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Explore the creation and operation plans of the "Carpet-3" multipurpose shower array for diffuse gamma radiation search, including configurations, detectors, modeling results, efficiencies, and sensitivity to cosmic radiation.
Criation of the “Carpet-3” multipurpose shower array for search of diffuse gamma radiation with energyEγ>100TeVA.U. Kudzhaev for “Carpet-3” collaboration Moscow - 2018 Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
High-energy (E>100TeV) neutrinosare accompanied by HE photons (iffrom π-mesons) cascades on CMB strong suppression for extragalactic sources.Searches for the HE photons distinguishbetween galactic and extragalactic originsof IceCube astrophysical neutrinos.
The “Carpet-2” configuration allows to measure parameters of EAS for interval Ne=104-107(Eo~ 1013 – 1016 eV) withthe following accuracy:core location: ΔXo=ΔY=0.35m;shower size: ΔNe/Ne ~ 0.1;arrival direction: Δψ ~ 3o;studying EAS central density structure;studying the structure of muonic component with 1GeV threshold energy;studying of hadronic component with 25 GeV threshold energy.
The “Carpet-3” shower array Carpet-3: planned to operate since 2019 Muon detector 410m2 December 2019 Additional 20 modules of surface detectors of 9 m2 area( 18 scintillation counters of 0.5m2 area in each module) 2019-2020
Modeling of showers For value an efficiency of selection gamma rays have been modeling a EAS, using the CORSICA code (model QGSJET01C). 5400 showers from primary protons with energy region(0.316-31,6) PeV and 815 events of primary gamma rays with energy region(0.3-9) PeV were simulated . On results of modeling for showers of primary protons and gamma rays have been obtained the dependences: Ne(Eo), nµ(Eo) and nµ(Ne); the efficiency of registration and the efficiency of reconstruction of Ne.
Limited at flux of diffuse gamma radiation In order to distinguish a showers of primary gamma rays from background ordinary EAS the analyze of correlation dependence in plane nµ - Ne detected and modeling of events have been carried out. For value of efficiency choice gamma rays at the plane nµ - Ne is selected a field of disposition a points only of modeling gamma rays without points of detected EAS. At picture the boundary of this field is distinguish by broken line.
The ratio of number modeling of gamma rays are situated in this field to total number at Ne>5·105 is efficiency εγof its registration. Analogous have been calculated the significance εγstill for 5 one Ne in the field Ne>5·105. As in choice field are absent the detected events it is possible use next formula for value of up limit at flux of primary gamma rays at 90% confidence level: where N90=2.3, S·Ω·T=6.2·1014 cm2·ster·s, ε1 – efficiency of detection showers by given trigger and reconstructed of parameters of shower, ε2 – efficiency of choice showers from primary gamma - quantum , Nselect(>E)/Ntot(>E)
At this picture are presented the limit at integral flux of cosmic diffuse gamma – radiation in dependence of energy of primary photons together with results another of experiments. It is notice that the presented results in this work are since preliminary and represented the limit at flux of cosmic diffuse gamma-radiation will be define more precisely in more careful analyze of experimental data. There have been carried out the calculations of efficiency selection of γ - rays for “Carpet -3” shower array with of MD area 410 m2 and 615 m2. At this picture are presented an expectation limited at flux of cosmic diffuse γ-radiation for two configuration of “Carpet-3” array and for two meaning of times collection of information. Es seen, even at area of MD 410m2 the new array will be have the best sensitivity to flux of primary gamma-quantum with energies in 100TeV-1PeV region Dependence of integral flux gamma- rays of threshold energy gamma-rays
At this picture estimate of sensitivity “Carpet-3” shower array to diffuse γ-radiation for region energies (100TeV-10PeV) have been presented. These results are compared with results in this region of groups KASCADE, IceCube, Fermi/LAT.
The new liquid scintillator detector for modules of ground part of “Carpet-3” shower array For modules “Carpet-3” shower array the liquid detector with scintillator in wrapping plastic have been constructed. The detector is represented the container by size 66x74x30cm3 made from thick layer veneer by thickness 10mm. AT the bottom of the detector 10 wrapping plastic are placed. A wrapping is represented itself a plastic bottle by size 14x14x31 cm3, in which is flooded scintillator on the basis reactive Fuel T-6 with density 0.82g/cm3. In the capacity of light reflected of surface new detector was used an layer of white paint in one case, put on surface, and in another case a glued to surface an aluminium foil with the help sticky tape.
Appearance of the new detector. Disposition of plastic wrapping with liquid scintillator at the bottom of the detector .
Comparison of the amplitude spectra on single muons, when • inner surface of the new detector is coated with • white paint; • aluminium foil Spectra have been received wit the help of oscillograph LECROY WaveJet in voltage divider of detector U=-1700v. As seen of this picture the maximum of first spectrum corresponds to 8.5v and the second maximum corresponds to 12.5v. That is in second case the efficiency of light collection at 32% more then in the first case. Whence it follows that in the capacity of reflection photons in the new detector follow use an aluminium foil.
The characteristics of the new scintillation detector 1. Amplitude signal from anode – 12mv; 2. Inhomogeneity of detector – 27%; 3. Total number of photoelectrons at the photocathode – 360; 4. Energey resolution – 45%.
CONCLUSION • Motivation to search for PeV photons [IceCube neutrinos unclear] • First limits on PeV point source fluxes [Crab, CygX-3,Mrk 501, Mrk412] • At the Baksan Neutrino Observatory INR of RAS is created the “Carpet-3” multipurpose shower array invented for investigation of diffuse gamma radiation with energy higher than 100TeV. • After final accomplished of this array it can be competitive in its class and will have a chance to get the word best limit on the flux of gamma rays. • This will allow to solve the problem of origin of high-energy astrophisical neutrinos detected by Ice-Cube experiment. • Carpet-3 upgrade and diffuse fluxes to come soon!