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From histograms to reaction yield: the AGS system CERN, 13.04.2011 Cristian Massimi. It is a code developed at IRMM by C. Bastian for reduction of histogram data [1,2,3] AGS includes a full propagation of uncertainties (both uncorrelated and correlated)
From histograms to reaction yield: the AGS system CERN, 13.04.2011 Cristian Massimi
It is a code developed at IRMM by C. Bastian for reduction of histogram data [1,2,3] AGS includes a full propagation of uncertainties (both uncorrelated and correlated) The data reduction package consisting of a series of C functions (about 30 … + 1) which have been used for a long period and tested What is AGS code, I
Used to determine the experimental observable from results of a transmission, capture or fission measurement. Includes the most important spectra manipulations: Dead time correction; Linear combination of spectra; Background fitting and subtraction; Projection of spectra on different time axis; Importing of ENDF files; Spectra interpolation; Calculation of self-shielding factors; Normalization; Calculation of resonance areas What is AGS code, II
Full propagation of uncertainties, accounting for both correlated and uncorrelated uncertainties, starting from the uncertainties due to counting statistics Easyto document uncertainties and to verify the impact of various sources of uncertainties through each step of the reduction process Reduction of space for data storage Recommended by the IAEA to store experimental data in the EXFOR data base [4] Why the AGS code
Operation AGS_file spectrum1,spectrum2 /OPTION1\ /OPTION2 Depending on the operation (function) some options (qualifiers) are mandatory. The name of the resulting spectra always start with a prefix of the current step of the execution Any AGS operation starts with the creation of a new and empty AGS file: ags_mpty test.ags The AGS code, how to [5]
From histograms to the determination of the experimental observable we can have 3 (4) steps: Dead time correction [6] example; Background fitting and subtraction on capture (and on flux) Determination of the observable From TTOFSort several histograms have been created, in particular the TOF spectrum holding counts (Au_T_u1_C6D6) and the TOF spectrum holding weighted counts (Au_T_w1_C6D6) An example
ags_mpty test.ags #STEP A importing histograms from output1.root ags_getR test.ags /RFILE=output1.root\ /HIST=Au_T_w1_C6D6,Au_T_u1_C6D6 /SCALERHIST=Au_h_info_C6D6\ /SAMEBOUNDS=YES # spectra A01ROOT and A02ROOT are created #STEP B dead time correction ags_dtco test.ags,A01ROOT /BASE=A02ROOT /DTIME=30.0\ \DTUNC=0.0 /COEFF=0.000 /LPSC=2 # spectra B01SUM, B01DTCF, B01ROOT are created ags_scan test.ags can be used to see what is the result. An example, capture
An example, capture ags_scan test.ags test.ags : Created on Mon Apr 4 09:58:12 2011 3 Steps, 6 Spectra, 16 Matrices ags_getR test.ags /RFILE=output1.root /HIST=Au_T_w1_C6D6,Au_T_u1_C6D6 /SCALERHIST=Au_h_info_C6D6 /SAMEBOUNDS=YES Spectrum name |nb_chan| Bounds | Observ | Covariance A01ROOT 1601 F 2 1192C F 17D3C 1AF44 A02ROOT 1601 F 2 1192C I 10028 10028B ags_dtco test.ags,A01ROOT /BASE=A02ROOT /DTIME=300.0 /DTUNC=0. /COEFF=0.000 /LPSC=2 Spectrum name |nb_chan| Bounds | Observ | Covariance B01CSUM 1601 F 2 1192C F 1E14C FFFFFFFF B01DTCF 1601 F 2 1192C F 21354 FFFFFFFF 1 2455C B01ROOT 1601 F 2 1192C F 27764 2A96C 1 2DB74C ags_putCM test.ags,B01ROOT /ZONES=1210,1215,1 Spectrum name |nb_chan| Bounds | Observ | Covariance C01RAWDAT 0 F 2 0 F 0 0 1 0 Enter Step prefix, or Spectrum name
An example, capture Ags_putCM test.ags, B01ROOT /ZONES=1210,1215,1 Produces the ASCII file of the covariance 6data points: X Y dY dY-uncor 1.10283E+06 8.42330E+02 1.27180E+02 1.27180E+02 1.11560E+06 1.28137E+04 5.00655E+02 5.00518E+02 1.12851E+06 2.90345E+02 6.88420E+01 6.88420E+01 1.14158E+06 3.19743E+02 7.69175E+01 7.69175E+01 1.15480E+06 1.45126E+02 5.16087E+01 5.16087E+01 1.16817E+06 3.79293E+02 9.43544E+01 9.43544E+01 covariance matrix of data points: 1.6175E+04 2.3231E+00 8.4168E-03 9.2158E-03 2.7725E-03 1.0807E-02 2.5066E+05 4.9509E-01 5.4209E-01 1.6308E-01 6.3569E-01 4.7392E+03 1.9641E-03 5.9086E-04 2.3032E-03 5.9163E+03 6.4695E-04 2.5218E-03 2.6635E+03 7.5866E-04 8.9027E+03
From histograms to the determination of the flux we can have 3 steps: Dead time correction example; Background fitting and subtraction example; Determination of the flux From TTOFSort several histograms have been created, in particular the TOF spectra holding counts (_T_u1_MGAS, …, _T_u1_SILI) and the spectra holding time interval distribution (_T_d1_MGAS, …) An other example, flux
An other example, flux Time interval Distribution from TTOFSort d1 235U
An other example, flux Time interval Distribution from TTOFSort SiMon det. 3
An other example, flux ags_dtco … /DTIME=2000.0 … 1 MeV 1.3E4 ns
An other example, flux Ags_fit … /FUN=PEXP /GROUPS=… /GUESS=… /FIX=…
An other example, flux Ags_fit … /FUN=PEXP /GROUPS=… /GUESS=… /FIX=…
NUPECC working group, WG36 recommendation: reporting of TOF-data in AGS format Neutron Resonance Analysis School, Nov. 2011 organized by IRMM together with IAEA, NEA & CEA One of the topics: Production of covariance data using AGS Financial support for young researchers ! (http://irfu.cea.fr/Sphn/NRA_school_2011/) Keep in mind
[1] C. Bastian, “General procedures and computational methods for generating covariance matrices”, Proc. Int. Symp. Nuclear data evaluation methodology, BNL, 12 – 16 October 1992, pp. 642- 649 [2] C. Bastian, “A set of UNIX commands for neutron data reduction” Int. Conf. On Neutron Research and Industry, Crete, Greece), edited by Ed. G. Vourvopoulos SPIE – The Intern. Society for Optical Engineering, (1997), p. 611 [3] C. Bastian, A. Borella, F. Gunsing, J. Heyse, S. Kopecky, G. Noguere, P. Sieglerand P. Schillebeeckx, “AGS, A Computer Code for Uncertainty Propagation in Time-Of-Flight Cross Section Data”, PHYSOR-2006, ANS Topical Meeting on Reactor Physics, Vancouver, BC, Canada. 2006 September 10-14 [4] N. Otuka, A. Borella, S. Kopecky, C. Lampoudis and P. Schillebeeckx, “Database for Time-of-Flight Spectra with Their Covariance” Porc. of the ND2010 conference, to be published [5] see /afs/cern.ch/exp/ntof/software/AGS/ [6] run /afs/cern.ch/exp/ntof/software/AGS/examples/s1_capture.csh References
Cristian Massimi Dipartimento di Fisica massimi@bo.infn.it www.unibo.it