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2013 GMNYSSC Conference Music Based Common Core Strategies that Paint the Global Mosaic. Presenters : Kevin Sheehan Molloy College Ksheehan1@molloy.edu Student Presenters :
2013 GMNYSSC ConferenceMusic Based Common Core Strategies that Paint the Global Mosaic Presenters: Kevin Sheehan Molloy College Ksheehan1@molloy.edu Student Presenters: Andy Abberton, Jennifer Connelly, Nicholas DiBenedetto, Tracy Errante, Dana Falcone, Sarah E. Hogan, Michael Lieberman, and KaleighNarracci
Student Presenters:Molloy College Presenters: Andy Abberton aabberton09@lions.molloy.edu Jennifer Connelly jconnelly09@lions.molloy.edu Nicholas DiBenedetto ndibenedetto09@lions.molloy.edu Tracy Errante terrante08@lions.molloy.edu Dana Falcone dfalcone09@lions.molloy.edu Sarah E. Hogan shogan09@lions.molloy.edu Michael Lieberman mlieberman09@lions.molloy.edu Kaleigh K. Narracci knarracci09@lions.molloy.edu
What do Common Core Standardsdemand of students in Social Studies? • Informed opinions based on evidence • Ability to read non-fiction sources and find main ideas • The ability to make inferences and discover perspectives in sources • Correct language and usage • The ability to see issues from other perspectives Wait a minute isn’t that what we wanted all along?
The Real Issue Behind Common Core is Not the Standards But how motivated are the students to reach for those standards? 4
What you need to successfully deal with Common Core are not prescribed lessons, but effective strategies to motivate students!“Give a man a fish and he (she) eats for one meal but give him (her) a strategy and (s)he can make can make his/her own gravy for life!”
The following lessons are examples of how to use music as a motivation tool as well as a Common Core Document.
Topic: The Fall of Ancient Rome Aim: Were the Barbarians as Uncivilized as history Depicts them to be? Seven Devils – Florence + The Machines Holy water cannot help you nowA thousand armies couldn't keep me outI don't want your moneyI don't want your crownSee I have to tell youI've come to burn your kingdom down Seven devils all around youSeven devils in your houseSee I was dead when I woke up this morningAnd I'll be dead before the day is doneBefore the day is done… Questions: 1. What event is the song describing? 2. Who or what is being referred to as the “Seven Devils?” 3. Does this event occur peacefully or violently? Give examples from the text. How it connects: The song provides the motivation for the lesson by presenting the emotions of the time to the students.
Document 1: Procopius of Caesarea: Alaric’s Sack of Rome, 410 CEAnd all the youths at the time of the day agreed upon came to this gate, and, assailing the guards suddenly, put them to death; then they opened the gates and received Alaric and the army into the city at their leisure. And they set fire to the houses which were next to the gate, among which was also the house of Sallust, who in ancient times wrote the history of the Romans, and the greater part of this house has stood half-burned up to my time; and after plundering the whole city and destroying the most of the Romans, they moved on (…).”Question: What do you think is the author’s point of view? (Sourcing) Strategy Used to Access Documents: Direct Reading Thinking Activity (D.R.T.A.) Document 2: Salvian: Romans and Barbarians, c. 440 “…So they migrate to the Goths, or to the Bagaudes, or to some other tribe of the barbarians who are ruling everywhere, and do not regret their exile. For they would rather live free under an appearance of slavery than live as captives tinder an appearance of liberty.” Question: Will the Roman people know freedom, more so under the Romans or the Barbarians according to Salvian? (Close Reading)
Assessment and Continuation Homework: Tomorrow we will be starting the next chapter on the Middle Ages in Europe.Before we leave Rome though, it’s important that we review how the greatest Western Civilization came to an end.For homework read the following passage and fill in the story frame.The story frame will help you organize your notes as well as your thoughts on how the Roman Empire collapsed.It will also provide a great review tool that you might be able to use for a test!
Breaking News Topic: The Formation of Israel By Andy Abberton and Tracy Errante A new country has just been created where New York used to be!!!!! New York has become a country designated solely for people who are vegetarians. This country was created to ensure that vegetarians do not have to participate or be indirectly part of the process of slaughtering Animals. This new country will begin evacuating and deporting all people who are not vegetarians.
Jerusalem by Matisyahu Song:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruBEraXm_GA Jerusalem, if I forget you, fire not gonna come from me tongue.Jerusalem, if I forget you, let my right hand forget what it's supposed to do.In the ancient days, we will return with no delay, picking up the bounty and the spoils on our wayWe've been traveling from state to state, And them don't understand what they say3,000 years with no place to be, and they want me to give up my milk and honeyDon't you see, it's not about the land or the sea, not the country but the dwelling of his majesty Chorus Rebuild the temple and the crown of glory, Years gone by, about sixtyBurn in the oven in this century, and the gas tried to choke, but it couldn't choke meI will not lie down, I will not fall asleep, they come overseas, yes they're trying to be freeErase the demons out of our memory, Change your name and your identityAfraid of the truth and our dark history, why is everybody always chasing weCut off the roots of your family tree, don't you know that's not the way to be Questions: 1. What does the term Jerusalem refer to? 2. Who is this song speaking of? Who is the “we” that has been traveling? 3. What is the phrase “The gas tried to choke but it couldn’t choke me” supposed to refer to?
Documents Involved in Lesson Each of the Four Documents utilized in this lesson are excerpts derived from primary source documents representing both the Palestinian and Israeli point of view on the formation of an Independent Jewish State: 1. The Arab League Declaration of 15 May 1948 Part 1 These excerpts outline the reasons Palestine was created as an individual country and states the reasons why it should stay an Independent Arab state. 2. The Arab League Declaration of 15 May 1948 Part 2 These excerpts respond to the Declaration of Independence of Israel and outline the reasons they feel the authority over the land should revert to Arab Rule. 3. Excerpts from the “Jewish State” By Theodor Herzl The excerpts outline the reasons for an independent Jewish State through the eyes of the Zionist Movement Leader and founder Theodor Herzl. 4. Israel’s Declaration of Independence 14 May 1948 The Declaration outlines the reasons for an independent Jewish State stemming from the ancient times of Jerusalem to 1948 and why its creation was justified.
Culminating Activity Using the Information from the song and the readings, the class will be divided in half and each side will be given either the Palestinian or Israeli point of view to defend and will educate the other students so that they may complete their graphic organizer fully. H.W.: Pretend you are a diplomat and you were writing a petition to the United Nations stating your opinion on whether you feel Israel should be allowed to keep this land or if Palestine should be able to reclaim the land for themselves. Provide specific examples from all documents, graphic organizers, and PowerPoint to support your decision.
Indian Independence Essential Question/Aim: Is civil disobedience an effective means to achieve political goals?
“Who Do You Think You Are?” By: Ray Davies Don't you realize what you are doing, Or even think about what you have done? I really might consider even suing You wretch, you boar, I've seen your type before You come to the jungle with your big shotgun Surrounded by lackeys, the great mighty one Then cut off the head of the dead tiger Another trophy to hang on the wall • Questions: • During the fight for Indian Independence who were the “lackeys”? • 2) Who do you believe is the “dead tiger”? • 3) What is another example of British Imperialism that relates to “I’ve seen your type before”?
Document 1: “Wherever possible, civil disobedience of the salt laws should be started. These laws can be violated in three ways. It is an offense to manufacture salt wherever there are facilities for doing so. The possession and sale of contraband salt, which includes natural salt or salt earth, is also an offense. The purchasers of such salt will be equally guilty. To carry away the natural salt deposits on the seashore us likewise violation of the law. So is the hawking of such salt. In short, you may choose any one or all of these devices to break the salt monopoly.” – Gandhi on the Salt March • Questions: • 1) What are two ways in which the salt laws can be violated? • 2)Who do you believe was the intended audience of this quote? Provide evidence from the text to support your belief.
Questions: • 1)Using the document as evidence to support your opinion, describe how the British government felt about Gandhi’s movement • 2)The efforts of Gandhi’s salt march were successful in challenging the rule of the British government in India, agree or disagree? Use evidence from the text to support your answer. Document 2: “The Salt Satyagraha started with a dramatic long march by Gandhi and a group of picked companions from Sabarmati to the coat at Dandi, 240 miles away, where he proceeded to make salt illegally by boiling sea water. The march was a publicity enterprise of great power as the press followed the party’s progress…As he journeyed…deliberately challenging established authority, village headmen began to resign in large numbers…in April, India’s Viceroy, Lord Irwin reported to London that in Gujarat ‘the personal influence of Gandhi threatens to create a position of real embarrassment to the administration…as in some areas he has already achieved a considerable measure of success in undermining the authority of Government.” - From Modern India: The Origins of Asian Democracy By: Judith M. Brown Docu
Exit Slip: • Directly answers the Essential Question for the lesson • Has students using evidence from the documents to understand the Essential Question, as well as the Key Concept. Name:__________ Date:__________ EXIT SLIP Is civil disobedience an effective means to achieve political goals? Explain your answer using evidence from previous documents. _____________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________
Lesson: The Cuban Missile CrisisBy: Jennifer Connelly and Michael Lieberman Sample Lyrics: I was walkin’ down the sidewalk, not causin’ any harm The radio reported, it sounded with alarm The Russian ships were sailin’ all out across the sea We all feared by daybreak it would be World War III Questions: What is the tone/mood of this song? Why was the Cold War called a “cold war”? This song was written at the height of the Cold War in 1962. Why do you think Dylan’s lyrics reference “world war III”? Aim: Did President John F. Kennedy make the right decision in choosing a plan of action to deal with the Cuban Missile Crisis? Song: “Cuban Missile Crisis” by Bob Dylan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBn08MjSwUM
Primary Source Documents Document # 3 Document #1: Correspondence between N. Khrushchev and JFK Document #2: New York Times article discussing JFK’s address to the nation regarding the Cuban Missile Crisis and the US response (modified) Questions: What is the tone of these documents? Based on these documents, who has the upper hand in the conflict? Why? Do you think the tone of the song reflects the feelings of the nation in 1962? Explain.
Culminating Activity Plans of Action: -Do Nothing -Negotiate -Use nuclear weapons on Cuba & USSR -Bomb missile bases So What Actually Happened? Using excerpts of correspondence between Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev and President John F. Kennedy, the students will be given the details of the negotiations that took place between the US and the USSR to prevent war. 3-2-1 Name 3 countries involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis Name 2 leaders involved in negotiations Name 1 term of the negotiation made between the two superpowers.
Make Your Own Gravy(Steal any ideas from today’s presentation)
Thank You for Your Kind Attention and CooperationPlease Email or Call Me for any Clarification on today’s presentationsAsst. Professor Kevin Sheehan Ksheehan1@molloy.edu Phone: (516) 678 5000 Ext. 6933