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WebTime Entry Training for Work-Study Students

WebTime Entry Training for Work-Study Students. _______________________________. _______________________________. WebTime Entry Training Objectives. Provide an overview of the new system and benefits Demonstration How to… Login Report hours worked for current period View time history.

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WebTime Entry Training for Work-Study Students

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  1. WebTime Entry Training for Work-Study Students _______________________________

  2. _______________________________ WebTime Entry Training Objectives • Provide an overview of the new system and benefits • Demonstration How to… • Login • Report hours worked for current period • View time history

  3. _______________________________ Why WebTime Entry? • WebTime is convenient and efficient • Maximizes time processing accuracy • Allows you to report hours from any computer • Allows your supervisor to review and approve your hours from any computer • Enables your supervisor to notify you if changes need to be made to your hours • Allows you and your supervisor to review time history

  4. _______________________________ Accessing WebTime Entry • Access WebTime Entry by logging into TheSIS. • Need help logging into TheSIS? • You can retrieve your password by clicking “What’s my password?” on the TheSIS Main Menu • Or contact the IT helpdesk (helpdesk@bsc.edu or X3033) for assistance

  5. _______________________________ A word of CAUTION… • Please do not check the “electronic signature” until your timesheet is complete and ready for your supervisor’s approval. • Once “electronic signature” is checked, you will be unable to add hours or make changes to your timesheet.

  6. _______________________________ How to Enter Hours

  7. ______________________________ How to Enter Hours Select: ‘Log in’ Enter your TheSIS username and password. Select ‘Employees’ (NOT ‘Student’)

  8. _______________________________ How to Enter Hours Welcome M. Student Select: ‘Time Entry’

  9. _______________________________ How to Enter Hours Welcome M. Student Cut-OffDate Select: the Check Box by the pay period for which hours are to be entered. Select: ‘Submit’ Note: If you have more than one position, you will need to select the appropriate position from the list.

  10. _______________________________ How to Enter Hours Cut-Off Date • Find appropriate date and enter total ‘Hours Worked’ daily. • Round hours worked to the nearest quarter hour (.00, .25, .50, or .75) • You will not need to enter Annual Leave Hours, Sick Hours, Other Time Hours, Other Time Types, Shift Hours, Shift Type, or Insert Line. Please, ignore these columns. If you enter information in these columns, you will receive an error message.

  11. _______________________________ How to Enter Hours Click ‘Submit’ to save the hours entered each day without marking the timesheet as complete. You can return to this form to enter more hours or make changes.

  12. _______________________________ Signing Your Timesheet Once all hours have been entered, reviewed for accuracy at the end of the month, select the ‘electronic signature’ Check Box and then select ‘Submit’. An automated e-mail will be sent to your supervisor when you sign your timesheet notifying him/her your hours are ready for approval.

  13. _______________________________ Signing Your Timesheet • You must enter your ‘electronic signature’ by the ‘Complete By Date/Time’. • The ‘Complete By Date/Time’ is 12:00 noon on the first day of the following month. • This deadline applies to both weekdays and weekends. • The WebTime Entry Best Practice is for you to electronically sign and submit your hours at the end of your last shift each month.

  14. _______________________________ Time Entry – Confirmation form If you do NOT mark the ‘electronic signature’ Check Box, the confirmation will specify that the time entry status is ‘not complete’. It will verify any entries during the pay period. If you mark the ‘electronic signature’ Check Box, the confirmation will specify that the time entry status is ‘completed’. You cannot re-enter the timesheet for this pay period.

  15. _______________________________ E-mail Notifications • Your supervisor will receive an automated e-mail when you electronically sign your timesheet notifying him/her your hours are ready for approval. • You will receive an automated e-mail when your supervisor approves your hours. • You will receive a personalized e-mail if your supervisor rejects your hours with instructions for you to make corrections. These corrections must be made before the ‘Complete by Date/Time’ (12 noon on the first day of the month).

  16. _______________________________ WebTime Entry Best Practices • Enter your hours worked on a daily basis • Enter your hours and electronically sign your timesheet at the end of your last shift each month (This should always be before the ‘Complete By Date/Time’- 12:00 noon on the first day of the following month) • Use OWA calendar reminders for important dates (i.e. Complete by Date/Time) • If you receive an e-mail that your hours have been rejected, make the corrections your supervisor requests and electronically sign the revised timesheet (This must be done before the ‘Complete By Date/Time’) • Contact your supervisor for assistance as needed

  17. _______________________________ How to View Time History

  18. _______________________________ How to View Time History Select: ‘Time History’

  19. _______________________________ How to View Time History Select the applicable year. Select: ‘Submit’

  20. _______________________________ How to View Time History Check the box by the pay period to be reviewed Select: ‘Submit’

  21. _______________________________ How to View Your Time History You can review time history for hours, Supervisor’s Decision and electronic signature confirmation

  22. _______________________________ Important Notes • To review Financial Aid Office guidelines,visit the Financial Aid website at http://www.bsc.edu/fa/employment.htm • You will be paid on the 10th of each month (or preceding business day if the 10th falls on a weekend or holiday).

  23. _______________________________ If you need assistance… Please contact your supervisor. Thanks to Coastal Carolina University for providing a template for this tutorial.

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