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Revealing the wood and the trees: reporting qualitative research. For a better understanding of the context, meaning and experiences of people's lives. Formally after the fieldwork is concluded the “decoding” and “analysis” process starts. Analysis is involved with interpretating”
Revealing the wood and the trees: reporting qualitative research For a better understanding of the context, meaning and experiences of people's lives
Formally after the fieldwork is concluded the “decoding” and “analysis” process starts. Analysis is involved with interpretating” the comments and behavioral details of the respondents. Decoding is involved with simply listing what has been said
Formally, bacause in PRACTICE analysis is a continious and evolving process, starting as listening starts
ANALYSIS is like standing at the entrance of the maze Qualitative research analysis starts with fewer assumptions and openness to alternatives We can not know if an assumption will be productive before we explore it
Research problem drives analysis Analysis should always be inline with the purpose of the research. review the proposal and list all the issues that should be explored and analysed. Therefore think from backward.
Questions are the raw material of analysis We must keep in mind that not all questions deserve analysis in the same level while reporting. SO place the “primary/major” questions in the heart of the study ( “key questions”) and distingues them from the questions which are asked just to set the stage.
But it’s really all in the round: where does analysis end and interpretation begin? There is a four part process What do respondents each say? Interpretation - Level 1 Sifting, differentiating, separating, ordering the data Analysis What do they mean Interpretation - Level 2 What does it mean in relation to client issues Interpretation - Level 3
What the respondents exactly say Raw data Description Interpretation Recommendation • A summary of respondents comments + verbatim • The analyst’s meaning to data to privide understanding • The analyst’s suggestions considering all the factors that affect the situation.
Analysis must be to the point Differences exists between and across the groups –minimal or dramatic- should be clear, the rejections and coalesence around common concepts should be distunguished easily. Consider both the actual words and meaning of these words Consider the context by finding the trigering stimulus. Consider the internal consistency between the comments by discovering the factors that affected the chance
Consider the specificity of the respondents . specific and based on experience or from the impersonal and vague comments. Consider the frequency,extensiveness and İntensity through out the discussion: Frequency- how often said? Extensivenss- how many participants said? Intensity- How strong was the point of view? Consider what was not said and try to understand why: was it unimportant, is the awareness low, don’t participants have an idea about that issue..etc
Find the “big ideas” that provide insights into consumer behaviour. take a break after analysing before writing the report and then as your mind is refreshed go through all the analysis trying to notice a big idea.
Reporting Everyting in the report has a purpose. provide indepth understanding before the research process started.
Verbatim / Quotations Verbatim is the “exact” words and frames of Participants. They are used to illustrate what we as the researcher mean by our interpretaions. “Bence sigaran senin adına konuşur. Bir kafede, masaya Davidoff’u koyduğun zaman insanların sana bakışı farklı oluyor..” Imported brand smoker man 30
Background and review of objectives In this section the researcher provides a brief background in order to give feedback about the marketing situation and then describes the purpose of the study, and include a brief description of the proposal. The major issues explored through out the research is also listed breifly. (The full discussion guide is provided in the appendix)
Kids’ are structured around two poles; Danone Hayat is aiming to understand the potential for Danone Kids Beverage in the Turkish market. The main marketing objectives of the project is Objectives(as in the proposal) Understand the major consumer dynamics in kids beverege markets Evaluate set of concepts on kids functional / aqua drinks.
In order to reach this objective the following points are assessed in a great detail: Beverege repertoire, Attitudes towards major bevereges, Consumption occasions, Reasons for consumption, (benefits) Choice criteria, Major concerns, Decision maker, Ideal drinks, Attitudes towards flavoured water, Objectives(as in the proposal) Attitudes towards bevereges consumed by kids
Objectives(as in the proposal) Attitudes towards sugar and sweetener • Awareness, • Barriers to consumption, • Changing habits, • Purchasing bahaviour, Attitudes towards functional drinks (Concept evaluation) • Physical power • Strong bones, • Intellectual performance, • Growth, • Health bevereges, • Fun bevereges, • Message communicated, • Appeal and relevance, • Product image
Detailed findings It is the body of the report which include • discussions related to all the questions which was put forward in the proposal, • interpretation of what has been said • the verbatim that would illustrate the interpretations.
Detailed findings should • add value • be digging beneath the surface, going beyond what consumers say by looking at wider meanings. • Verbatim should be supplied where necessary to provide “the voice of the consumer” while illustrating the researchers analysis.
Conclusions & recommendations The conclusions should tie together themes that bridge several questions discusses factors or threats that cut across specific points and draw attention to findings which are unanticipated but nevertheless important to the study.
They are less formal and aim to provide strategic options The recommendations are future-oriented comments of the researcher should never go beyond the research limitations and sound over enthusiastic,
How can we improve creativeity? FİNAL PRESENTATION Every body willconduct 4 intervbiews: Interview , observeandreport Teachers – teaching 4-9 yearsold Parents with kidsbetween 4-9 Psychologists- improvingcreativityforindividualsolutions Businesspeople–improvingcreativity at business improving creativity for education and life
ipekozel@gmail.com First impression is nothing! So always look deeper..