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Thank you for coming to Curriculum Night!. Mrs. Sadowsky Second Grade 2013-2014. Agenda. Our Daily Schedule Curriculum Information Classroom Expectations and Procedures Nuts and Bolts Q and A. Our Specialist Schedule. Monday: Music and P.E. Please wear appropriate shoes!
Thank you for coming to Curriculum Night! Mrs. Sadowsky Second Grade 2013-2014
Agenda • Our Daily Schedule • Curriculum Information • Classroom Expectations and Procedures • Nuts and Bolts • Q and A
Our Specialist Schedule • Monday: Music and P.E. • Please wear appropriate shoes! • Tuesday: Library • Please bring library books back! • Tuesday is our check-in/check-out day! • Wednesday: Library • Thursday: P.E. • Please wear appropriate shoes! • Friday: Music
Typical Schedule 9:15-9:40 Morning Routine: Attendance and Lunch Count; Morning Entry Task (Daily Common Core Review) 9:40-10:40 Math 10:40-11:00 Handwriting Without Tears/ Good Habits, Great Readers – Writing 11:00-11:30 Success Time: Math 11:40-12:20 Lunch and Recess 12:25-12:55 Good Habits, Great Readers: Shared Reading 1:00-1:30 Monday ONLY: Music Tuesday-Thursday: Geography, Social Studies, Science, Art, Health 1:20-1:30 Tuesday and Friday ONLY: 2nd Recess 1:35-2:05 Monday and Thursday ONLY: P.E. Wednesday ONLY: Library Friday ONLY: Music 2:10-2:20 Monday, Wednesday, Thursday ONLY: 2nd Recess 2:10 Friday ONLY: Learning Improvement Friday – Early Dismissal 2:10-2:40 Tuesday ONLY: Library 2:25-3:15 Good Habits, Great Readers: Guided Reading/Balanced Literacy Rotations 3:15 Wrap up and Pack up! 3:25 Monday-Thursday ONLY: Dismissal
Curriculum Information Balanced Literacy Program • Literacy Rotations • Flexible and appropriate groupings • Reading, writing, word work • GHGR (Good Habits Great Readers) • Shared Reading: Skills such as concepts of print, proper book handling, rhyme, phonics, choosing a “Just Right” book, and predicting. • Assessments that drive instruction: DRA (3 times a year), common writing assessments, and both formative and summative assessments in all core content areas • Parent Support – Help make your child accountable for their homework! • Reading Log (minimum of 20 minutes, 5 times a week) • Ask questions about the reading content • Handwriting Without Tears • Wright Skills Phonics
Curriculum Information Math • New Math Curriculum: enVision MATH • Common Core State Standard Alignment • Daily Topic lesson review to come home daily for home review • Leveled homework as needed • Because it supports the day’s lesson, it is critical for it to be returned the next school day. • Informal assessing occurring constantly. Occasional formative assessments to gauge understanding. • Students may be pre-tested so that teachers can measure growth through data, and teach more intentionally. Summative assessments given at the end of each instructional unit. To be communicated via letter. Tests will be on file.
Curriculum Information Science • FALL- Balance and Motion Students investigate balance and motion with mobiles, tops, zoomers, and whirlers, and studying wheel-and-axel systems and rolling cups. • WINTER - Air and Weather Students explore four concepts including air as a material that takes up space; force of air pressure; how moving air interacts with objects; location of the sun and the moon in the sky over a day and the change in the appearance of the moon over a month. • SPRING - The Life Cycle of Butterflies Students are introduced to the concept of life cycles by investigating the painted lady butterfly. Students observe, record, and describe the metamorphosis from caterpillar to chrysalis and from chrysalis to butterfly.
Classroom Management • Jefferson is a Make Your Day School. • Jefferson School Rule: Everyone has the right to learn and be physically safe and emotionally safe, free from interference from others. • Jefferson School Rule: Do what’s expected. Do your best. • Positive Reinforcement is also a critical part of our classroom environment. • Stamps = Prizes! • A way to incorporate math skills with real-life application.
Nuts and Bolts • Please check both homework and communication folders DAILY, as there will often be time-sensitive items enclosed. • Reading Logs will come home on Monday and will be due on Monday. 20 minutes on 5 days. All areas of the log must be COMPLETE for credit. • If no other date is indicated, homework is always due the next school day. • Three “late homework passes” will be distributed. Please leave them in your child’s homework folder. This gives a ONE DAY grace period. No replacements will be issued. • Please take time to go through your student’s corrected work in his/her communication folder. I often write notes and feedback. This is a great way to maintain a school-home connection and for you to stay informed of your child’s academic progress. • Recommendation: DO NOT RECYCLE. Keep for the trimester! • I’ll be touching base with those of you who mentioned volunteering in the classroom towards the end of October. • Don’t forget that Learning Improvement Fridays begin on Friday, October 4th, which means a 2:10 early release schedule.
Contacting Me: • Email me: tsadowsky@everettsd.org • I check my email pretty frequently throughout the day. It is the best way to contact me. • Classroom Phone: 425-385-7433 • I check my phone messages before and after school.
*Did you sign in? PLEASE DO! Email addresses will be provided to the office for school communication as well. *Please sign up for a conference time! (October 28-30 with evening conferences available on Monday!) -Kindly make a note if you have a sibling in another grade, so that I can coordinate with that teacher when finalizing the schedule. *To be more earth friendly, I did not make many copies for you to take home tonight. If you would like any of the handouts I have prepared, please write your child’s name beneath each one you want, and I will put a copy in your child’s communication folder tomorrow. These will also be available in digital form on my classroom website.
Questions? Thank you for coming!