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COS 240 Object-Oriented Languages 5.1 Object-Oriented Design Object-oriented thinking begins with object-oriented design.
COS 240 Object-Oriented Languages 5.1 Object-Oriented Design Object-oriented thinking begins with object-oriented design
“Let there be no doubt that Object-Oriented Design (OOD) is fundamentally different from traditional structured design approaches: it requires a different way of thinking about decomposition and it produces software architectures that are largely outside the realm of the structured design culture.” Grady Booch, 1994 SE guru (UML luminary and author) “Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications”
As emphasized previously, the most important aspect of O-OP is the creation of a “universe” oflargely autonomous (i.e. independent),but still yetinteractingobjects. But how does one come up with such a system? One answer is a design technique driven by the determination and delegation of responsibilities. The technique described is termed Responsibility- Driven Design (RDD). Other techniques are available – see COS 315 “Software Engineering”
Programming in the Small and Programming in the Large • The difference between the development of individual projects and more sizable (real-world) software systems is often described as programming in the small versus programming in the large. • Programming in the Small • One programmer understands everything from top to bottom. • Major problem is the development of algorithms.
Programming in the Large • System is developed by large team of programmers • Major problems are management of details and communication between programmers and between their respective software subsystems. • Really good design methodologies are required for large, complex real-world problems.
Basis for Design • Early software development methodologies (those popular before the advent of object-oriented techniques) concentrated on ideas such as characterizing the basic data structures, and/or the overall structure of function calls, often within the creation of a formal specification of the desired application. • But structural elements (data structures and functions) • of the application can be identified only after a considerable amount of problem analysis. • However, a design technique based on behaviour can be applied from the very beginning of a problem analysis.
Responsibility-Driven Design (RDD), developed by Wirfs-Brock, is an object-oriented design technique that is driven by an emphasis on behaviour at all levels of development. • A low-tech approach to identifying object responsibilities. • Software development with RDD: • Analyze problem – use scenarios to “capture” behaviour of real-world objects. • Record behaviour on CRC cards. • Design software objects. • Code • Test program
Responsibility-Driven Design • A design technique that has the following properties: • - Can deal with an ambiguous and incomplete specification (Description of what functionality is required from the program to be developed). • - Naturally flows from analysis to solution. • - Easily integrates with various aspects of software development.
An Simple Example - the IIKH • Imagine you are the chief software engineer in a major computing firm. • The president of the firm rushes into your office with a specification for the firm’s next PC-based product. • It is drawn on the back of a dinner napkin (as all the best designs are. Not!) • Briefly, the Intelligent Interactive Kitchen Helper (IIKH) will replace the box of index cards of recipes that may be used in a kitchen.
Abilities of the IIKH • Here are some of the things a user can do with the IIKH: • Browse a database of recipes • Add a new recipe to the database • Edit or annotate an existing recipe • Plan a meal consisting of several courses • Scale a recipe for some number of users • Plan a longer period of meals, say a week • Generate a grocery list that includes all the items in all the menus for a period
Characterization by Behaviour • Just as an class is characterized more by behaviour than by representation, the goal in using Responsibility-Driven Design is to first characterize the application by its behaviour – analysis of problem domain. • First capture the behaviour of the entire application. • Then refine this into behavioural descriptions of the individual parts (We “capture” the functionality of the software). • Then map the behavioural descriptions into code.
At first sight, from the problem description, we can see the need for - “something” to manage a recipe database - “something” to plan meals However, we need to analyze the problem in more detail to see if we have missed anything – we usually have! E.g. from experience, we can see that the user will need some form of menu screen to choose one of the various options.
Working Through Scenarios • A major technique we use to uncover the desired behaviour is to “walk through” “application scenarios”. • Pretend we have already a working application and “walk through” the various uses of the system. • Establish the “look and feel” of the system. • Make sure we have uncovered all the intended uses. • Develop descriptive documentation. • Create the high-level software design.
Example: Simple Browsing Scenario Walkthrough Alice Smith sits down at her computer and starts the IIKH. When the program begins, it displays a graphical image of a recipe box, and identifies itself as the IIKH, product of IIKH Inc. Alice presses the Enter button to begin. In response to the key press, Alice is given a choice of a number of options. She selects to browse the recipe index, looking for a recipe for salmon that she wishes to prepare for dinner the next day. She enters the keyword salmon, and is shown in response a list of various recipes. She remembers seeing an interesting recipe that used the herb dill as a flavouring. She refines the search, entering the words salmon and dill. This narrows the search to two recipes. She selects the first. This brings up a new window in which an attractive picture of the finished dish is displayed, along with the list of ingredients, preparation steps, and expected preparation time. After examining the recipe, Alice decides it is not the recipe she had in mind. She returns to the search result page, and selects the second alternative. Examining this dish, Alice decides this is the one she had in mind. She requests a printing of the recipe, and the output is spooled to her printer. Alice selects “quit” from a program menu, and the application quits.
Software Components • A software component is simply an abstract design entity with which we can associate responsibilities for different tasks. • May eventually be turned into a class, a method, or something else. • In general, • Any component should have a small well-defined set of responsibilities - called cohesion • Any component should interact with other components to the minimal extent possible - called coupling
Various types of cohesion and coupling have been identified – see COS 315. Cohesion and coupling are two good measures of the quality of a program. (Later!)
CRC Cards • Having identified components, we need to document them. • Components are most easily described using CRC cards. • CRC = Component, Responsibility, Collaborator • A CRC cardrecords the name, responsibilities, and collaborators (i.e. interactions) of an component. • A CRC card is inexpensive, erasable, physical
A CRC card is nothing more than a 3x5 index card, on which the analyst writes—in pencil—the name of a class (at the top of the card), its responsibilities (on one half of the card), and its collaborators (on the other half of the card). • One card is created for each class identified as relevant to the scenario. • As the team members walk through the scenario, they may assign new responsibilities to an existing class, group certain responsibilities to form a new class, or (most commonly) divide the responsibilities of one class into more fine-grained ones and perhaps distribute these responsibilities to a different class.
What/Who Cycle – Identifying Components First identify what activity needs to be performed next. Then answer the question who (i.e. which component) performs that action. Any activity to be performed by the program must be assigned as a responsibility to some component. Start with high-level design – general “overview” of how software should function. Then, step-by-step, add more details – Stepwise Refinement
Development of the IIKH - The Greeter Component • The first component is the Greeter component. • When the application is started, the Greeter puts an informative, friendly welcome window (the greeting) on the screen. • And offers the user the choice of several different actions • - Browse the database of recipes. • - Add a new recipe. • - Edit or annotate a recipe. • - Review a plan for several meals. • - Create a plan of meals. • Many of the details concerning exactly how this is to be done can be ignored for the moment.
Activities are associated with the recipe database and a menu plan – need to create components for these.
The Recipe Database Component • Ignoring the planning of meals for the moment, next explore the Recipe Database component. • Responsibilities: • - Must maintain the database of recipes. • - Must allow the user to browse the database. • - Must permit the user to edit or annotate an existing recipe. • - Must permit the user to add a new recipe. • Needs to interact with recipe component.
Responsibilities of the Recipe component • Can make the recipe itself into an “active” entity – the Recipe component. It maintains information, but also performs tasks. • Maintains the list of ingredients and transformation algorithm. • Must know how to edit these data values. • Must know how to interactively display itself on the output device. • Must know how to print itself.
Can add other actions later (ability to scale itself, produce and integrate ingredients into a grocery list, and so on).
The Planner Component • Returning to the Greeter, we start a different scenario. • e.g. Planning a meal • - This leads to the description of the Planner component. • Permits the user to select a sequence of dates for planning a meal. • Permits the user to edit an existing plan. • Associates with a Date component.
The Date Component • The Date component holds a sequence of meals for an individual date. • User can edit specific meals. • User can annotate information about dates (“Christmas Dinner”, and so on). • Can print out grocery list for entire set of meals.
The Meal Component • The Meal component holds information about a single meal. • Allows user to interact with the recipe database to select individual recipes for meals. • User sets number of people to be present at meal, and recipes are automatically scaled. • Can produce grocery list for entire meal, by combining grocery lists from individual scaled recipes.
Postponing Decisions There are a number of decisions that must eventually be made concerning how best to let the user browse the database. For example, should the user first be presented with a list of categories, such as “Soups”, “Salads”, “Main meals”, and “Desserts”? Alternatively, should the user be able to describe keywords to narrow a search, perhaps by providing a list of ingredients, and then see all the recipes that contain those items (“Almonds”, “Strawberries”, “Cheese”), or a list of previously inserted keywords (“Ivan's favourite salad”)?
Should scroll bars be used or should there be simulated thumb holes in a virtual book? The important point is that such decisions do not need to be made now. Since they affect only a single component, and do not aaffect the functioning of any other component, all that is necessary to continue the analysis is to assert that by some means the user can select a specific recipe. Obviously, this high-level design decision needs to be refined and all the above questions need answers. Some time!
Preparing for Change It has been said that all that is constant in life is the inevitability of uncertainty and change. The same is true of software.No matter how carefully one tries to develop the initial specification and design of a software system, it is almost certain that changes in the user's needs or requirements will, sometime during the life of the system, force changes to be made in the software. Software developers need to anticipate this and plan accordingly. The primary objective is that changes should affect as few components as possible.
Even major changes in the appearance or functioning of an application should be possible with alterations to only one or two sections of code. Try to predict the most likely sources of change and isolate the effects of such changes to as few software components as possible. The most likely sources of change are to human-computer interface.
Try to isolate and reduce the dependency of software on hardware. For example, the interface for recipe browsing in our application may depend in part on the hardware on which the system is running. Future releases may be ported to different platforms. A good design will anticipate this change. Reducing coupling between software components will reduce the dependence of one upon another, and increase the likelihood that one can be changed with minimal effect on the other.
In the design documentation, maintain careful records of the design process and the discussions surrounding all major decisions. It is almost certain that the individuals responsible for maintaining the software and designing future releases will be at least partially different from the team producing the initial release. The design documentation will allow future teams to know the important factors behind a decision and help them avoid spending time discussing issues that have already been resolved.
The Six Components • Having walked through the various scenarios, eventually we decide everything can be accomplished using only six software components.
Characteristics of Components • Return to the idea of a software component. • There are a number of different aspects to this simple idea: • - Behaviour and State • - Instances and Classes • - Coupling and Cohesion • - Service Interface and Implementation
Coupling and Cohesion • The separation of tasks into the groups of different componentsshould be guided by the concepts of coupling and cohesion. • Cohesion is the degree to which the tasks assigned to a component seem to form a meaningful unit. • → Any componentmusthave a smallwell-defined set of responsibilities. • E.g. performing tasks that are related through the necessity of accessing a common data value. • Well-designed programsmaximizecohesion.
Coupling is the degree to which the ability to fulfill a certain responsibility depends upon the actions of another component. • A componentshould interact with other components to the minimal extent possible. • In particular, coupling is increased when one software component must access data values (the state) held by another component. • Such situations should almost always be avoided in favour of moving a task into the list of responsibilities of the component that holds the necessary data. • Well-designed programsminimizecoupling.
Formalize the Interface - the next step • The general structure of each component is identified. • Components with only one behaviour may be made into methods. • Components with more than one behaviour are implemented as classes with behaviour as methods. • Names are given to each of the responsibilities - these will eventually be mapped on to method names. • For the rest of this section, let us equate component with class.
Designing the Representation The task now is to transform the description of the class into a software implementation. Part of this process is designing the data structures that will be used by each class to maintain the state information required to fulfill the assigned responsibilities. It is also at this point that descriptions of behaviour must be transformed into algorithms using “pseudo-code”. These descriptions should then be matched against the expectations of each class listed as a collaborator, to ensure that expectations are fulfilled and necessary data items are available to carry out each task.
Pseudo-code – step before actual code • Commonly used, easy to learn – mix of everyday language and programming language • Three types of control structure, derived from structured programming: • - Sequences of instructions • - Selection of alternative instructions (or groups of instructions) • - Iteration (repetition) of instructions (or groups of instructions)
Sequence in Pseudo-code • Each instruction executed in turn, one after another • E.g. • get client contact name • sale cost = item cost * ( 1 - discount rate ) • calculate total bonus • description = new description
Selection in Pseudo-code • One or other alternative course is followed, depending on result of a test: • if client contact is ’Acme’ • set discount rate to 5% • else • set discount rate to 2% • end if
Iteration in Pseudo-code • Instruction or block of instructions is repeated • Can be a set number of repeats • Or until some test is satisfied, for example: • do while there are more staff in the list • calculate staff bonus • store bonus amount • end do
Implementing Components Once the design of each software class is laid out, the next step is to implement each class's desired behaviour. If the previous steps were correctly addressed, each responsibility or behaviour will be characterized by a short description (i.e. pseudo-code). The task at this step is to implement the desired activities in a computer language. If they were not determined earlier, then decisions can now be made on issues that are entirely self-contained within a single component. E.g. how best to let the user browse the database of recipes.
Next Step – Implement and Test Components • Classic techniques, such as stepwise refinement, are used to implement each of the classes. • - More and more detail is progressively added to the design and implementation of the class. • Classes should be tested in isolation (so-called unit testing), making use of so-calleddummy objects or mock objects(Simple dummy objects with no behaviour or with very limited behaviour) for methods external to the class under test.
Example Class B is “unit” under test. Class A calls Class B; Class B calls Class C. But want to test Class B in “isolation”. Class A and Class C may not have been tested yet. But obviously, there are dependencies between Class A and Class B, and between Class B and Class C. So, replace the real Class A and Class C with “mock” objects. Class A Class B Class C
A mock object contains no logic other than provide the interface that the class under test requires. Class A mock object would only contain dummy calls that test out the service interface of Class B. Class C mock object would only provide a dummy service interface for Class B, and retrun dummy results if necessary. Class A Class B Class C
In the example, it would be reasonable to start testing with the Greeter class. - To test the Greeter in isolation, mock objects are written for the Recipe Database manager and the daily Meal Plan manager. - These mock objects need not do any more than print an informative message and return. - With these, can test various aspects of the Greeter component (for example, that button presses elicit the correct response). Testing of an individual classes in this way is often referred to as unit testing.