute presentation from each small group Integration of information. Time: 2 hours

  19. Desirable Future of the Xerox Industry Environment Purpose:To envision a desirable future for the industry environment in the year 2001 Task Directions: Small group work - 45 minutes Using your analysis of trends in the industry environment, come up with a list of 5 statements on your flip chart that describe the most desirable future for the year 2001. Large group work - 5 minute presentation from each small group Integration of information Time: 2 hours

  20. Implications for the Xerox CBU Purpose:Discuss implications of industry trends for the Xerox CBU Task Directions: Small group work - 45 minutes Explore the implications about the shifting environmental patterns for the Xerox CBU Why and how does the Xerox CBU organization need to change in order to become adaptive to the future? Chart 3-5 significant reasons. Large group work - 30 minutes Integration of small group discussion Time: 75 minutes

  21. History of Xerox of Illinois Purpose:To learn how the history that has shaped Xerox Task Directions: Large group work discussion- 90 minutes “What are the milestones and turning points that have shaped the Xerox organization?” “What major events or historical developments over the years are significant to making the Xerox CBU what it is today?” “What is unique about the history and evolution of Xerox?” (Graphic illustration) Time: 90 minutes

  22. Present System Analysis Purpose:To conduct a Congruence Analysis of the current organization Task Directions: Small group session - 45 minutes “What are the strengths and weaknesses of our current organization design: 1) Critical tasks and core work processes 2) People (skills, competencies, needs) 3) Culture (norms, values, beliefs) 4) Formal Systems (structure, rewards, linkages) Time: 90 minutes

  23. Vision Elements: Desirable Future for Xerox CBU in 2001 Purpose:Describe the most desirable future for the CBU Task Directions: Small group work: 90 minutes In 5 - 6 key statements describe the most desirable future for the Xerox CBU in the year 2001. Large group work: 10 minute presentation from each small group - 60 minutes Integration of large group work to finalize Strategic Vision Elements Time: 5 hours

  24. Imaginable Feasible Desirable Communicable Focused Flexible Characteristics of an Effective Vision Imaginable Conveys a picture of what the future will look like Desirable Appeals to the long-term interest of all who have a stake in the organization Feasible Realistic and attainable, not pie in the sky Focused Clear enough to provide guidance in decision making Flexible General enough to allow individual initiative in light of changing conditions Communicable Easy to communicate; can be successfully explained within five minutes

  25. Xerox CBU’s Strategic Vision(non-proprietary items) • 1. Fully empowered employees who are accountable and have incentives to meet their customers' requirements • 2. An organizational design based on cross-functional work teams to increase profits by 15 percent, and revenue growth by 20 percent per year. • 3. Mastery of technology tools that fully support our business needs throughout the organization.

  26. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Action Planning Purpose:To develop Action Plans to realize the Strategic Goals Task Directions: Small group work One sentence description of strategic goal Identify key constraints Develop Action Plans Time: 5 hours

  27. Xerox CBU Action Plan Strategic Goal:Fill in Goal in this area • Progress • 1. • 2. • 3. • 4. • 5. Resources to achieve 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Timelines 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tasks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Respon. person(s) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Key Competencies Needed: List the competencies you feel are needed in this area

  28. Where do we go from here? Task Directions: Give input to the Leadership Team on the following questions: What are our criteria for monitoring progress? How will we continue to be self-managing? How will we communicate our vision to others? How will we bring others along with us in the process? Who else needs to be included in the Action Planning? How will we organize our roles and functions to carry out the plan? What will we selectively abandon in order to implement our new vision? Time: 1 hour

  29. Rapid Strategy Creation at Microsoft “It’s the INTERNET, Stupid.” Bill Gates

  30. Critical Success Factors for a Search Conference: The 3 P’s • Purpose: Getting a Clear Focus • Participants: Who has Critical Knowledge? • Pre-Work: Gathering relevant data

  31. Exercise: Designing a Search Conference--Define Your 3 P’s • Purpose: Getting a Clear Focus • Participants: Who has Critical Knowledge? • Pre-Work: Gathering relevant data

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