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Before buying Motorcycle equipment. Always try the clothes on before buying them. Many people buy motorcycle clothes that are too big . You will mostly use these clothes during warmer seasons and you should therefore try out the clothes using thin underwear .
Always try the clothes on before buying them. Manypeoplebuymotorcycleclothesthataretoobig. Youwillmostlyusetheseclothesduringwarmerseasons and youshouldtherefore try out the clothesusingthinunderwear. The garment is primarilyintendedtoprotectyou and if the garment is toolargethere is a risk thatprotectors and otherenhancementsare not in the right place. If youwantto dress for colderweather, putotherclothes on top, insteadof under youmotorcyclegear. Thistipalsoappliestotextilegarmentswithmembranes. Alsotakeintoconsiderationthat the garmentwillfeelquitedifferentlyifanylining is removed.
Leather stretches! Textiles do not! Leathergarmentsstretches. Werecommendbuyingleathergarmentsthat fit tight. Textilegarmentsdoes not stretch so theyshould not fit as thight as leather. The onlyplacethatourleatherproductswill not stretch is in the waist, iftheyareequippedwithzippersto be connectedto the jacket. Ususallytextileclothesare not as flexible, butafterwearingthem for a whiletheytoowillbecomemorecomfortable and protectorswillsit in the right place.
The same rule for gloves Leather gloves stretch. Buy a glove that fits tight. Textile gloves does not stretch as much. They should fit comfortably at purchase.
Adjustable protectors Ourproductsaredesignedto be comfortable on a motorcycle. Thismeansthat the protectorscan fit strangely at the upright position. For example, the kneepads sits far down whenstandingupbutifyousit on a motorcycletheyare in the right position. Manyofour jackets and pants haveadjustableprotectionwithourunique Velcro system that gives you the abilitytoadjust the protector's position suitingyourparticularanatomy.
Remember that the right of length back protectorcanvarybased on the type of motorcycle you use. You shoulduse a back protectorcovering an area as large as possiblewithoutaffectingcomfortwiledriving. Protectorsshall be located as close to the body as possible and cover an area as large as possiblewithoutaffecting the maneuvercontrol of the vehicle.
Moisture = cool! Moisture is usually what makes the ride uncomfortable. It'seasytoforgetwhat kind ofunderweartouse, butit's vital to the comfortnessof the ride. Wearing the wrongtypeofunderwear, such as cottonunderwear, canleadtosweatbeingtrapped, and thuscoolingyou 20 times faster thanifyouhadworn the right typeofunderwearsuch as wool.
Thank you for taking 10 minutes to read about Jofama’s products and our view of how to dress for motorcycle riding!