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欧州統合の構想 Ⅱ. ブリアン( A. Briand )覚書 ザ・タイムズ , 1930. 5.19. The Briand Plan (1930). History of European Integration Site: The Briand Memorandum Source for full text The Times, 19.5.1930.
欧州統合の構想Ⅱ ブリアン(A. Briand)覚書 ザ・タイムズ, 1930. 5.19 リージョナル・ガバナンス論B
The Briand Plan (1930) History of European Integration Site: The Briand MemorandumSource for full text The Times, 19.5.1930 リージョナル・ガバナンス論B
Compelled by their geographical position to live together, the peoples of Europe, if they are to enjoy security and prosperity, must establish a permanent regime of joint responsibility for the rational organization of Europe. リージョナル・ガバナンス論B
There is no question of constituting a European group outside the League of Nations. On the contrary it is desired to bring the interests of Europe into harmony, under the control of the League, and in conformity with its spirit, by incorporating into its universal system a limited system which, by its very limitations, would be all the more effective... リージョナル・ガバナンス論B
Certain questions exist which are of particularly European interest and with regard to which the States of Europe may desire, in the interests of peace itself, to take separate action, more immediate and more direct than can be expected from the League. Such questions, moreover, they are specially competent to handle on account of their ethnical affinities and the common source of them civilization. リージョナル・ガバナンス論B
It has happened more than once that the league itself, in the general exercise of its activities, has had to take into account the fact that Europe constitutes a geographical entity for the problems of which solutions may be discovered not suitable for application to the whole world... リージョナル・ガバナンス論B
But even in cases specially reserved for the labors of the League of Nationsthe federal link between European states would be useful in preparing an atmosphere favorable to the pacific settlements of the League, or to the practical execution of it decisions... リージョナル・ガバナンス論B
For this reason the representative of France has been concerned from the first to avoid all ambiguity, and, in taking the initiative of the first European meeting, he therefore took the view that it should consist only of representatives of those states which are members of the League of Nations and that it should be held in Geneva, concurrently with the tenth assembly; that is, in the atmosphere and within the framework of the League... リージョナル・ガバナンス論B
The entente between European nations must be realized on the plane of their absolute sovereignty and complete political independence. Moreover, it would be impossible to associate the idea of political domination with any organization which (like the present one) is deliberately placed under the control of the League of Nations... リージョナル・ガバナンス論B
By a formula, as comprehensive as possible, but clearly indicating the essential aim of the association, which is to serve the common cause of the organization of Europe for peace, the signatory governments would bind themselves to maintain regular contact by meetings held periodically or specially convened meetings to examine together all questions of primary interest to the Commonwealth of European peoples... リージョナル・ガバナンス論B
... Never has the time been so propitious(=favourable)and so pressing(=demanding urgently) for the beginning of constructive work in Europe. By the settlement of the principal moral and material problems arising out of the war Europe will soon be freed from heavy burdens, spiritual and economic. The new Europe will be ready for a positive effort, answering to the new order. It is the decisive hour for Europe to listen and choose her own fate. リージョナル・ガバナンス論B
To unite, in order to live and prosper: that is the necessity which confronts European nations today. The peoples seem to have made their feelings clear. The governments must now accept their responsibilities. Otherwise the grouping of material and moral forces for the common benefit which it is their collective task to control will be abandoned to the dangers and chances of uncoordinated individual initiatives. リージョナル・ガバナンス論B