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Data Acquisition Software Integration and ADC Characterisation

Develop C-based DLLs to simplify ADC operation in LabVIEW, including USB communication functions and 16-channel ADC settings customization. Implementation progress and remaining tasks outlined.

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Data Acquisition Software Integration and ADC Characterisation

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  1. Data Acquisition Software Integration and ADC Characterisation Jack Hobbs 4th August 2009 1

  2. The Original Aims • We should have the ability to operate the Analogue to Digital Converter (ADC) from a LabVIEW data acquisition program. • This program should be able to set up and alter any settings the ADC has. • Ideally this could then be extended to the eventual full setup of 6 ADCs planned. 2

  3. What This Means • Write a collection of Dynamic Link Libraries (.dll) using the C programming language. • These will sit on top of the Jungo libraries and USB drivers and make the operation of the ADC simple for any user or program that uses them. • Write a LabVIEW program referencing these DLLs to operate the ADC. 3

  4. USB Functions  • Initialise Communication • Establish a connection • Get the device parameters • Transfer the “HEX file” • Create a “Device Handle” • End Communication  4

  5. ADC Functions • 16 channels of with individual settings: • Active • Gain • Average • AC/DC • Sample rate • Triggering • Resetting        5

  6. ADC Functions   • Direct altering of registry values • Continuous Mode (FFI) • Burst Mode (FSI) • Test Mode • Start acquisition • Stop acquisition • Acquire error flags (Decode data)        6

  7. What Has Been Done • Everything with a tick has been written. • Only the initialisation has been tested. It works. • A centralised error code header file has been written.  7

  8. What Is Left To Do • All the crosses need to change to ticks. • Decoding the output binary file should be easy. It is a separate task. • I think it will be harder to implement the processes that surround actual data acquisition. • A LabVIEW program must then be written.  8

  9. Data Acquisition • Will require more thought than the rest of the code. • The C++ code and older DAQ software encounters problems with continuous mode. • These are fundamental problems that have to be addressed before the C code is written. 9

  10. Summary • We should be able to set up the ADC soon. • Next the ADC needs to be triggered for operation and transfer of data. This will take longer. • Finally a LabVIEW program will be written to control every aspect of the ADC’s operation. 10

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