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Mastering Classification Keys: Identify Unknown Organisms

Learn to use classification keys like dichotomous key, classification table, flow chart, and branch diagram to identify organisms. Interactive tutorial with examples and activities.

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Mastering Classification Keys: Identify Unknown Organisms

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  1. SPI 0807.5.1 Classification Keys Notes Science Tennessee SPI Objective: Use a simple classification key to identify an unknown organism. Essential Question(s) How do I use… 1) …a dichotomous key to identify an organism? 2) …a classification table to identify an organism? 3) …a flow chart to identify an organism? 4) …a branch diagram to identify an organism? Instructions for Students 1) Make sure you view this presentation in slideshow mode. 2) You can find instructions about how to do this by doing a Google search or by searching YouTube. 3) After you have it in slideshow mode, press the right-arrow keyboard button to advance through the presentation. 4) If you need help, please communicate with your teacher. Success Criteria I can… 1) …identify an organism with a dichotomous key. 2) …identify an organism with a classification table. 3) …identify an organism with a flow chart. 4) …identify an organism with a branch diagram. ing products. 3) I can contrast adaptive and assistive bioengineering products.

  2. Four Types of Classification Keys • scientists use these keys to help them identify organisms Dichototmous Keys-paired statements to identify organisms Classification Tables: -has columns and rows with information Flow Charts: -lines branch off from given traits Branch Diagram: -traits apply to all organisms that come after Classification Tables Dichotomous Key Branch Diagram Flow Chart

  3. Dichotomous Key Practice A) B) Starting at the top (1a and 1b) read the paired statements. On the right, select the choice that best fits. Dichotomous Key Example: (for identifying species of bears) Common Name Black Bear Ursus americanus 1a. It has white fur------------------species: Ursus maritimus 1b. It does not have white fur-----Go to step two 2a. It has brown fur-----------------species: Ursus arctos 2b. It does not have brown fur-----Go to step three 3a. It has black fur------------------species: Ursus americanus 3b. It does not have black fur-------Go to step four Video Link: Dichotomous Key Tutorial

  4. Dino 1 Dino 2 Dino 4 Dino 3 Stegosaurus Apatosaurus T.Rex Pterodactyl Identify this species of dinosaur Dichotomous Key Activity Steps Dinosaur Dichotomous Key A. It has wings B. It does not have wings 1 It is a Pterodactyl Go to step 2 Dino 3 Dino 4 2 3 A. It has a long neck B. Does not have a long neck A. It walks on two legs B. It does not walk on 2 legs It is an Apatosaurus Go to step 4 It is a T.Rex Go to step 3 4 A. It has spikes on its back B. Does not have spikes It is a Stegosaurus Done Dino 1 Dino 2

  5. Classification Key Activity Make a dichotomous key about these 4 organisms Spinosaurus Velociraptor Ankylosaurus Triceratops

  6. SPI 0807.5.1 Classification Keys Review Science Here is a question you might see on a quiz or test.

  7. SPI 0807.5.1 Classification Keys Science Review Here is a question you might see on a quiz or test.

  8. SPI 0807.5.1 Classification Keys Science Review Here is a question you might see on a quiz or test.

  9. SPI 0807.5.1 Classification Keys Science Review Here is a question you might see on a quiz or test.

  10. SPI 0807.5.1 Classification Keys Science Review Here is a question you might see on a quiz or test.

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