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GALAXIES II: energeiakh taxinomhsh

GALAXIES II: energeiakh taxinomhsh. Dr. Dhmhtra Rhgopoulou MPE, Garching, Germany & Oxford University, U.K. Taxinomhsh galaxiwn me bash ta ekpempomena posa energeia  Kanonikoi galaxie  Energoi galaxie  (tupou Seyfert 1 and 2) Ekrhktikoi galaxie  Radiogalaxie  Hmiastere

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GALAXIES II: energeiakh taxinomhsh

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  1. GALAXIES II: energeiakh taxinomhsh Dr. Dhmhtra Rhgopoulou MPE, Garching, Germany & Oxford University, U.K.

  2. Taxinomhsh galaxiwn me bash ta ekpempomena posa energeia Kanonikoi galaxie Energoi galaxie (tupou Seyfert 1 and 2) Ekrhktikoi galaxie Radiogalaxie Hmiastere Uperlamproi GalaxieV

  3. To hlektromagnhtiko fasma

  4. energeia pou ekpempetai apo tou kanonikouV galaxie proercetai apo tou astere. • energeia auth ekpempetai kuriw sto optikokai sto uperuqro tmhma tou HM fasmato. ENERGOI GALAXIES: 100-1000 energeia tou Galaxia ma. • energeia auth ekpempetai sta radiokumata alla kuriw sti aktine-C kai aktine-g. Oi uyhle energeie upodhlwnoun pw stou purhne autwn twn galaxiwn lambanoun cwra entone diadikasie: MAURES OPES

  5. Uparcoun diafora eidh energwn galaxiwn: Oi pio makrinoi einai oi hmiastereV (QSO) se apostaseiV mecri kai 10 000 000 000 eth fwtoV ! Iscuroi radiogalaxieV Blazars: kutazontaV proV to jet GalaxieV tupou Seyfert: oi pio kontinoi energoi galaxieV Oi energoi galaxieV parousiazoun entoneV diakumanseiV tautocroneV parathrhseiV se diafora mhkh kumatoV

  6. radiokumata fortismeno swmatidio (prwtonio/hlektronio) Magnhtiko pedio radiokumata Sugcrotronikh aktinobolia ekpempetai otan ena fortismeno swmatidio katw apo thn epidrash iscurou magnhtikou pediou, epitacunetai kai akolouqwntaV to magnhtiko pedio. Kata thn diadikasia thV epitacunshV ekpempetai radioaktinobolia. Apo thn entash thV aktinoboliaV mporoume na upologisoume thn entash tou magnhtikou pediou

  7. Jet GrammeV magnhtikou pediou diskoV epauxhshV Maurh oph

  8. Galaxie tupou Seyfert Anakalufqhkan apo ton Karl Seyfert to 1944 Ena galaxia tupou Seyfert einai ena speiroeidh galaxia me polu lampro purhna kai tou opoiou to Fasma deicnei polle gramme ekpomph. Seyfert 1: fardie gramme ekpomph (tacuthte ~10000 km/s) Seyfert 2: stene gramme ekpomph (tacuthte~ 1000 km/s)

  9. Zwnh proeleushV stenwn grammwn Seyfert 2 Seyfert 1 NLR Maurh oph, perioch proeleushV fardiwn grammwn Zwnh puknou aeriou kai skonhV ~ 1 parsec

  10. Radiogalaxie Merikoi galaxie einai polu iscure radiophge. Ean o galaxiaV einai ektetamenoV tote ton onomazoume radiogalaxia. Ean einai shmeiakh radiophgh tote ton onomazoume hmiastera. OmwV kaqe hmiasteraV den einai radiophgh.

  11. H eklush energeia sta radiokumata proercetai apo duo kentra pou briskontai se arketh apostash apo ton purhna tou galaxia. H energeia einai sugcrotronikh fusew. Iscure allhlepidrasei ston purhna epitacunoun ta hlektronia se scetikistike tacuthte. Cygnus-A

  12. Maza maurhV ophV: 1 x 10 9 M hliou Radiophge O kentriko purhna

  13. H Megalh maurh oph ston galaxia M87 Maza : 1010 Mhliou Auth h maza periecetai Se cwro oso einai to Hliako maV susthma. Radio jet 6500 eth fwtoV

  14. M = G u2 R Dl = u l c Metatopish Doppler: metatopish proV to eruqro (apomakrunsh) metatopish proV to mple (proseggish). Tacuthta ~ 500 km/sec. Iscuro barutiko pedio

  15. To 1963 o Maarten Schmidt anakaluye ena periergo asteri thn radiophgh 3C 273. To antikeimeno auto emoiaze me asteri alla htan 100 fore pio lampro apo to Galaxia ma. HMIASTERAS QUASAR

  16. Oi grammeV ekpomphV pou parathrhqhkan sto fasma tou 3C273 (o prwtoV • hmiasteraV) proercontan apo udrogono, htan omwV metatopismeneV kata 1.158 foreV • (dhladh h grammh ekpomphV emfanisthke se mhkoV kumatoV to opoio htan 1.158 foreV • megalutero apo ekei pou metroume th sugkekrimenh grammh sto ergasthrio). zfasmatoV = 1 + z akinhth eruqrh metatopish • hmiasteraV 3C273 einai 1012 foreV lamproteroV apo touV pio lamprouV astereV kai brisketai se apostash merikwn dekadwn eth fwtoV.

  17. BL Lacertae BL Lac galaxie Ta antikeimena auta emfanizoun iscurh sunech aktinobolia kai kaqolou gramme ekpomph sta fasmata tou

  18. Radio jet Seyfert 2 dusty torus Seyfert 1

  19. H Qewria th enopoihsh Seyfert, QSO, Radiogalaxie

  20. Ekrhktikoi Galaxie Merikoi galaxie parousiazoun entonh astrikh dhmiourgia. Kata th diarkeia autwn twn exarsewn o ruqmo paragwgh asterwn auxanetai dramatika. EKRHKTIKOI GALAXIES STARBURSTS

  21. ISOPHOT LWS Ne 4+ Ne++ Ne5+ Ne+ SWS

  22. Uperlamproi Galaxie Terastia posa energeia ekluontai sto uperuqro mhko kumato. Fwteinothta 10 10 fore th hliakh!

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