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MERSİN ÜNİVERSİTESİ İNGİLİZCE ÖĞRETMENLİĞİ BÖLÜMÜ Öğretim Teknolojileri ve Materyal Geliştirme İlköğretim 4.Sınıf Düzeyi Powerpoint Sunusu ile Hayvanların Öğretilmesi Hazırlayanlar: Ayser Raif İSMAİL Meryem US Pelin DULDA Selver ERZİN Ders Sorumlusu: YARD.DOÇ.DR.GÜLRİZ İMER.
MERSİN ÜNİVERSİTESİ İNGİLİZCE ÖĞRETMENLİĞİ BÖLÜMÜ Öğretim Teknolojileri ve Materyal Geliştirme İlköğretim 4.Sınıf Düzeyi Powerpoint Sunusu ile Hayvanların Öğretilmesi Hazırlayanlar: Ayser Raif İSMAİL Meryem US Pelin DULDA Selver ERZİN Ders Sorumlusu: YARD.DOÇ.DR.GÜLRİZ İMER
One day, Peter and Clara come to Heidi’s grandfather’s farm. They want to see the animals.
Welcome, children. How are you today? Welcome children, how are you today?
They have a good breakfast. After breakfast, they go and start to walk in the farm.
Hey children, come here. Look at the ground. There is a lovely cat.
It always escapes from my dog. Do you want to touch the dog?
Then, suddenly they hear a voice and look at the tree. There are birds on the tree. They are singing nicely.
Go on children. There is a duck in the water. Come and see it.
Heyy, do you feel the smell? Follow it children. Look, there is a pig in the mud.
Yes, they are. I like them very much. Oh, grandfather! What are those?
Come on Clara. It is time to go home. All right Peter. I am coming.
Grandfather, we like all the animals. Thank you very much. Not at all. Come again.
Heidi, Peter ve Clara hangi hayvanları gördü? • Haydi hep birlikte görelim… :)
Chicken Horse Cow
Cat Dog Bird
Sheep Duck Pig Frog
Şimdide Heidi, Peter ve Clara’nın gördüğü hayvanları seslerinden tanımaya çalışalım.
Which animal is this? It is a chicken.
Which animal is this? It is a horse.
Which animal is this? It is a cow.
Which animal is this? It is a cat.
Which animal is this? It is a dog.
Which animal is this? It is a bird.
Which animal is this? It is a sheep.
Which animal is this? It is a duck.
Which animal is this? It is a pig.
Which animal is this? It is a frog.