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Unit 3: Looking at Student Work Learning Objectives. Become aware of key components of quality classroom assessment aligned with on CCSS-ELA Literacy in Science. Learn to backward-design your instruction for quality student work. Learn a protocol for looking at student work.
Unit 3: Looking at Student WorkLearning Objectives • Become aware of key components of quality classroom assessment aligned with on CCSS-ELA Literacy in Science. • Learn to backward-design your instruction for quality student work. • Learn a protocol for looking at student work. • Use the analysis of student work to guide instruction and monitor student learning.
Prompt Think about your classroom assessments. • What do you believe are elements of quality classroom assessment?
CAESL Assessment-Instruction Cycle Backward-Design 5.b
Backward-Design for Quality Student Work • What will students learn? • Determine learning goals: science and English-language arts • What will students do to demonstrate their learning? • Determine student work • How will I facilitate their learning? • Determine sequence of learning experiences
1 - Determine Learning Goals • Science content learning goal • Literacy strategy goal • Reading • Writing • Speaking and listening • Language
2 - Determine Student Work • What will the learning look/sound like for science? • What will the learning look/sound like for ELA? • What type of written text will reveal student thinking? • What type of reading text will add/challenge student thinking? • Are speaking and listening part of the student work?
High SchoolExpected Student Work • Student work will indicate student understanding of the science learning goal: There are five different types of chemical reactions that are identifiable by the product of the reaction. • Student work will be expressed through the ELA learning goal: Students perform experiments with different substances and write in a table in their notebook their observations of the products of the reactions. Based on these data and the notes taken during classroom lessons, students compare their findings with their initial claims and write a lab report (informational text) including a balanced equation associated with each chemical reaction.
Student Work Example Continued • Find appropriate literacy standards for the student work: Writing, Speaking/ Listening, Reading Informational Text, Language. • Use the grade level example for writing text type. • Work with a partner to determine what other ELA standards might be appropriate for this student work. • Ask participants to share some of their ideas. • Compare with the teacher’s ideas.
High School Example Writing: Text type #2 a-f; #9 draw evidence from text Reading: #1, # 4, #7, #9 informational text Language: #6 Academic language Speaking /listening: None for this student work
3 - Determine the Learning Sequence • Design the types and order of the learning experiences to move students’ science understanding from their prior knowledge to the concept of the lesson. • Use Lesson Sequence Template
Scoring Guide, not Grading Rubric • Provides formative feedback for teacher to monitor and adjust instructions • Based on Expected Student Responses (ESRs) enriched by descriptors/characteristics in student work
Developing a Scoring Guide for Formative Assessment • Develop Expected Student Responses (ESRs) for high, medium and low level responses in each component being assessed • Read student work • Sort into H, M, L piles • Determine descriptors/characteristics of the piles (are there MH, ML?) • Revise ESRs based on the descriptors/characteristics • Re-score student work using the scoring guide
Guide for Instruction • Focus on the trends that describe low level responses. What is the specific instruction needed to move students up to the medium level? Consider both science content and literacy content. • Focus on the trends that describe medium level responses. What is the specific instruction needed to move students up to the high level? Consider both science content and literacy content. • Focus on the trends that describe high level responses. What is the specific instruction needed to extend student understanding. Consider both science content and literacy content.
LSW Protocol Review • Identify quality learning goals and assessment tools • Score student work • Identify trends • Specify instructional needs based on trend in data
On Your Own Think about a lesson or series of lessons you will be teaching soon. • What is your science learning goal? ELA learning goal? • Determine student work. How will it be expressed? • Review the Literacy in Science Standards to select appropriate standards. • Determine the ESRs for the science and literacy components of the scoring guide. • Plan learning sequence