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Multi-Level Optimization

Multi-Level Optimization. 1. Reduce number of literals fewer literals means less transistors (less space) fewer inputs implies faster gates (less switches in series) fan-ins (# of gate inputs) are limited in some technologies 2. Reduce number of gates

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Multi-Level Optimization

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  1. Multi-Level Optimization • 1. Reduce number of literals • fewer literals means less transistors (less space) • fewer inputs implies faster gates (less switches in series) • fan-ins (# of gate inputs) are limited in some technologies • 2. Reduce number of gates • number of gates (or gate packages) influences manufacturing costs • 3. Reduce number of levels of gates • fewer levels of gates implies reduced signal propagation delays • minimum delay configuration typically requires more gates (wider less deep circuits) • Explore tradeoffs between increased circuit delay and reduced gate count • automated tools to optimize logic and explore possibilities CSE 567 - Autumn 1998 - Combinational Logic - 1

  2. Optimization Approaches • Exploit common subexpressions (less gates) • Minimize number of literals rather than terms • Trade more levels of logic for reduced fan-in (may also be faster) • No systematic minimization procedure exists as in the two-level case X = AC'D + BC'D + ACD' + BCD'(12 literals and 4 wires, max fan-in = 4) X = (A+B)C'D + (A+B)CD'(8 literals and 6 wires, max fan-in = 2) X = (A+B)(C xor D) (4 literals and 2 wires, max fan-in = 2) CSE 567 - Autumn 1998 - Combinational Logic - 2

  3. Network Operations • Operations on factored forms • elimination • decomposition • extraction • simplification • substitution manipulate network via a collection of transformations there exists no algorithm that guarantees an "optimal" multi-level network will be obtained outputs inputs each node is an arbitrarily complex gate CSE 567 - Autumn 1998 - Combinational Logic - 3

  4. Factoring Boolean Expressions • Division with Boolean functions F = DQ + R D = divisor Q = quotient R = remainder • Example: X = ac + ad + bc + bd + e Y = a + b X/Y = c + d X = Y (c + d) + e interesting divisors are called kernelsand cubes remainder divisor quotient CSE 567 - Autumn 1998 - Combinational Logic - 4

  5. Algebraic vs. Boolean Division • Algebraic division – use rules of algebra (see previous example) • Boolean division – use rules of Boolean algebraF = ad + bcd + eG = a + bF/G = (a + c) dF = GQ + R = [G (a + c) d] + e (a + b) (a + c) d + e (aa + ac + ab + bc) d + e (a + bc) d + e ad + bcd + e G does not divide F under algebraic rulesG does divide F under Boolean rules (very large number of these) the key here is the absorption theorem of Boolean algebra CSE 567 - Autumn 1998 - Combinational Logic - 5

  6. Kernels and Cubes • Kernel: cube-free factor of an expression (no cube can factor it evenly) kernels: a + b, a + cd non-kernels: a, abc, a(c + d) • Co-kernel: quotient resulting from dividing the expression by the kernel e.g., F = a c + b c + b’ d’ kernels: a + b co-kernels: c G = (a + b + c) (d + e) f + g kernels: a + b + c; d + e co-kernels: de, df; af, bf, cf CSE 567 - Autumn 1998 - Combinational Logic - 6

  7. Why Kernels? • Multi-cube algebraic divisors (only other divisors are cubes) • Can be partitioned into a hierarchy (efficient extraction algorithms) • level-0 kernel: cannot be divided evenly by a kernel • level-n kernel: can be divided evenly only by level-(n-1) kernels and itselfF = (a (b + c) + d) (eg’ + g (f + e’)) + (b + c) (h + i)level-0 (among others): b + clevel-1 (among others): a (b + c) + dlevel-2: FF = j (a (b + c) + d) (eg’ + g (f + e’)) + (b + c) (h + i)F is level-3 because it contains a level-2 kernel: (a (b + c) + d) (eg' + g (f + e')) CSE 567 - Autumn 1998 - Combinational Logic - 7

  8. Tabular Method for Finding Kernels • Use a cube-literal matrix • Rectangles represent a cube • The co-rectangle represents a kernel • e.g. g = abe + acd + bcd • cube = cd • kernel = a+b CSE 567 - Autumn 1998 - Combinational Logic - 8

  9. Common-Cube Extraction • Find the cubes common two several expressions • Useful for extracting the cubes (factoring) • e.g. F = abc + abd +eg G = abfg H = bd + ef CSE 567 - Autumn 1998 - Combinational Logic - 9

  10. Finding Kernel Intersectons • First find the kernels and co-kernels (cubes) • e.g. F = af + bf + ag + cg + ade + bde + cde G = af + bf + ace + bce H = ade + cde • (Number these cubes in order of appearance) CSE 567 - Autumn 1998 - Combinational Logic - 10

  11. Finding Kernel Intersections • The cokernel-cube matrix • A column for each cube • A row for each cube in each function • Numbers indicate which cubes in the corresponding kernel • Rectangles in this matrix correspond to common kernels CSE 567 - Autumn 1998 - Combinational Logic - 11

  12. Example to Illustrate Transformations • Unoptimized logic network a b c d e v = a’d + bd + c’d + ae’ w x y z p = ce + de r = p + a’ s = r + b’ t = ac + ad + bc + bd + e q = a + b u = q’c + qc’ + qc CSE 567 - Autumn 1998 - Combinational Logic - 12

  13. Example to Illustrate Transformations (cont’d) • Optimized network a b c d e j = a’ + b + c’ v = jd + ae’ w x y z s = ke + a’ + b’ k = c + d t = kq + e q = a + b u = q + c CSE 567 - Autumn 1998 - Combinational Logic - 13

  14. Elimination • Removing a node (too simple a function, better to absorb into other gates) a b c d e v = a’d + bd + c’d + ae’ w x y z p = ce + de s = p + a’ + b’ t = ac + ad + bc + bd + e q = a + b u = q’c + qc’ + qc CSE 567 - Autumn 1998 - Combinational Logic - 14

  15. Decomposition • Break a complex node into simpler ones (too complex for a single gate, create opportunities for sharing sub-expressions) a b c d e j = a’ + b + c’ v = jd + ae’ w x y z p = ce + de r = p + a’ s = r + b’ t = ac + ad + bc + bd + e q = a + b u = q’c + qc’ + qc CSE 567 - Autumn 1998 - Combinational Logic - 15

  16. Extraction • Finding common sub-expressions and pulling them out into their own node(most important and complex function in multi-level optimization) a b c d e v = a’d + bd + c’d + ae’ w x y z p = ke r = p + a’ s = r + b’ k = c + d t = ka + kb + e q = a + b u = q’c + qc’ + qc CSE 567 - Autumn 1998 - Combinational Logic - 16

  17. Simplification • Two-level minimization applied to a node (exploit structural don't cares) a b c d e v = a’d + bd + c’d + ae’ w x y z p = ce + de r = p + a’ s = r + b’ t = ac + ad + bc + bd + e q = a + b u = q + c CSE 567 - Autumn 1998 - Combinational Logic - 17

  18. Substitution • Reuse existing nodes to make others simpler (closely linked to extraction and decomposition) a b c d e v = a’d + bd + c’d + ae’ w x y z p = ke r = p + a’ s = r + b’ k = c + d t = kq + e q = a + b u = q’c + qc’ + qc CSE 567 - Autumn 1998 - Combinational Logic - 18

  19. a a =1, b = 1, x =1 can never occur x b Multi-Level Logic Don’t Cares • Don't cares come from two sources in multi-level circuits • From specification (external explicit don't cares) • in terms of circuit inputs and outputs • From structure of circuit graph (internal implicit don't cares) • a combination of input and internal values cannot occur or • an internal node output is irrelevant for some input combinations depending on how it is used by its fanout • Both are critical in arriving at minimal circuits • Must be maintained throughout all graph operations CSE 567 - Autumn 1998 - Combinational Logic - 19

  20. Restructuring Multi-Level Logic for Speed • Decrease fanout of nodes • more destinations for a signal implies slower transmission • elimination • Decrease fanin of nodes • gate speed proportional to square of number of inputs (1st order) • decomposition, simplification • Move late input closer to outputs • make path to output shorter, pre-compute other logic • Shannon decomposition (f = a fa + a’ fa’) A A A is a late arriving inputthat is moved closer to the output by restructuring the logic(i.e., changing DAG structure) CSE 567 - Autumn 1998 - Combinational Logic - 20

  21. Summary of Multi-Level Optimization • Minimization procedures • heuristic application of the operations we just listed • no guarantee of finding an optimal realization • does quite well in a practical amount of time (with algebraic division) • Everything up to this point has been technology independent • just considering literal count or depth of circuit • not the types of elements available to actually implement the circuit • Technology mapping • process of converting circuit graph into one where each node is directly implementable with an available gate or function block CSE 567 - Autumn 1998 - Combinational Logic - 21

  22. Technology Mapping • Process of transforming logic network so that all nodes can be directly implemented with an available component directed toward area or speed optimization • Requires library of available gates • permutations of inputs (e.g., a•b + c – a and b can be switched) • area and delay for each library gate • Example: NAND4area: 8delay: 8 NAND2area: 4delay: 2 AOI21area: 6delay: 5 XOR2area: 16delay: 6 CSE 567 - Autumn 1998 - Combinational Logic - 22

  23. Canonical Representation for Library Cells • Represent function in terms of 2-input NAND gates • Not a unique representation • library must represent all non-isomorphic possibilities • Example: • F = (ABCD)' has two representations CSE 567 - Autumn 1998 - Combinational Logic - 23

  24. cell in library node in graph     Technology Mapping by Tree Matching • Dynamic programming algorithm • taken from code generation – Aho and Johnson's TWIG • DAG is viewed as a forest of trees (two options) • 1. partition into trees (break graph at fanout nodes) • 2. duplicate logic in common sub-trees • Consider adding inverter pairs along any arc of original DAG CSE 567 - Autumn 1998 - Combinational Logic - 24

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