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CSC 363: Local Area Networks

CSC 363: Local Area Networks . DePaul University Winter Quarter 1999 LoriLee M. Sadler. Intro to Course. How to contact me Office Hours Course Components Schedule. Small Group Project. 4 Cases from which to choose Final product Group registration on the web. The LAN Lab.

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CSC 363: Local Area Networks

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  1. CSC 363: Local Area Networks DePaul University Winter Quarter 1999 LoriLee M. Sadler

  2. Intro to Course • How to contact me • Office Hours • Course Components • Schedule

  3. Small Group Project • 4 Cases from which to choose • Final product • Group registration on the web

  4. The LAN Lab • Access hours • ID required • What’s up there

  5. Why do we network computers?

  6. Basic Terms • Clients • Peers • Servers

  7. Problem: • You’re installing a small network for a collections agency. There will be only five stations on the network. Cost is an issue, and the company would prefer not to dedicate an individual’s time to maintaining a network. However, the agency is also concerned about keeping its data safe, and the users are not sophisticated users.

  8. Network Types • Server-based • Peer to Peer • Hybrid

  9. Server-Based Networks • Also called client-server networks • Servers • responsible for security and administration • single login required for network resources • network services (e.g., printing, file storage) • Clients • typically less powerful than servers • need client software to access network services

  10. Domains • Unique to server-based networks • =>collections of networks and services that share security trust information • Domain controllers handle security and permissions • PDC=> • BDC=>

  11. Advantages central security & admin Optimized dedicated servers Single-password security Scales to large # of users Disadvantages Dedicated servers are more expensive than plain old computers Expensive NOS and clients Requires dedicated sysadmin Server-based Networks pros & cons

  12. Peer Networks • Also called peer-to-peer networks • No servers--every machine is a client and a server • Users control access and security to each networked resource

  13. Workgroups • Typically grouped by users rather than by services or resources • Password access to individual networked resources • Peer machines not optimized for resource sharing

  14. Advantages Cheap Easy to set up No sysadmin Users control access & “Security” No reliance on other computers Disadvantages All advantages are also disadvantages Inefficient use of peer equipment Intrusive, easy to break security Bad idea for large networks Peer NetworksPros and Cons

  15. Peer Security One user or all users--no user-level security Each shared resource must have its own password Lots of passwords means more points for hacking Server Security Centrally managed security Security controlled by groups of users and appropriate resources Peer Security vs. Server Security

  16. Hybrid Networks • Combines aspects of peer-to-peer and server networks • All the advantages of server-based networks and most of peer-to-peer • Some of the disadvantages of server-based networks

  17. Would a Peer Network be good for the Collections Agency?

  18. Would a Server-based Network be good for the Collections Agency?

  19. Server types • File Servers • Print Servers • Application Servers • Message Servers • Database Servers

  20. Server Software • Called Network Operating System (NOS) • Windows NT • Novell Netware • Requires matching clients

  21. Server Hardware • Typically more powerful than a client • NT requires a minimum of: • Pentium processor • 16MB of RAM • Reality Check • Pentium II • 64-256MB RAM • Large hard drive

  22. Client Hardware • 486 or better • 4MB of RAM or better

  23. Problem: You are considering networking topologies for a network for a telemarketing firm. • When would a ring network be appropriate? • When would a star network be appropriate? • When would a bus network be appropriate?

  24. Network Topologies • Bus • Ring • Star • Mesh

  25. Bus Networks

  26. Ring Networks

  27. Star Networks

  28. Mesh Networks

  29. Problem: You are designing a network for an office complex. Several buildings must be linked together with high-performance long-distance links, and servers within the building must be linked together with a high-speed backbone. Hundreds of clients computers in each building must be inked together inexpensively. What media will you use?

  30. Network Media • Copper • Glass • Air • Radio

  31. Copper Properties:

  32. Glass Properties:

  33. Air Properties:

  34. Radio Properties:

  35. Network protocols: • Hardware protocols • Hardware-software protocols • Software protocols

  36. Decision Tree for Networks-Network Type

  37. Decision Tree for Servers

  38. Decision Tree for Topologies

  39. Decision Tree for Media

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