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Tan Telamu’k. wape’k. mekwe’k. wisawe’k. maqtawe’k. Mawkiljemke’wel. newt, ta’pu, si’st, ne’w, na’n, asukom, luiknek, ukumuljin, pesqunatek aqq newti’ska’q. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Na’ kw kl. Amskwesewey Ta’puowey Si’stewey Ne’wowey Kweltamultimk Kesp e tek Akantie’wimk.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tan Telamu’k wape’k mekwe’k wisawe’k maqtawe’k

  2. Mawkiljemke’wel newt, ta’pu, si’st, ne’w, na’n, asukom, luiknek, ukumuljin, pesqunatek aqq newti’ska’q 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10

  3. Na’kwkl Amskwesewey Ta’puowey Si’stewey Ne’wowey Kweltamultimk Kespetek Akantie’wimk

  4. 16 letters plus ah a e o u p/b t/d k/g j/ch s/z gutteral e One sound is missing, can you guess which one it is?

  5. Letter Combinations P, T, K, Q, J aqq S PA, PE, PI, PO aqq PU TA, TE, TI, TO aqq TU PA, PE, PI, PO aqq PU TA, TE, TI, TO aqq TU KA, KE, KI, KO aqq KU SA, SE, SI, SO aqq SU KA, KE, KI, KO aqq KU SA, SE, SI, SO aqq SU JA, JE, JI, JO aqq JU JA, JE, JI, JO aqq JU

  6. npikaken/ my rib ntinin ntinin njijaqmij/my spirit nunji ntlmaqan npiten ankwiskaqn/joint npuskun npaqm nmusti npitenukem ntlwiknn nija’qijk/my veins nkajikn nkamulamun/ my heart nkat ntinin wiusapitl/gums nwaqante’ml/my bones

  7. Ni’n aqq Ki’l nmis my older sister nsis my older brother nkwe’ji’j my younger sister njiknam my younger brother kmis your older sister ksis your older brother kkwe’ji’j your younger sister kjiknam your younger brother

  8. Talui’tatitl wla wi’sisl? Ni’n telui’tk wapus. Katu ki’l talui’tet….? atu’tuej squirrel wapus rabbit kopit beaver ki’kwju bager apikji’j mouse apikjilu skunk amalijikwej raccoon wowkwis fox muin bear lentuk deer tia’m moose

  9. Newtipunkek Siwkw Nipk Kesik Toqa’k

  10. Na’kwek aqq Wela’kw • eksitpu’k miaw-la’kwek wela’kw miaw-la’kwe’k wela’kek eksitpu’kek

  11. Eksitu’kewey mijjuaqanKoqwey etl-tmen? petewey mlakej Wawul aqq wuis Minijkapu atuomkomin klitaq epkumann pipnaqan wenju’su’nn Ni’n wiktm pipnaqan. Katu ki’l?

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