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Is Technology the answer to curing Cancer?. Cancer Past, Present and Future . I By Hannah B, Andrea G and Bianca S. Topics . Past Present Future Interviews Basic Information . Past. Death Statistics Alternative Treatments Treatments What types of cancers killed the most people?
Is Technology the answer to curing Cancer? Cancer Past, Present and Future IBy Hannah B, Andrea G and Bianca S.
Topics Past Present Future Interviews Basic Information
Past Death Statistics Alternative Treatments Treatments What types of cancers killed the most people? When was Chemo and Radio therapy invented? Back to Home Page
1 in 3 Men are diagnosed with Cancer1 in 4 Women are diagnosed with Cancer 114,000 new cases of cancer were diagnosed in Australia in 2010 More than 43,000 people died of cancer in 2010 1 in 2 Australians will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85 Past – Death Statistics Back to Previous Page Back to Home Page http://www.cancer.org.au/Newsmedia/factsfigures.htm
Past – Alternative Treatment In the mid nineteenth century Samuel Thompson made a treatment out of herbs using a paste of thick decoction of red clover blossoms. It was then repeatedly and thickly applied to the women's breast and then covered with a bandage. A while later the cancer started coming off the middle of the skin leaving a shallow crater. Mid nineteenth century - Developed a paste made of bloodroot, zinc chloride, flour, and water it was then put as a paste on the tumour and destroyed it in two to four weeks. In the early nineteenth century hydrogen peroxide was used world wide as medicine. Back to Previous Page Back to Home Page http://health.centreforce.com/health/herbalhistory.html http://www.cancertruth.info/english.html/
Past – Treatment In the early 19th century people didn’t grow old enough to die from cancer. There were two products to treat internal cancer: the "pink medicine" was made with pepsin and potassium iodide and the "black medicine" which had a common laxative, cascara in an extract of prickly ash bark, buckthorn bark, red clover blossoms, barberry roots. burdock root, licorice root, pokeweed, and alfalfa. cascara and potassium iodide, which have no value for treatment of cancer, all of these ingredients had long been discarded for medical use. Back to Previous Page Back to Home Page http://www.cancertreatmentwatch.org/q/janssen.shtml
Past – When was chemo and radio therapy invented? • Chemotherapy - Alfred Gilman and Louis S. Goodman were the first to discover Chemotherapy in the 1940's in the United States. • Radiotherapy - radiation was found in 1895 for the discovery of X rays by Wilhelm Rontgen it then grew in the early 19th century. http://www.whoinventedit.net/who-invented-chemotherapy.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiation_therapy http://www.cancer.org/Cancer/CancerBasics/TheHistoryofCancer/the-history-of-cancer-cancer-treatment-radiation Back to Previous Page Back to Home Page
Present • Today's Aim To Curing Cancer • Alternative Treatments • How is Cancer Treated? • Deadly Cancers of Today Back to Home Page
Present - Treatment Surgery Radiotherapy Chemotherapy Immunotherapy Hormone Therapy Back to Previous Page Back to Home Page
Today’s Aim to Curing Cancer To kill cancer cells with minimal side effects The Goals are to: - Cure the Cancer - Control the Cancer • Palliation – To relive (if there is not other option) without curing. • (Prevention) Back to Previous Page Nicole Sirianni: Clinical Nurse Specialist – Paediatric Oncology. RN, BN (ACU), Post Grad Dip Adv Clinic Nurse – Child Health (Melb) Back to Home Page
Chemotherapy Ways of giving treatment Topical - cream that is applied directly onto the skin in certain cases of skin cancer Intra arterial – Given into an artery Intraperitoneal - given directly into the abdominal cavity Intrapleural - can be given into the pleural cavity (the space between the lung and the lining of the lung) Intravesical -given with the use of a urinary catheter directly into the bladder. Oral – can be swallowed (put in the mouth) Intramuscular / Subcutaneous - tissue (the layer of tissue between the skin and the muscle Intrathecal - is a drug used when it needs to reach the cerebrospinal fluid Intravenous -entry into the body's circulation Next Slide Back to Previous Page Back to Home Page http://chemocare.com/whatis/how_is_chemotherapy_given.asp
Chemotherapy Use of Chemotherapy Multimodal therapy - involves the use of chemotherapy in combination with other therapies such as radiotherapy, surgery, and/or biotherapy. Combination chemotherapy- the use of more than one agent to treat a cancer. Adjuvant chemotherapy - used following surgery or radiotherapy for patients with a high risk of recurrence Neoadjuvant chemotherapy - the use of an agent prior to debulking to reduce the amount of tumor that needs to be removed. Sanctuary chemotherapy - administration of an agent into an area of the body where malignant cells may be but systemic therapy may not reach. Back to Previous Page Back to Home Page http://chemocare.com/whatis/how_is_chemotherapy_given.asp
Radiotherapy • Radiotherapy is used on tumours that can not be surgically removed. Radiation isn't normally used on its own. To make sure that all the cancer cells are killed radiotherapy is used with chemotherapy. Radiotherapy doesn’t always have to be used on tumours that can’t reach e.g.. Brain tumour. It can also be used for tumours on the outside of the body. The use of radiation therapy is dependent upon: • Patient’s age • Tumour type • Tumour location Back to Previous Page Back to Home Page Book: SICK! Diseases and Disorders, Injuries and Infections. Volume 1 A to C (page 151)
Surgery Surgery - is used to remove cancerous tumours. Surgery works well when the tumour is small and hasn’t spread to other parts of the body. When the tumour is being removed by surgery the surrounding tissue is removed as well so that any spreading cancerous cells are most likely removed with the tumour. Cytoreduction – sometimes the tumour is to big to remove all of it so they remove as much cancerous cells as possible. The remaining cancer tissue is treated with Chemotherapy or radiation. Palliation - is very similar to Cytoreduction they remove as much of the tumour as they can. This helps to relieve the patient from pain even if it doesn’t cure the cancer . Prevention - this can be used even if there is no tumour . It could prevent you from getting cancer later. Diagnosis – when they take a small bit of the cancerous tissue by needle for study. Back to Previous Page Back to Home Page Book: SICK! Diseases and Disorders, Injuries and Infections. Volume 1 A to C (page 154 – 155)
Immunotherapy Immunotherapy (sometimes called Biologic Therapy) is a new cancer treatment. It is used to kill the cancer cells using different chemicals that will occur naturally in the body. Interferons are an example of one of the chemicals. It can be given to the patient so that it can slow down the immune system to fight the cancer. They are making a cancer vaccine. It was to stop the cancer from occurring, it is designed to be given to the patient who has already got the disease. It has been made to help the patients immune system to fight the cancer cells in the body. Back to Previous Page Back to Home Page Book: SICK! Diseases and Disorders, Injuries and Infections. Volume 1 A to C (page 155)
Hormone Therapy Some types of cancers can form faster than normal if there are curtain hormones present. Some of the cancers that can grow quicker is cancer of the breast, prostate, and the uterus. If you were to get the Hormone therapy it would involve the use of drugs that would reduce the amount of hormones that you are producing and stop the changes they are making to your body. The Hormone Therapy can slow down the rate of getting hormone related cancers that develop, it will extend the patient’s life by months of even years. Back to Previous Page Back to Home Page Book: SICK! Diseases and Disorders, Injuries and Infections. Volume 1 A to C (page 155)
Present – Alternative Treatment 30 -50% use alternative treatments , Alternative Treatments are classified into five broad categories, Alternative medical systems, Mind Body Interventions, Biologically based therapies, Manipulative & body-based therapies, Energy therapies • Traditional Chinese / oriental medicine • includes acupuncture, herbal medicine and oriental massage • Ayurveda – is an Indian traditional medicine with the goal of bringing back the harmony of mind, body, spirit; includes diet, exercise, meditation, herbs, massage, controlled breathing and sunlight • Homeopathy – based on idea that like cures like; use minutes doses of plant extracts to stimulate body’s defenses specific to condition. • Naturopathy – shows you the diseases as changes in natural healing process; includes diet, nutrition, homeopathy, acupuncture, herbal medicine, spinal and soft tissue manipulation, physical therapies using electric current, ultrasounds and light therapy, therapeutic counselling, and pharmacology to restore natural healing. Back to Previous Page Back to Home Page Nicole Sirianni: Clinical Nurse Specialist – Paediatric Oncology. RN, BN (ACU), Post Grad Dip Adv Clinic Nurse – Child Health (Melb)
Cancers that COULD cause death Cancers that COULD cause deaths today are: - Pancreatic Cancer - Bladder Cancer - Ovarian Cancer - Colon and Rectal - Endometrial Cancer - Kidney Cancer - Leukemia - Breast Cancer - Lung Cancer - Melanoma - Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma - Prostate Cancer - Skin Cancer - Thyroid Cancer http://drug3k.com/forum_health/Cancer/ARE-THE-SYMPTOMS-FOR-CANCER-ALwAYS-42212.htm Back to Previous Page Back to Home Page
Future How will we treat cancer? Stem Cell Research Nanotechnology Shark Antibodies How can (will we) use technology to treat cancer? Will everybody be able to be treated with the new cancer treatments? Including people in third world countries? Back to Home Page
Future – Shark Antibodies For 30% of people take herceptin, which is a drug that women with breast cancer take, and it will work. If the herceptin works for you than you will not need to go to get chemo. All of the Antibodies kill most of the cancer but if you want to make sure that it is all gone then you should go to get Chemotherapy just to be sure. Antibodies have already started to replace chemo in some ways. Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) targets the different types of cancer. It is very expensive at the beginning but they become cheap Back to Previous Page Back to Home Page
Future – Nanotechnology • What is Nanotechnology? It is a new technology that is used for producing materials that form really tiny particles that will attack the cancer. This is a very promising imaging tests. • How can it help with curing Cancer?It can show you a more accurate location of tumors, as well as new ways to deliver drugs in an easier was and give it to the cancer cells. Back to Previous Page http://www.cancer.org/Cancer/CancerBasics/TheHistoryofCancer/the-history-of-cancer-twenty-first-century-and-beyond Back to Home Page
Future - How can (will we) use technology to treat cancer? In the future, we hope to be treating cancers in a number of different ways. Ways such as Stem Cell research, which will enable us to create effective stem cells that will help us to fight some cancers in the future. Helpful human tissues will be grown under certain conditions, then will replace the damaged tissue or tissues. Nanotechnology. This is a new technology which involves taking tiny particles that will attack a cancer under a powerful magnet. This form of treatment is extremely new. Shark Antibodies. Antibodies made inside selected sharks would be injected into humans suffering from some cancers. These Antibodies will help to kill of the cancer. Back to Previous Page Back to Home Page
Future – Stem Cell Research Australian scientist have been trying to make effective stem cells that are based from the treatments that are now incurable diseases. Researchers in NSW have found some way to start stem cells from the human skin, it is known as a new stem cells been introduced called pluripotent without introducing foreign DNA. The bad thing about the pluripotent stem cells technology is that the cells are generated by using the viral particles. There have also been some fears that the technology will be to robust and that you could end up introducing foreign DNA to the host organism and the fear is that it could lead to cancer later in life. Stem Cell Research ... Continued Back to Previous Page Back to Home Page
....Continued Future – Stem Cell Research Later the fear was taken away is a technique that does not use any virtual particles but it will require an extract which would be taken from the embryonic stem cells. The extract would allow for the processed cell to become able to develop into a range of different cells or tissues in the body. Stem cells have been seen to be the best hope for hopefully providing some treatments for the incurable degenerative diseases. They thought that they could start with the skin and take a sample from a patient and then finish a fresh bunch of healthy brain cells so they are ready for a transplant, There is always a future in using in using a skin from the patient making stem cell lines and it could also help to treat many other diseases that cannot be treated at the moment. Back to Previous Page Back to Home Page
Interviews Mick Foley – Shark Antibodies Andy Coley – Cancer We also had an interview with David Piper Novel Immobilisation strategies for ECL active compounds at La Trobe Back to Home Page
Department of Biochemistry, La Trobe University Associate Professor Mick Foley See the iPod for the interview Back to Previous Page Back to Home Page
Department of Biochemistry, La Trobe University Dr Andy Coley Do you think technology is the answer to curing cancer? How will we be able to treat cancer in the Future Are people dying less of cancer now? Back to Previous Page Back to Home Page
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Basic Information What is Cancer? How does Cancer Form? Different Types of Cancer Ovarian Cancer Back to Home Page
What is Cancer Cancer is a group of disease that’s cells are related and are classified as cancer. This disease is caused when cells dived uncontrollably and invade our body tissue. When the cell is dividing uncontrollably it normally forms a mass of cells called a tumor. Back to Home Page http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/cancerlibrary/what-is-cancer
How does Cancer form Cancer is formed when a normal cell is damaged and then mutation occurs. Healthy cells are replaced with the cells that don't function. For lung cancer the cancerous cells are not able to move the oxygen around because the cells take up most of the space and resources such as nutrients but the don't perform any function. Back to Home Page http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20061018012716AAzK1MF
Different Types of Cancer - Brain Cancer - Kidney Cancer - Melanoma - Lymphoma - Lung Cancer - Breast Cancer - Myeloma - Leukemia - Pancreatic Cancer - Prostate Cancer - Colon Cancer - Ovarian Cancer - Skin Cancer - Liver Cancer - Stomach Cancer - Thyroids Cancer - Cancer of the Pancreas Back to Home Page http://www.tirgan.com/catyps.htm
Ovarian Cancer More than 12 hundred Australian women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer each year but for most of the people the diagnosis comes to late. Each year there is about 800 Australian women who die from ovarian cancer. There is about a 20 to 30% of a cure rate. It is a really deadly cancer and to the people that have it the symptoms come to late and are very unusual. They would only discover that something was wrong when it was too late. The average survival rate is only about 3 and a half years Australian deborotries are paying millions of dollars to make a test that could save millions of lives possible. The way you can find out if you could get ovarian cancer is if you have someone in your family that has had ovarian cancer you can get tested to see if you have the same genes and that shows you that you could get ovarian cancer as well. If you find out earlier that you are going to get it you can start to tests every 6 months and go to a clinic to try and prevent getting diagnosed with it. http://7pmproject.com.au/video.htm