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Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them . ~ Albert Einstein

Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them . ~ Albert Einstein. Teller County Energy Advisory Board. Success Stories in the Community. Teller County – Asset Management. FLEET SERVICES. Place-Holder for Public Works Bldg.

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Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them . ~ Albert Einstein

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  1. Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them. ~Albert Einstein TELLERENERGY.COM

  2. Teller CountyEnergy Advisory Board Success Stories in the Community TELLERENERGY.COM

  3. Teller County – Asset Management FLEET SERVICES Place-Holder for Public Works Bldg. • Multi-purpose/use of vehicles • Less fuel and oil usage • Year round usage • Less expensive to operate • Recycling • Oil • Antifreeze • Metal • Silt/Sand • Batteries • Light bulb • Smaller Fleet Vehicles benefits • Lower fuel costs • Less use of fluids • Lower cost per mile to operate TELLERENERGY.COM

  4. Teller County – Asset Management FACILITES Buildings • Reduction of electricity usage • Radiant Heating systems • Proper preventative maintenance ensures optimum efficiency of major systems and decreases all utility expenditures. • Parks • Wind and Solar at Hayden Divide Community Park – First county facility using alternative energy • Programmable sprinkler system at Hayden Divide decreased water usage TELLERENERGY.COM

  5. Energy Efficiency in Southern Teller County TELLERENERGY.COM

  6. City of Cripple Creek • Audits of municipal buildings and facilities, and subsequent conversion to high-efficiency lighting Experimenting with new induction technology for high-efficiency street lighting alternatives TELLERENERGY.COM

  7. City of Victor • Recent energy audit of all municipal buildings and facilities • Upgrades to high-efficiency heating equipment in City’s garage and Fire Station facilities • Conversion from propane to higher efficiency natural gas in municipal, commercial and residential buildings TELLERENERGY.COM

  8. Cripple Creek Victor Re-1 • High school HVAC units and control upgrades, new windows and proximity detectors for lighting • Board-approved Power Purchase Agreement for 200 kW PV system to reduce energy needs, while providing curriculum opportunities for studying renewable energies • Grant-funded geodesic greenhouse TELLERENERGY.COM

  9. Cripple Creek & Victor Gold Mining Company • Long-term wind anemometer studies to determine wind power feasibility, spurring Mariah Energy to develop Vertical Axis Wind Turbine “Wind to Hydrogen” project in the Gold Camp area • Household recycling programs for employees • Motion sensor and natural lighting improvements to save energy • Heating upgrades to reduce evaporation and thereby conserve water resources • Infrastructure upgrades • E-Waste Recycling Earth Day event at area schools (30,000 lbs. of electronic materials were recycled at this event last year) TELLERENERGY.COM

  10. Energy Efficiency Successes in Southern Teller County Community of Caring • Southern Teller County Transportation Committee • Low Income Weatherization Program in collaboration with LEAP and Social Services • Refrigerator Swap Program with Black Hills Energy Aspen Mine Center TELLERENERGY.COM

  11. Recycling in the Region TELLERENERGY.COM

  12. Waste Management Recycling at Wal-Mart ADD DIVIDE • First “single-stream” recycling provider in our region, providing for an additional 30% more recycling for consumers • Their firm provides for 21 jobs in this community • Newspaper, Cardboard and Plastics #1-7 are recycled most often TELLERENERGY.COM

  13. Started offering recycling to customers in 2009 • Aluminum and Tin Cans • Brown Paper Bags                                  • Empty Aerosol cans • Glass bottles & jars • Junk Mail & Magazines                            • Newspapers                                                    • Office Paper                                                    • Paperboard (cereal & tissue boxes)                 • Plastics ( #1-7)  ONLY TELLERENERGY.COM

  14. City of Woodland Park – Recent Projects Currently replacing / Retrofitting “EXIT “ signs with LED application (2010-2011) Retrofitting fluorescent tubes with LED replacements in areas where lighting is necessary 24/7 (2010-2011) Converted to LED outdoor directional lighting at Teen Center behind City Hall, night-time-sky-friendly (2009) TELLERENERGY.COM

  15. City of Woodland Park – Upcoming Projects Conducting a conversion analysis for other City facilities to switch out to LED lighting where appropriate Researching options for similar LED application for use in Police Operations Center and Dispatch facility Developing a funding strategy to add insulation to City Hall and Police Operations Center and Dispatch Facility TELLERENERGY.COM

  16. City of Woodland Park – Energy Savings Natural Gas usage in City facilities during 2010 was 7.8% less than 2009, yielding a $9,131 savings Electrical usage in City facilities was 9.5% below 2009, but due to a rate hike, these costs increased by over 17% … similar data for usage savings on water?? Fuels usage is a little harder to calibrate , given that so many of these expenses are weather driven ( i.e., how often the grass needs to be cut given how wet or dry the summer months are, how often the snowplows run, etc.) These costs were reduced by 2% from 2009 to 2010. TELLERENERGY.COM

  17. Teller CountyEnergy Advisory Board Highlights from Communities Plans TELLERENERGY.COM

  18. From the Teller County Action Plan: POLICY STATEMENT / IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY NO. 1A-4 – Encourage the full utilization of the environmental review mechanisms of the county, regional, state and federal agencies to ensure that all public and private development will not exceed the carrying capacity of the land or resource, degradation lands, or threaten the availability of the resource. POLICY STATEMENT / IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY NO. 1C-31 – Encourage the identification of locations and construction techniques supportive of energy conservation. POLICY STATEMENT / IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY NO. 1C-33 – Encourage the identification and use of alternative sources of energy, i.e. wind, water, solar, etc. TELLERENERGY.COM

  19. From the Teller County Action Plan: OBJECTIVE NO. 2-B To identify methods for the minimization of pollution of land, air, soil, and water through proper location of industries, disposal sites, other activities, and planning to minimize inappropriate energy use and encourage conservation. POLICY STATEMENT / IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY NO. 2B-45 – Encourage the support of and actively pursue programs to promote energy conservation and to encourage the use of alternative forms of energy, i.e. solar, water, geothermal, and wind sources. POLICY STATEMENT / IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY NO. 2B-46 – Encourage the identification of methods to promote the efficient use and conservation of energy resources. TELLERENERGY.COM

  20. From the Woodland Park Comp Plan: COMMUNITY DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT PRINCIPLES Consider each building’s solar access and encourage energy conservation measures (e.g., use landscaping to provide summer shade and wind protection, minimize heat islands, construct energy-efficient structures). COMMUNITY DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT PRINCIPLES Promote the use of rapidly renewable materials and regional materials in building construction and renovation to save resources and to support local businesses. SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT ACTION 1.2.1 Advocate for and encourage energy-efficient technology (such as Energy Star appliances and fluorescent lighting) and the use of renewable energy (e.g., solar, geothermal and wind power) in public buildings, homes, businesses and for transportation. Evaluate the modification of building codes to require specific energy-efficient technologies. TELLERENERGY.COM

  21. From the Woodland Park Comp Plan: SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT ACTION 1.2.7 Educate residents about how to become more energy efficient • SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT ACTION 2.1.1 • Develop an environmental sustainability outreach campaign that: • Uses a variety of communication tools to keep the public informed about the community’s progress and opportunities to become involved (such as the City website, mass e-mails and text messaging); • Promotes the community’s sustainability efforts at public events; • Creates partnerships among the City, Teller County, local media, interested organizations and residents to support and expand the campaign • Partners with Catamount Institute and local colleges to find volunteers to do free energy audits; and • Encourages City employees, residents and visitors to use alternative methods of transportation (walk, bike, carpool, etc.) SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT OBJECTIVE 2.1 Create opportunities for community members to learn about and participate in efforts that promote environmental sustainability and encourage stewardship. TELLERENERGY.COM

  22. From the Southeast Region Strategic Energy Plan: (representing Crowley, Otero, Bent, Kiowa, Prowers and Baca Counties) GOAL 2 – EDUCATION AND OUTREACH THROUGH PRESENTATIONS, MEDIA, AND PARTNERSHIPS TO REDUCE CO2 EMISSIONS Provide Education and Outreach to the general public on Energy Efficiency and Conservation Measures to cause a change in behaviors and decreased utility use, resulting in a 5% reduction in CO2 emissions by June 2012. STRATEGY 3: Collaborate with other partners and energy programs to leverage resources and attain emissions reduction goal. STRATEGY 4: Track and publish the number of GEO rebates used and estimated CO2 emissions reduced. GOAL 1 – ASSESSMENTS, AUDITS, AND SURVEYS Facilitate a minimum of 20 residential and 20 commercial Energy Assessments and Audits to increase awareness of current utility use in all sectors throughout the region. STRATEGY 1: Determine current utility use from utility providers. STRATEGY 2: Conduct a pre and post survey of citizens to determine their current awareness of their energy use, the GEO rebate program, and barriers to energy improvements. TELLERENERGY.COM

  23. From the Southeast Region Strategic Energy Plan: (representing Crowley, Otero, Bent, Kiowa, Prowers and Baca Counties) GOAL 3 – EDUCATE CURRENT AND NEW TRADESMEN TO INCREASE ENERGY EFFICIENT AND RENEWABLE ENERGY INSTALLATIONS Increase the number of Credible Tradesmen and Trained Contractors causing more energy efficient equipment and renewable energy system installations in the region: a minimum of 10 new renewable energy systems and 10 replacement high-efficiency HVAC units. STRATEGY 1: Increase the knowledge base of current tradesmen on appropriate energy efficient installation procedures. STRATEGY 2: Support the increase of new tradesmen in the region to install more energy efficient/renewable energy systems. TELLERENERGY.COM

  24. From the Park County Energy Plan: GOAL 1 – IMPLEMENT A PROACTIVE GENERAL ENERGY EFFICIENT / RENEWABLE ENERGY PUBLIC OUTREACH CAMPAIGN Action Item 1: Provide communication booth at Park County Summer and Winter events each year (literature, surveys to collect public comments) Action Item 4: Provide information on the Park County Energy Efficiency / Renewable Energy website GOAL 2 – PROMOTE ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND RENEWABLE ENERGY IN RESIDENTIAL APPLICATIONS Action Item 1: Provide county, Town of Fairplay and Town of Alma with information packets on both energy efficiency and renewable energy for distribution with building permit packages Action Item 3: Promote the concept of home audits GOAL 9 – INVESTIGATE POTENTIAL TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS Action Item 1: Assess impacts of carpooling or public transportation Action Item 2: SWOT assessment for high-traffic Bailey to Morrison corridor Action Item 3: Pursue public input for Fairplay to Summit County corridor TELLERENERGY.COM

  25. Teller CountyEnergy Advisory Board Comparing Energy Usage Benchmark Data for Teller County Service Areas TELLERENERGY.COM

  26. Teller County Energy Usage Benchmark Data (2010) Sources: Black Hills Energy, IREA, Colorado Natural Gas Electricity Usage Residential Use 104,089,581 kWh Commercial Use (<50 kVA) 54,828,497 kWh Industrial Usage (>50 kVA) 108,410,137 kWh TOTAL TELLER COUNTY ELECTRICITY USE 267,328,215 kWh Natural Gas Usage Residential Use 562,571 Mcf Commercial & Industrial Usage 354,156 Mcf TOTAL TELLER COUNTY NATURAL GAS USE 916,727 Mcf TELLERENERGY.COM

  27. * Note: National average =12, 347 kWh and 49.1 mcf per capita TELLERENERGY.COM

  28. Teller CountyEnergy Advisory Board SWOT Analysis & Outreach Opportunities (a summary from the 11/29/2010 meeting) TELLERENERGY.COM

  29. Teller CountyEnergy Advisory Board Community Outreach & Education TELLERENERGY.COM

  30. Teller CountyEnergy Advisory Board Teller Energy Plan Input TELLERENERGY.COM

  31. Energy efficiency that pays for itselfEPC – Energy Performance Contracting Direct assistance from GEO for: • Colorado State, County and City Agencies • State education facilities including colleges and universities, public K-12 schools and special districts • Energy efficiency and equipment upgrades • No upfront capital – paid for later through energy savings that result • Energy service professional expertise • Ongoing maintenance services • Guaranteed savings TELLERENERGY.COM

  32. EPP -Environmentally Preferred Purchasing • Conserve natural resources, • Minimize environmental impacts such as pollution and use of water and energy, • Eliminate or reduce toxics that create hazards to workers and our community, • Support strong recycling markets, • Reduce materials that are landfilled, TELLERENERGY.COM

  33. • Increase the use and availability of environmentally preferable products that protect the environment, • Identify environmentally preferable products and distribution systems, • Reward manufacturers and vendors that reduce environmental impacts in their production and distribution systems or services, and TELLERENERGY.COM

  34. • Create a model for successfully purchasing environmentally preferable products, and that encourages other purchasers in our community to adopt similar goals. TELLERENERGY.COM

  35. Teller CountyEnergy Advisory Board Next Steps TELLERENERGY.COM

  36. Review of GEO Deliverables POTENTIAL GOAL AREAS FOR A STRATEGIC PLAN BASED ON GEO DELIVERABLES AND EXAMPLE PLANS FROM OTHER CEC REGIONS FOR CONSIDERATION BY OUR GROUP MIGHT INCLUDE: Energy Assessments and Audits Identification, Recruitment and Training of Tradesmen and Auditors Promoting Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Opportunities Greening Government Recycling Efforts Conservation Efforts Transportation Impacts Education and Outreach Opportunities TELLERENERGY.COM

  37. Teller CountyEnergy Advisory Board Purpose & Mission TELLERENERGY.COM

  38. Teller County Energy Advisory Board Purpose The Teller County Energy Advisory Board is a diverse and representative committee convened to aid Teller County Community in the development and implementation of the Teller County Energy Plan. The Advisory Board will use a range of assessment tools to determine strengths in local and regional energy plans and initiatives; potential gaps on a county-wide level and identify the goals and objectives that will guarantee a successful plan. TELLERENERGY.COM

  39. Teller County Energy Advisory Board MISSION STATEMENTS TELLERENERGY.COM

  40. MISSION # 1 The Teller County Energy Advisory Board will collaborate to help educate citizens about making responsible energy choices, create a regional sustainability plan and work to develop inter-governmental agreements in support of that plan. TELLERENERGY.COM

  41. MISSON #2 Our mission is to promote energy efficiency, sustainability, and renewable energy in Teller County by developing a long-range strategic plan. The plan will promote education and outreach to help inform citizens about responsible energy choices, provide assessment and improvement tools for energy usage across all community sectors, and encourage energy-related policies in the various jurisdictional areas of the government. TELLERENERGY.COM

  42. MISSION # 3 The Teller County Energy Plan has been developed through strategic partnerships and supported by the Colorado Governor’s Energy Office. The Teller County Advisory Board will assist in creating a functional plan with achievable goals, pragmatic approaches considerate of economic sustainably and promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy. TELLERENERGY.COM

  43. Meeting Schedule Date Time Location TELLERENERGY.COM

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