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Rabbi David Weinberger is also a Pastoral Counselor and he has provided Pastoral guidance and counseling for over 30 years to hospital patients, nursing home residents and senior citizens. Find out more about him at his official site http://rabbidavidweinberger.com
Rabbi David Weinberger Pastoral Counselor, Chaplain | Member of Association of Professional Chaplains | Congregational Rabbi
Rabbi David Weinberger is a passionate and dynamic Rabbi with an excellent rabbinic career. He is an experienced Pastoral Counselor, Advisor, Decisor of Jewish law and a teacher.
Rabbi Dovid Weinberger is also a Pastoral Counselor and he has provided Pastoral guidance and counseling for over 30 years to hospital patients, nursing home residents and senior citizens.
Rabbi David Weinberger has worked as Rabbi for Congregation ChevraBachurim Synagogue, Manhattan, NY.
Rabbi David Weinberger has also worked as Interim and Assistant Rabbi for Congregation Kneseth Israel (The White Shul), Far Rockaway, NY.
Rabbi Dovid Weinberger is a congregational Rabbi and he has been working for more than 30 years in this profession.
Rabbi David Weinberger has served in all aspects including leading the services, speaking from the pulpit, lecturing, and supervising religious matters.
Rabbi David Weinberger has been serving as congregational Rabbi. He has served in different aspects including speaking from the pulpit, lecturing, pastoral visits and guidance to ill and elderly.
THANK YOU F i n d o u t m o r e a b o u t h i m a t h i s o f f i c i a l s i t e h t t p : / / r a b b i d a v i d w e i n b e r g e r . c o m