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TRP & GSP ESA Programmes Info Day

TRP & GSP ESA Programmes Info Day. CDTI 25 Sep 2007. CONTENT. Welcome and Introduction / CDTI Ricardo del Rio y Jorge Lopez / Programas de la ESA / CDTI European Space Agency Technology Research Programmes and activities / Eike Kircher. Head of TRP Programmes. ESA-ESTEC

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TRP & GSP ESA Programmes Info Day

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  1. TRP & GSP ESA Programmes Info Day CDTI 25 Sep 2007

  2. CONTENT • Welcome and Introduction / CDTI • Ricardo del Rio y Jorge Lopez / Programas de la ESA / CDTI • European Space Agency Technology Research Programmes and activities / • Eike Kircher. Head of TRP Programmes. ESA-ESTEC • European Space Agency General Study’s Programmes and activities / • Andrés Galvez. Head of GSP Programmes. ESA-HQ • Break / Lunch • (14:30 – 17:45) Splinter meeting with interested industry / (Bilateral /Industry/ESA/CDTI)

  3. OBJECTIVES • Increment the awareness of the TRP and GSP mandatory programmes and its rules in the global context of the ESA programmes and their roles in the technology development and the preparation of new programmes and activities. • Present the general strategic lines and the main activities in GSP and TRP included in the ongoing workplans & future plans (TRP 2008-2011). • Interact with industry on the short term opportunities and future activities to be published in EMITS. • Collect new ideas from industry for the preparation of future workplans, with the aim to prepare new activities and technologies in the medium and long term towards the next ministerial. • Motivate industry to present good proposals in TRP as a necessary step to improve competitiveness to pave the way for next steps in other technology ESA programmes (GSTP, ARTES-4, ARTES-5)

  4. SNSP SEOSAT Spanish National Space Programme Spanish Earth Observation Satellite Bilateral Programs Agreements with other Institutions ESA Programs CDTI / Space Programmes Managed by CDTI MINISTERIO DE EDUCACION Y CIENCIA

  5. CDTI (II) / Spain in ESA Spanish financial contribution to ESA (Figures in ‘k€) Year 2006: 166,7 M€ (+8,5%) ‘000 € Spain is ESA´s fifth largest contributor to ESA with 6.5%

  6. CDTI (III) / Spain in ESA: Activities Distribution of Spanish industrial participation in ESA activities (year 2006) 3% 9% 10% 11% 13% 14% 17% 23%

  7. General Studies Programme (GSP) Top level priorities and objectives • General Studies Programme mainly oriented to the analisys of new concepts for future space missions • Programme charged to the General Budget. It is not needed the written support of delegations for participating in the activities. • Mainly small budget activities. Normal procurement policy is Open Competition • Annual workplan with regular updatings. • Winning GSP activites provides companies with a priviledged view of needed technology developments (under GSTP, ARTES…) and a priviledged position to play key roles in the future missions. HIGHLY WELCOME BY THE DELEGATION!!!!

  8. Technology Research Programme (TRP) Top level priorities and objectives • Basic technologies development programme: TRL 1 - 3 • Usual Procurement Policy: Open Competition Possible participation of companies as well as research institutes. • Programme charged to the general budget (around 40 m€ in 2006) • Three years workplan with regular updatings. Current workplan ends in 2007. It is internally prepared by ESA, taking into account several inputs. Among them : • Harmonisation process Collaboration of industries is welcome • TRP is the natural entry door to other ESA programmes ( mainly GSTP for continuing technolgy developments)!!!!

  9. Bilaterals • ) Reuniones Bilaterales solicitadas por la industria con la ESA y el CDTI para actividades concretas en TRP y GSP.

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