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Join us for an important training session discussing CSA reminders, calendaring, events page, ACT/SAT, emailing, and the new texting service. Learn how to effectively communicate with CSA's texting communication system.
CSA -Fall 2019 Training Please put Your phone on MUTE To ask Questions or connect with the Presenter please text to: 949-633-9944 The call will start promptly at 8pm CST
Agenda • CSA Reminders: • Texting • Calendaring • Events Page • ACT/SAT • Transcripts • Emailing • Subject Line • Customize Signature • Social Media • Advocate of the Day • Camps • Camp Training • New Texting Service: • The Importance of Communicating
CSA’s Texting Communication System Please Text to 57838 Enter in the message area the Codes that match your Grad Class Parents and Student Athletes Please!
CSA Reminders Texting Tuesday, Calendaring, Communications, Accountability • Student Athletes MUST Text EVERY Tuesday. • Critical to the Recruiting Process is the ability to develop constant communication and accountability to effective communications. • Text BEFORE you head out to School. Gives your Advocate a whole day to work on your path. • Are all your Events for Fall clipped as a summary right above your calendar? If Not, email using Spreadsheet #10
Check the Events page. • Is the Student Athlete listed in EVERY Tournament that they’re scheduled to attend this Fall? • If not, please email CollegiateSportsAdvocate@gmail.com • If an event is deleted or added during fall please send just the event to delete and just the event to add. • Copy your Advocate on EVERY email and texts or phone calls. • Copy the CollegiateSportsAdvocate@gmail.com so we can add it to your file. • Must Take SAT/ACT this Fall all 23’s – 21’s… PSAT/PACT for 24’s. • Please check your page to see if your Transcripts and Copy of Test scores are there, if not send them ASAP!
Calendars • Is the Student Calendar up-to-date Each Week. • Take 5 minutes on Sunday Evening to review the week and make sure everything is listed on the calendar. • When game times show up, immediately, same day input the games into the Calendar. • This is when adding the field number and the jersey number is IMPORTANT. • Add Bracket games as you advance in tournaments. • CSA uses your Calendar to direct College Coaches via Email and when an Advocate of the Day is at a tournament.
Emailing • When: • NOW – Email an “Introduction to your Fall Events” Due out by October 2nd • 2-3 Days before each Week when you will be attending an event. • Email every week before each scheduled tournament or event. Sunday through Wednesday, not earlier, not later. • Email EVERY Saturday night during a multi-day event – Invite them to your Sunday games. • What you should send: • Use Email template Inviting them to your Fall Schedule – Before Oct 2nd • Invite them EACH WEEK to your game schedule and include your Fall Schedule. • If you don’t have game times yet… indicate that you have a schedule on your Web page with the link below for specific games or updates. • Email again and remember these local tournaments that send out such late game times are probably not catering to the College Showcase environment as College Coaches need to prepare their Watch Lists. • Email on a Saturday to invite them to Sunday….. SOOOOO Important. Coaches Appreciate it too!
Subject Line SUBJECT LINE: Always the Same ‘YR – Position – Team (shorten it) – Video (the purpose of the subject line is to draw the Coaches attention to exactly what they’re looking for, sorting through their hundreds of emails)
Sample Email Dear Coach (Name): My name is (your name) and I play (position) for (team and organization). I am interested in your (sport/program) because (list a one-line sentence for what makes you want to play for them, if you cannot find a unique authentic one, then skip this line). Name the Name of the University that you’re emailing. I would like to invite you to see me play (list your next games, season schedule, or CAMP and where they might be able to see you play). Insert your Customized Signature here: ALWAYS copy your Advocate on all emails and any communications you are having with coaches.) Also Copy CollegiateSportsAdvocate@gmail.com
Customized Signature Charlotte Kelly 2020 RHP/SS Tournaments: •NE Fall College Showcase October 11-13,2019 •Frozen Ropes Fall Showcase Saturday, October 19-20,2019 •ADK Domes February 7-9,2020 https://www.collegesportsadvocate.com/charlotte-kelly---sb-2020.html Advocate- Penny Roberts Prosariorobertscsa@gmail.com (845)494-9899 Belen Sanchez2021 OFhttp://www.collegesportsadvocate.com/belen-sanchez---sb-2021.htmlAdvocate: Cheri Naudin1-(949)-633-9944cherimasonnaudin@gmail.com
Social Media • Send any photos and Video’s to your • Advocate. • Include : • Year, Name, Position, ONE Sentence about the Success. • Include Instagram and Twitter Address • SHARE SHARESHARE what CSA Puts out there. • You can add your personal flavor when you share! • WE are Better than me!
Advocate of the Day • Many Events this Fall will be attended by an Advocate of the Day • The Advocate assigned to the Event will Email One Week in Advance and announce to the Student Athlete that they’ll be there. • They will look for a link to the event and any camps that may be of interest. • The Student Athlete must send emails, Copying the Advocate of the Day, your Advocate and the CollegiateSportsAdvocate@gmail address. • Student Athlete MUST Text that Advocate and acknowledge and confirm that they’re attending. This is how the Advocate gathers their numbers. • The goal is to capture which Colleges have actually shown up to the particular event. • The Advocate tries to show up early to gather the names of the Colleges that have shown up. • Parents – Can you help us too as we may not be at EVERY Event. • Make a list of the College Coaches you see. • Text the Names in one list to the Advocate of the Day • Advocate of the Day collects the lists and send out one Text to the Student Athletes. • The Student Athletes MUST Email the Colleges that show up Saturday night. • Copy the Advocate of the Day with your Emails and your Advocate and the CollegiateSportsAdvocate@gmail address. • Advocate of the Day keeps a list of ‘20’s and ‘21’ Opportunities. We do our best to keep a running list.
Camps – Combines - Clinics • Camps – Highly recommend for Class of ‘22,’23,’24 – Maximum Exposure • Multi School Camps associated with specific Tournaments. Will be held on Saturday or Sunday because of the D1 requirements. Be a STANDOUT or it is a waste of time! • ‘21’s will be directed and guided to Colleges still pursuing ‘21 and redirected to see them PLAY at Tournaments in the Fall or Winter. DO NOT Sign up randomly. • ‘21’s Videos are crucial as a way for Advocates across the Country to show College Coaches their skill set and get them invited to a school specific camp for further consideration. • ‘21’s and ‘20’s should not sign up to go to a camp that they receive an Email to attend. That is not recruiting, that is camping. • ‘22’s, ‘23’s and ’24’s should only respond to a school specific camp after consulting with their Advocate and giving a credible nod to attending depending on where they’re at with development and recruiting. Not always ready for the exposure. • Spend more time and money training with your clinicians, adjusting your Athletic Food Programs, do more conditioning on your own… • (if you’re doing what everyone else is doing they the outcome will be the same as everyone else’s)
Week Before Camp • Send an Additional Email indicating that you’re attending the Camp • Direct that email to the Colleges listed. • Specifically call out that you’re attending NAME of the Camp. • Copy your Advocate / Copy Collegiate Sports Advocate. • Practice Handshaking and Adult Communications with other Adults before you go. • SHY is NEVER an option.
Here’s How We Camp! • Do Your VIRTUAL Tour, know everything there is to know before you go. • Know who will be there. • Be able to recognize their face and remember their name. • Check the weather. • Bring lunch and necessary water and supplies – keep them with you NOT With THE PARENTS. • Close your eyes take a Deep Breath and Visualize what your purpose is that day. It’s a TRYOUT! • Use a Key Word to refocus if you get nervous or feel under pressure! • Wear something that differentiates you. • Get there EARLIER than it says to be there. • Check in. • They start watching the minute you arrive in the parking lot and maybe even at your hotel. • ALWAYS introduce yourself live to the Coach and indicate that you send an introduction email. • YES… You CAN and should interact with the Coaches at a Camp! That’s why you’re there! • Not the parents… Parents…EVEN IF YOU’RE a Coach. It makes them uncomfortable and there is never an advantage. Save the relationship building for another occasion. You’ll appreciate this advice later. And, you’ll never know why they “really” passed on your Student Athlete. • Parents PLEASE NEVER talk to the coaches, you may think it seems normal and natural but they REALLY don’t like it and feel awkward… Just refrain… • Especially NOT during the Question and Answer period, there is NOTHING you need to know at this point and drawing attention to yourself at this point is never a value add. • We do not recommend a photo unless it is an Unofficial Visit or you’re a ‘22 at an Elite Camp. Some ‘23’s may be invited to Elite camps but let your Advocate decide.
Turn it on and Keep it ON – It’s a TRYOUT – Leave a LASTING Impression! • Be the fastest. • Hit the hardest. • Be helpful and friendly to all. • Dive for balls in batting practice, that too is a tryout. • Be coachable. Do what they ask you to do. • Don’t argue with coaches or state that “your coach teaches you a different way”. Apply it, if you don’t “you’re not coachable” • Do memorable things. • THIS IS A TRYOUT! • Do something SPECIAL. • Front toss HIT them OUT – Set a Goal for how many. Practice hitting off a T and hitting them out of the park. • What kids are on the team do I know or do you know? Find someone REALLY good to warm up with or play catch with. • Failure is part of this experience and how you handle it and pick yourself back up. • Be mentally tough and how you overcome opportunity. • Praise others other teammates and players showing your team player attitude! • SHY……. • If you’re a pitcher or Catcher before scrimmage “talk” to each other before you scrimmage. • Never sit when the coach is talking.....you can take a knee when instructed to sit the point is to have solid engaged body language. • Engage the current players running the camp.....don't be afraid to speak to them. • Eye contact at all times and firm handshake. • Always send a thank you email the DAY AFTER the camp. No delay! 48hr’s. • Refer back to something you learned and thank them individually and remind them of one moment that you had that was memorable! BEST ADVICE – Improve your TALENT…. Spend more time in the back yard and at clinics, not CAMPS!
Communication Follow up • Always RESPOND to Emails and Text • Let the sender know you’ve received it • Take Action • Text your Advocate letting them know TONIGHT that you’ve completed this training! • Thank you for Attending!