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Louis Armstrong. Louis Armstrong was a jazz trumpeter and singer. He was born on the 4 th of August in 1901 in New Orleans. He is a very important musician in the history of jazz and one of the most popular. He was characterized by his hoarse singing voice.
Louis Armstrong was a jazz trumpeter and singer. He was born on the 4th of August in 1901 in New Orleans. He is a very important musician in the history of jazz and one of the most popular. He was characterized by his hoarse singing voice. Louis A. era trompetista i cantant de Jazz. Un dels més importants de la història. La seva forma de cantar era característica.Va néixer el 4-08-1901 a Nova Orleans.
Biography Louis was born in a suburb of New Orleans. His family was very poor because his father, William Armstrong, left them. When Louis was six years old he sang in the streets with three other friends to earn money, without any type of training. Louis es va créixer en un barri molt pobre. Amb només 6 anys cantava pels carrers per guanyar diners sense que ningú l’ensenyés.
His first contact with music took place in a reformatory for orphans when he was accepted because of good behavior in the band of the reformatory. Very soon he learned to play the clarinet, and the trumpet. He became interested in music and played in various bands until 1922. Va tenir les primeres lliçons musicals en un orfanat. Molt aviat aprengué a tocar el clarinet i la trompeta. Es va interessar per la música i va tocar a vàries bandes.
In 1922 Joe King Oliver integrated Louis into the Creole Jazz Band in Chicago, where he married Lilian Hardin, the pianist of the band. Al 1922 va formar part la banda Creole Jazz de Chicago. Es va enamorar de la pianista i es van casar.
Because of his success, Fletcher Henderson invited him to New York in 1924 to play in his big band. Their records became popular and people saw that they were very original. Degut al seu gran èxit, al 1924 va anar a Nova York on va grabar discs que es van fer molt populars per la seva originalitat.
In 1925 he returned to Chicago where he started his own group, the Hot Five, who in 1927 became the Hot Seven. It was one of the most popular jazz bands of the moment. In the same year he separated from Lilian Hardin. Al 1925 va tornar a Chicago i va crear la seva pròpia banda, The Hot Five, que al 1927 es digué The Hot Seven. Aquesta va ser la banda de Jazz més popular del moment. El mateix any es separa de Lilian Hardin.
Seven years later he divorced her, and he married Alpha Smith. After four years of marriage, he divorced his second wife and married a third time with Lucille Wilson. Va tenir un segon matrimoni que va durar 4 anys i després es va casar per tercera vegada amb Lucille Wilson.
In 1947 Louis Armstrong’s group changed its name to Louis Armstrong and the All Stars. They toured around the world. Al 1947 la banda canvià de nom dient-se “Louis Armstrong i els All Stars”. Van fer gires per tot el món.
Due to health problems, his activities were restricted to a minimum during the end of his life. Louis Armstrong suffered a heart attack in 1971 which forced him to rest for two months. Once recovered, he played with his group again, on the 5th of July in 1971 in New York, and a day later he died while he slept. Per problemes de salut va haver de reduir les seves actuacions. Al 1971 va patir un atac de cor que el va fer descansar durant 2 mesos. Llavors va fer un últim concert a Nova York i a l’endemà ( 6-07-1971) va morir mentre dormia.
Important songs (Cançons importants) HELLO, DOLLY: It was number one on the international lists due to its success. WHAT A WONDERFURL WORLD: It was a very successful song for its beautiful lyrics. MELANCHOLY BLUES: It was included on the Voyager Golden Record and sent into space, and it represented one of the most important achievements of humanity.
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