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The European Days of the Entrepreneur Sofia, November 4-5, 2004

The European Days of the Entrepreneur Sofia, November 4-5, 2004. How to develop a EUREKA project & EUREKA Success Stories Svatopluk Halada EUREKA Secretariat, Brussels svatopluk.halada@es.eureka.be. EUREKA in glance. A European Research Programme

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The European Days of the Entrepreneur Sofia, November 4-5, 2004

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  1. The European Days of the Entrepreneur Sofia, November 4-5, 2004 How to develop a EUREKA project & EUREKA Success Stories Svatopluk Halada EUREKA Secretariat, Brussels svatopluk.halada@es.eureka.be

  2. EUREKA in glance • A European Research Programme • Bottom-up project generation by partners • Flexible mechanism and lack of bureaucracy • Market orientation • Target group: mainly industry(particular attention to SMEs) • Funding: public, private, own • (each member country has national criteria and schemes for co-financing) • Not an EU-programme • but complementarity and co-operation (ERA)

  3. 34 EUREKA members including future candidates for EU accession. In addition 3 co-operating countries and 1 country with associate status.

  4. Why EUREKA ? Time to market reactivity • Flexibility • Light Ex-ante • Evaluation • /PAM/ • Flexibility to adapt project contentand structure • IPR: negotiated between and ownedby partners of project consortium • Shared responsibility

  5. 2 pillars Strategicinitiativesfor Europe2010 a NetworkforSMEs • a common R&D public-privatesynergy • Increasing the European competitiveness3% Lisbon objective

  6. EUREKA  • A pan European decentralised • Network for innovative projects • by SMEs 19 years of experience !

  7. Building cross-border partnerships • 1500 finished projects •  600 running projects • Investment of 500 M€ each year

  8. Participation of SMEs in EUREKA

  9. EUREKA Success stories • Many notable « Successstories » •  can be viewed on EUREKA website • EUREKA Awards including « Lynx  • Award » • for high growth SME

  10. Health • Name • E! 2061 INCA-MRI • Heart disease diagnosis MRI(non-invasive and lower radiation) • Successful treatment • 1999-2003 • CH , AT, DE ,DK, NL • One stop shop to help prevent 17 millions of cases of heart disease Innovation Market Date Participants Impact

  11. Energy / Environment • NameInnovationMarket • Date • ParticipantsImpact • E!1542 Automatic Quartz WatchMicrogenerator to replace batteriesWatches, hearing aids • July 1998NL, CH, DE20 millions unit/year

  12. Innovation is a lengthy process One example …… ten years later • Smart navigation in the city • Finished in 1993 • 3 years to commercialise the system E!55CARMINAT

  13. EUREKA  Strategic initiatives for Europe • Focus on the strength of European • industry • A favourable environment for • European competitiveness and job • creation (home of the future, smart cards, mobile communications, automotive, aeronautics)

  14. EUREKA Strategic initiatives • Information technologies • Communication technologies • Biotechnologies • Energy

  15. Co-ordination of Cluster projects Partners283295168240 Countries16181319 MicrochipsSoftwareMicro- & Nanosystems Interconnexion MEDEA+ITEAEURIMUS PIDEA 1 000 European partners working together! 1 B € each year

  16. Enhancing European competitiveness • Common strategic view of industry • Define European standards • Prepare ‘interoperability’ • End-user focused

  17. From the past … • EUREKA and the European Unionco-financed • a project initiative: JESSI (1989-1996) • Result: • 3 European companiesin the Top 10 • ranking ofmicrochipmanufacturers A real success !

  18. Developing your car of the future (2008) Sensors are the main application field for microsystems in the car

  19. Preparing the next civil aircraft Main systems and functions Structure monitoring HUMS Vibrations, Stabilisation Structure fatigue Navigation Air Data, Instruments, Flight Control Inertial Measurements Units GPS receiver and antennas Air conditioning Generation monitoring Pressure, Humidity Landing systems Hydraulic pressure, Tyre pressure Engine and reactors FADEC Hydraulics

  20. What is a EUREKA project ? • A EUREKA project is: • proposed, defined and managed by its partners (the´bottom-up´approach) • international – partners from at least two of EUREKA’s 34 members • mainly industry-led • financed locally • developing innovative product,process or service for the market

  21. EUREKA’s flexible, bottom-up approach • The participants decide: • The project objectives and content • Who they choose to work with • How much it will cost • How long it will take • How it will be managed • How risks and results will be shared • Ownership of results (IPR etc.)

  22. EUREKA projects Rate of success of proposals 65% Overheads of the Initiative <3% More project proposals than funding available The return on investment of public funding by taxes over induced turnover is less than 2 years

  23. AN IDEA FOR AN R&D PROJECT If your idea is innovative and the goal of your project proposal is the development of  a product, process or service with market potential  IT COULD BE A EUREKA PROJECT  Contact your national EUREKA office

  24. FINDING PARTNERS FOR YOUR PROJECT If you are looking for partner(s)  CONTACT YOUR NATIONAL EUREKA OFFICE  Your national EUREKA NPC can help youfind a partner(s) OR You may already have your project partner(s)  PREPARATION OF EUREKA PROJECT

  25. PREPARATION OF EUREKA PROJECT (1) • From idea to definition of project • Setting of project (content – target – results -output) • Durationof project (definition phase - implementationphase) • Budget of project • Definition of relations between project participants • Decision on main partner (co-ordinator of project) • Role of other project participants • Clear definition of how to use results and output of project • Financing of project • Different financing opportunities of participants • Different national possibilities andschemes of • co-financing

  26. PREPARATION OF EUREKA PROJECT (2) • Administration and legal arrangement of project • Completion and signature of the official EUREKA Project Form (public document) • Filling in of national EUREKA form • Preparation and signature of legal agreement between the partners • Duration of preparation stage of project • 3 – 9 months • All partners must be in contact with their • national EUREKA office 

  27. OBSTACLES IN THE PROJECT PREPARATION STAGE • Dealing with interactions • Huge volume of co-ordinating steps • Limited availability of financial resources • Each national EUREKA office has its own procedures for submission of project proposals(approval of participation inproject)

  28. CRITERIA FOR FUNDINGAPPROVEMENT • Example of basic criteria • Technology • Risk • Project partner(s) • Environmental aspects • Market outlook: national & international • Example of evaluation scale • from 1 to 5 • System of funding • Grant • Loan • Combination grant and loan

  29. EUREKA LEGAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN PARTNERS Collaboration agreement should cover • The rights and obligations of the partners (inclear and simple language) • Project management and communications • Ownership of the results • Exploitation routes and agreements • Procedures for partner changing • Arbitration procedures • Termination provisions • Which national law should be apply • The project plan, time schedule and milestones

  30. EUREKA NATIONAL PROJECT CO-ORDINATOR • EUREKA national NPC is always willing • to assist you and • Help find a partner • Help define the project •  Help an access funding •  Gain an access to other EUREKA services

  31. EUREKA National Office Role of EUREKA National Office to find, to inform, to motivate, to facilitate, to support a potential national partner(s) in EUREKA international project(s)

  32. EUREKA in Bulgaria (1) • General information • Co-operative relations with EUREKA as ´NIP • Country´ since 1992 (NIP countries are on the • road to full membership) • EUREKA National Contact: located at the • Ministry of Economy • EUREKA National Representative: • Ms. Emilia Radeva

  33. EUREKA in Bulgaria (2) • Project participation • E! 1985 DIAGNOSTICS NFDK-MOAB • Medical and Biotechnology Finished project • BG participant: Academy of Sciences /Institut of • Molecular Biology and Biochemistry of • Fertilization • E! 2884 EUROENVIRON BIOPROCESSING • Environment Ongoing project • BG participant: University of Chemical Technology and • Metallurgy (Interested) • E! 3382 EUROENVIRON SCADOR • Environment Project proposal • BG participant: University of Chemical Technology and • Metallurgy (Interested) • E! 3385 EUROENVIRON COSTAS • Environment Project proposal • BG participant: Sirma Ai Corp. (Interested) • ITEA(Cluster project) • sub-project AGILE(ITEA 03003)Ongoing project • /Agilesoftware development ofembedded systems/ • BG participant: Nemetschek Bulgaria OOD

  34. EUREKA in Bulgaria (3) • Recommendations • Governmental support • EUREKA as a part of National Innovation Policy • Availability of public co-financing • Creation of EUREKA partner relations • To find ´right one´ direct contacts and links • throughout network • To prove competence • Inventive national EUREKA office • Promotion of activities(advice, support co-ordination) • National infrastructure of regional info points

  35. For more information • Have a look to the EUREKA • public website www.eureka.be

  36. EUREKA Website • Project database, partner search • Launch project suggestion/idea • Project Success stories • EUREKA publications • Forthcoming events (Partnering/Brokerage, Conferences,etc.) • EUREKA contacts • www.eureka.be

  37. Innovation activities Innovation is crucial to help companies to modernise and improve competitiveness

  38. Thank you for your attention The European Days of the Entrepreneur Sofia, November 4-5, 2004 Svatopluk HALADA EUREKA Secretariat, Brussels svatopluk.halada@es.eureka.be

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