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Macro CFA review. Outline . Measurement National income (GDP) and unemployment Business cycles Aggregate supply and demand model Money Money supply and demand Monetary and fiscal policy Activist versus non-activist policy. Gross Domestic Product.
Outline • Measurement • National income (GDP) and unemployment • Business cycles • Aggregate supply and demand model • Money • Money supply and demand • Monetary and fiscal policy • Activist versus non-activist policy
Gross Domestic Product • Objective: Estimate the amount of economic activity • Approaches • measure output • measure expenditure • measure income • These all measure the SAME THING!
Gross Domestic Product Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the most common measure of economic activity GDP – The market value of all finalgoods and services produced in a year, within a country’s borders
Expenditure GDP = C + I + G + NX C – Consumption expenditures I – Investment expenditures • machines, equipment, structures, software and inventory G – Government purchases of goods and services NX – net exports = Exports minus imports
Income and output GDP = output of the economy • Output produced using land, labor and capital Payment to resources • Wages – payment to labor • Interest and profits – payment to capital (includes dividends) • Rent - payment to land GDP = wages + interest & profits + Rent
Real and Nominal GDP • Nominal value – the value in current dollars • Expenditure method: GDP = C + I + G + NX • measured in current market prices • Real value – the value in constant dollars
Inflation • Inflation – sustained rise in the average level of prices • Deflation – sustained decline in average level of prices • Price level – measured using a price index • Price index measures average, not relative prices
Calculating the inflation rate Inflation rate is found by calculating the percent change in the price index Inflation rate 1977-1978 = Inflation rate 2007-2008 = Source: BLS, base year 1984-1982 average. End of period
CPI inflation record, USA Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Consequences Inflation • Inflation erodes the purchasing power of money • Results in loss of purchasing power of monetary and fixed income assets • Bank deposits, CDs, Bonds • Results in a decrease in debt burden as purchasing power of debts fall • Creates confusion about future prices
The “inflation tax” • Inflation distributes income from those with fixed incomes to those with fixed costs. • Inflation acts as a tax on fixed income receipts • Tax on lenders/savers • The real value of fixed income falls as prices rise • The real value of fixed payments fall as prices rise
Unemployed • To be considered unemployed, a person must • not have a job • be 16 years of age or older • be actively seeking employment, or awaiting recall • People not working and who are also not looking for work are notconsidered unemployed
Unemployment rate The labor force = employed + unemployed persons • Interpret as the number of available workers The unemployment rate = unemployed divided by labor force
Example, USA Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics Calculate the labor force Calculate the unemployment rate
Types of Unemployment Frictional– Unemployment caused by short-term movement of workers and first time job seekers. Structural – Unemployment caused by technological or structural changes in the economy Cyclical – Unemployment caused by recession
The natural rate of unemployment Natural Rate of Unemployment – • The unemployment rate with no cyclical unemployment • Frictionaland structuralunemployment are always present in the economy
Potential GDP When unemployment = natural rate • real GDP = potential • No cyclical unemployment
Model of GDP determination GDP = output = expenditure • Output: Everything produced by land, labor and capital • Aggregate supply • Expenditure: C + I + G + NX • Aggregate demand
Model of GDP determination GDP = output = expenditure • Output: Everything produced by land, labor and capital • Aggregate supply • Expenditure: C + I + G + NX • Aggregate demand
Long-run Aggregate Supply • Long-run: real GDP is equal to potential GDP • Potential GDP is the most an economy can produce with resources and technology • Potential GDP is independent of price level
Long-run Aggregate Supply Curve Price level LRAS Real GDP Yp The long-run Aggregate Supply curve is a vertical line at Potential GDP (Yp)
Short-run Aggregate Supply • Short-run: • Prices of resources/input and costs of production are assumed to be fixed • Price of output may vary • As the price of output increases, the quantity of output supplied (real GDP) increases. • In the short-run, there is a positive relationship between price level and output (real GDP) supplied
Short-run Aggregate Supply Curve Price level SAS LRAS Real GDP Yp There is a positive relationship between SAS and price level
Aggregate Demand Aggregate expenditure: • Consumption (C) • Expectations, wealth • Investment (I) • Expectations, interest rate • Government Purchases (G) • Policy – can deficit if tax revenue not available • Net Exports (NX) • Exchange rate, relative prices, foreign income
Aggregate Demand Price level AD Real GDP There is a negative/inverse relationship between price level and Aggregate demand
Equilibrium Price level SAS LRAS AD = C + I + G + NX Real GDP Yp Long-run equilibrium, all curves meet at potential
Recession SAS Price level AD Real GDP Y’ Yp During recession, real GDP may be less than potential
Responses to recessions Activist/Keynesian response to recession • Use fiscal policy to increase AD • This is counter-cyclical policy • Increase government purchases (G) • Reduce taxes Increase consumption (C) Keynesians are all about Aggregate Demand!! • Multiplier effects: increase in G of $1 leads to greater increase in AD
Response to recession SAS Price level AD’ AD Real GDP Y’ Yp Increase AD to fight recession
Discretionary/automatic stabilizers Discretionary policy • Planned expenditures: American Recovery and Reinvestment act (ARRA) Automatic Stabilizers • Element of fiscal policy that changes automatically as income (real GDP) changes • Example: progressive taxes, unemployment benefits Result: Deficits higher during recessions
Consequences of deficits Richardian equivalency theory Crowding out theory Supply-side economics
Ricardian Equivalence theory • AD shift is the same if government borrows or increases taxes to finance spending • households see government borrow • expect an increase taxes in the future • save more (spend less) to pay future taxes • Result: expansion of AD depressed • David Ricardo (1772 – 1823)
Richardian equivalence SAS Price level AD = AD’ Real GDP Y’ Yp No increase in AD as result of increase in G or reduction in taxes
Crowding out theory • The government issues bonds to finance spending • Businesses also issue bonds to finance investment (I) • Government and businesses compete for the same funds • government borrowing “crowds out”, or reduces, private investment • Depresses increase in AD from government spending
Crowding out SAS Price level AD’ AD ‘’ AD Real GDP Y’ Yp Increase in AD caused by increase in G offset by decrease in I
Financing with Tax Revenue Eventually, government spending has to be financed with tax revenue Taxes reduce incentive to work • As tax rates increase, hours worked per person decreases • Leads to a decrease in potential GDP and decrease in LRAS
Supply-side Economics • The study of the effect of taxation on aggregate supply is “supply-side economics” • Increase tax rates reduces in economic activity • less income available to tax • A decrease in tax rates increases economic activity • more income available to tax
Taxes and hours worked 2004 Sources: Taxes: McDaniel 2007, Hours worked: GGDC and OECD
Taxation on LRAS Price level LRAS’ LRAS Real GDP Yp’ Yp Increasing income tax rates leads to a decrease in potential GDP
Activists and non-activist • Keynesian/New Keynesian • Intervene to increase AD – benefits outweigh cost • New Classical • Supply-side effects are powerful • Richardian equivalence means AD shift will be small
Functions of Money Money must perform the following functions: • Medium of exchange • Satisfies double coincidence of wants • Unit of account • Goods are prices in money • Store of value • Maintains purchasing power • Standard of deferred payment • Debts denominated in money
Types of Money • Commodity Money • money with intrinsic value • Example: gold coins • Fiduciary money or fiat currency • money backed by trust • U.S. dollar is a fiat currency
Defining Money There are two official measures of the U.S. money supply M1 = Currency + checking deposits + travelers checks M2 = M1 + savings deposits + CD + retail Money market Money expands through the banking system