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Being aware E2B JTI or E2B EI E2B Association. E2B EI. Energy Efficient Buildings European Initiative. 1. Being aware. Being aware (1) Questions. What will be the temperature on Earth for my grand-children ? When shall we reach a "no-return" level of CO 2 ?
Being aware • E2B JTI or E2B EI • E2B Association
E2BEI Energy Efficient Buildings European Initiative
Being aware (1) • Questions What will be the temperature on Earth for my grand-children ? When shall we reach a "no-return" level of CO2 ? Will Greenland ice melt faster and faster ? Is peak-oil behind us ? Will our economic system survive ? What is at stake is the stability we have always taken for granted
Being aware (2) • Facts The scientific community agrees on one point: All countries must drastically and rapidly reduce their CO2 emissions Doing so, we may reach 2020 and 2050 goals and we shall increase our energy independence
1. Being aware (3) Our responsibility. • Buildings use 40 % of total EU energy consumption • The built environment generates 1/3 of GHG in Europe • Replacement rate remains very small (1 to 2 % per year) • New buildings are still far from being really energy efficient • We should provide now solutions at a large scale • Business as usual is not an option • Could a Joint Technology Initiative help ?
A JTI is: • A very large scale research program • Driven by the industry • Focused on clear technological and economic objectives • It is a long-term Europe-wide public-private partnership combining: • Private sector investment (~50%) • Public funding (~50%) • 6 JTIs are on their way (Artemis, CleanSky, H2 JTI, IMI, ENIAC, GMES..) • Two examples: Artemis :Embedded Intelligence and systems (eur 2.7 Billion, 10 years); Fuel Cells and Hydrogen (EC:eur 0,47 Billion, 6 years) 2.1 What is a JTI? • 2.2 What is the E2B European Initiative? How will be the E2B implemented? • The E2B EI is a JTI or another kind of PPP. • The E2B EI will be implemented as a JTI or another kind of PPP in case that it would be a more appropriate instrument.
2.2 E2B EI Objectives The overall objective of E2B EI is to deliver, implement and optimize building and district concepts that have the technical, economic and societal potential to drastically cut the energy consumption and reduce CO2 emissions due to existing and new buildings at the overall scale of the European Union. E2B EI will speed up research on key technologies and develop a competitive industry in the fields of energy efficiency processes, products and services, with the main purpose to reach the goals set forth for 2020 and 2050 to address climate change issues and contribute to improve EU energy independence thereby transforming this challenge into a business opportunity "
The E2B EI will contribute to: • Significantly reduce CO2 emmissions • Complement the SET Plan • The transformation of construction industry from resources based into knowledge based • European construction industry competitive advantages and sustainable growth • To strengthen the investment in and the use of new technologies, particularly ICTs, by both the private and public sectors in the field of energy efficient and smart buildings and districts • The creation of new and better jobs • The improvement of the quality of life of the European citizens • Solve market failures • Raise awareness • Start a worldwide change
The E2B EI is fully in line with: COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN COUNCIL - A European Economic Recovery Plan Brussels, 26.11.2008 COM(2008) 800 d) Research and Innovation “In the construction sector, a 'European energy-efficient buildings' initiative, to promote green technologies and the development of energy-efficient systems and materials in new and renovated buildings with a view to reducing radically their energy consumption and CO2 emissions. The initiative should have an important regulatory and standardisation component and would involve a procurement network of regional and local authorities. The estimated envelope for this partnership is € 1bn.”
2.3. E2B EI (1) Main strategic objectives • Boost research programs • Accelerate programs in energy saving, CO2 reduction, use of renewable energies • Succeed in a faster integration of existing new technologies in particular in the existing stock • Remove contractual and regulatory barriers • Think BIG • Disseminate widely for a real impact • Create mass markets and decrease unit prices • Get a strong social significance • Use sustainable ways • Use PPP approaches to ensure long-term commitment • Develop life-cycle analysis and global costing This will be supported by an ambitious program of large scale actions
2.3. E2B EI (2) Boost research (1) • A more efficient envelope : • Improved materials • Bioclimatic architecture • Improved design, new concepts • Better equipment and systems : • Efficient HVAC equipment • Lightning and Electric appliances • Energy Storage • Improved monitoring • Stronger systemic approach Phase Change Materials Aero-nano gels LED Lighting
3. E2B EI (3) Boost research (2) • Stronger integration of renewable energies • Solar PV * • Solar thermal * • Wind turbines • Biomass • Geothermal…. • (* No expected "peak sun" before 3 Billion years) • Change collective and individual behavior • By harmonized EU regulations • Standardisation • Promotion of EE by public sector • Disseminate global costing, think long-term • Improve individual behavior
3. E2B EI (4) Boost research (3) • ICTs for Energy Efficiency • Tools for designing and measuring energy efficiency at building and district level. • Building Automation: New and improved control and management systems (BMS/EMS) based on smart appliances and communication networks. • Smart Metering: Meters that measure individual energy demand over time. • User Awareness Tools: Intuitive feedback to users on real time energy consumption in order to change behaviour on energy-intensive systems usage. • Interoperability / Standards: Development of standardisation for the interfaces and communication. Wireless Sensors Networks Design tools for enegy efficient districts
3.2. E2B EI (5) Boost research : new designs are appearing (4) Zero Emission Acciona Solar, 0 emission building Energy + Green Office (Bouygues Immobilier)
3.2. E2B EI (6) 3.2 Boost research (5) : the Wave Concept Research, Demonstrate, Get Feedback
awarethe big challenge the core committed hope 3. E2B EI (7) Think Big: GeoClusters (1) GeoClustersare geographical areas with strong similarities in terms of: Climate Culture and behavior Construction typologies Economic systems Gross Domestic Product About 7 potential GeoClusters have been identified. They are basically transnational.
3. E2B EI (8) 3.3 Think Big: Work at district level (2) • E2B also has the ambition to adress the district level: • With a holistic approach, at the scale of the challenge • To consider interactions between buildings, networks environment and behaviour • To adress the proper scale for distributed energy production • To reach a significant impact.
3.2. E2B EI (9) Take sustainable ways Public Private Partnerships are powerful ways to introduce sustainability as a major design factor. Life-cycle models have been developed and optimisation is reached by whole life costing. Construction elements are then chosen for an optimum use, no longer for a minimum cost. Using does not mean owning... TIME as a dimension comes back in the construction process Home Office (London)
3. E2B EI (10) Promote large scale programs A program could focus on Social Housing because : • It represents 55 million dwellings in EU • It is generally well adapted to global packages and replication • Poverty resulting from energy prices is a major risk • Energy savings potential is huge Another one on School and Educational Buildings because: • It concerns 130 million young people under 24 and more than 10 million teachers • We address awareness of future generations • It's in the hands of a public client
4.1 Founding Members (1) Preserve diversity 9 founding members in 8 countries covering main fields of expertise: Engineering Energy and services Materials Systems General Contracting
4.1. Founding Members (2) Who is "in" ?
More than 100 organisations of 20 EU Member States already registered
4.2. E2B Association (1) Creation • An International Non Profit Industrial Association (INPIA) is being created under the Belgian Law • This is needed to: • Prepare the future Joint Undertaking • Show to EC the commitment of our industry • Endorse memberships • Build a first organised legal structure
4.2. E2B Association (2) Statutes • Statutes have been written with a Belgian Lawyer (Mr Vergauwe) • Statutes have been approved by all founding members. • They define: • - The constitutive bodies of the Association and their relations • - The functioning of the Association • Expected official date of existence: End of 2008
Steering Committee 30 Executive Board 9 Elected Members 21 Indust. 9 Resear. 5 SME. 4 Clients 3 4.2. E2B Association (3) Organisation (1) Scientific Council General Assembly
S.C. G. A. Steering Committee General Assembly The body entrusted with the general direction of the Association It is composed of all members having the right to attend meetings Steering Committee • The body entrusted with the management of the Association • It is composed of two colleges: • The college of Executive Board Members • The college of Elected Members • The Steering Committee appoints a Secretary General and, when needed, administrative staff to build up the General Secretariat 4.2. E2B Association (4) Organisation (2)
S.C. G. A. Steering Committee Executive Board • The Executive Board is in charge of executing the decisions taken by the Steering Committee. • It ensures the day-by-day management of the Association • It represents the Association • Composed of 9 members, organised around: • A Presidium (President and 2 Vice-presidents) • 6 members among which the Treasurer 4.2. E2B Association (5) Organisation (3)
S.C. G. A. Steering Committee Scientific Council • The Scientific Council is an advisory body to the Executive Board. • It is composed of at least 10 members of the Association • "B" members have the majority • External experts may be members of the Scientific Council • It guarantees, at a scientific level, the quality and pertinence of decisions taken by E2BA • It is concerned by and consulted on all issues pertaining to R & D 4.2. E2B Association (6) Organisation (4)
4.4 Communication (1) Website www.e2b-jti.eu
2 Powerpoint presentations (short or long) 4.4 Communication (2) Reference documents Flyer (A4)
4.4 Communication (3) Reference documents (1) Statutes (French) Statutes (English)
4.4 Communication (4) Reference documents (2) Scope and Vision
4.5 Present organisation (1) Founding Members Meetings • Founding Members meet in Brussels: • Every 5 to 6 weeks • One-day meeting • ECTP is invited Work has been concentrated on: • Statutes • Reference Documents • Keeping everyone informed Next meeting: March 5th
4.5. Present organisation (2) National Contact Points • A network of National Contact Points is being imagined to support E2B. • They are light organisations devoted to E2B for one Member State: • 1/ to provide up-to-date national data (market, buildings, statistics...), regulations, laws, plans, roadmaps..... • 2/ to build up the network of contacts and relations between E2B and potential members of E2B Association • 3/ to disseminate the information concerning E2B vision, progress, events... • NCP are ideally built around a team of 2: • One "A" type member and One "B" type
UK NL DE 4.5. Present organisation (3) National Contact Points (2) • A first definition meeting was held on August 26th with: • UK (Arup) • Netherlands (TNO) • Germany (Fraunhofer) • Other countries will be sollicited soon
Today E2B • Is supported by 3 DGs of the European Commission • Is recognised as dealing with a major topic • Starts to be known from Parliament Members • Is in a strong process of structuration • Communicates intensively • Improves its definition • Is forced to follow the schedule of political EU events • Still needs additional support from industry • Still needs to expand in many Member States
Thank you for your attention • www.e2b-jti.eu