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WP2 - Dissemination and Outreach – Achievements Herbert Hoeger (WP2 Manager ) - ULA (Venezuela) Ysabel Briceño (WP

WP2 - Dissemination and Outreach – Achievements Herbert Hoeger (WP2 Manager ) - ULA (Venezuela) Ysabel Briceño (WP2 Deputy Manager) - ULA (Venezuela) Final Project Review Brussels, 11/10/2012. Reminder WP2 Objectives Achievements & Perspectives Organisation of events

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WP2 - Dissemination and Outreach – Achievements Herbert Hoeger (WP2 Manager ) - ULA (Venezuela) Ysabel Briceño (WP

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  1. WP2 - Dissemination and Outreach – Achievements Herbert Hoeger(WP2 Manager) - ULA (Venezuela) YsabelBriceño (WP2 Deputy Manager) - ULA (Venezuela) Final Project Review Brussels, 11/10/2012

  2. Reminder WP2 Objectives Achievements & Perspectives Organisation of events Dissemination Material Web-site / Internet-based outreach Answers to Reviewers recommendation Handover Status Conclusions Outline GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 2

  3. WP2 Objectives “The main purpose of WP2 is to publicise and disseminate the scope of the project and the grid technology. In parallel, work will be done to identify communities of researchers who can benefit from joining/creating virtual organisations and from the GISELA grid e Infrastructure and encourage/aid them to use it. WP2 will closely cooperate with other GISELA activities, in particular with WP3, WP4 and WP5.” (from the DoW) Dissemination accomplishments (see D2.2 & D2.3) • Organisation of events • Decision Makers meetings, Conference, Workshops, Training events, Virtual meetings • Production of Dissemination material • Bulletins, Flyers, Factsheets, Poster, Briefings, Press articles • Web site / Internet-based outreach • Hot News, Publications Menu, Press Room and Citations • Event announcements (GISELA and related events) • Twitter & Flickr accounts to report and illustrate all events linked to GISELA • Contacting users • Contribution to the GSG GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 3

  4. Decision Makers Meetings The purpose of these meetings was to promote and make the Project known to Decision Makers with the view to get their future support • By videoconference, with the Directors of Information Technologies in LA in November 2011 • At the plenary sessions with RedCLARA partners (Montevideo, Uruguay, in November 2011) • At the Joint GISELA-CHAIN Conference (Mexico City, 27th to 29th June 2012) during which the Mexico Declaration was signed • At TICAL 2012 (Conference of Directors of Information Technology and Communication of Latin American Universities), where Costa Rica joined the Mexico Declaration (Lima, Peru, 2nd and 3rd July 2012) GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 4

  5. Virtual Meetings The purpose of these meetings was to raise awareness of, and inform on, the different opportunities that Advanced Services can bring to LA Research communities and to detect and contact potential beneficiaries of the e-Infrastructure • La e-ciencia como propuesta para resolver problemas regionales • Sesión con redes académicas nacionales de América Latina (October 27th, 2011) • Sesión con expertos (October 28th, 2011) • Sesión con Directores de Tecnologías e Información de América Latina(November 1st, 2011) • Sesión con comunidades de gestión e investigación en prevención de riesgos y temas sísmicos (November 3rd, 2011) • Día Virtual de Cultura (March 28th, 2012) • Día Virtual de e-Infraestructura (May 8th, 2012) • WP2 helped WP3 to disseminate the GISELA Science Gateway (GSG) Virtual Meetings GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 5

  6. Dissemination Material Abundant Dissemination material has been produced to advertise the Project progress, results, publications, etc. • Edition of the GISELA Bulletins • Five editions: • February and October 2011 • April, July and August 2012 that have been released during the 2nd project-year (PDF - English and Spanish). The last one being a Goodbye to the project • Special edition (February 2012): Environment 2.0 for access to Advanced Computing Resources • Production of Promotional Material • Portfolio for the Advanced Computing Services model • Flyers • About GISELA; • On the use of the Science Gateway; • On the Joint GISELA-CHAIN Conference. • Publications • 78 publications are reported in the GISELA Web site GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 6

  7. Web site / Internet-based Outreach The GISELA Dissemination has been widely based on Web sites (General & Specific) and other Web-2 Services Active Web sites: Main Site: http://www.gisela-grid.eu/ Hot News, Publications, Outreach, Web statistics Document Server: http://documents.gisela-grid.eu/ Event Server: http://indico.gisela-grid.eu/ GISELA Web Bulletin: http://www.cecalc.ula.ve/gisela Science Gateway: http://gisela-gw.ct.infn.it/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/gisela_grid Flickr : http://www.flickr.com/photos/gisela_grid/ Also used to inform about GISELA: e-mail lists, GridCast, iSGTW, Press Room of Partner Institutions & NRENs GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 7

  8. Supporting other Work packages WP2 contributed to the achievements of other Work Packages • Organisation of GISELA events • With WP1 • Joint GISELA Conference, Mexico City, 27th to 29th June 2012 • CLARA-TT f2f Meeting, Bucaramanga (Colombia), 14th to 16th November 2011 • With WP3 • Support and training for CEDIA system administrators (Ecuador, January 2012) • Virtual meetings to integrate applications in the GSG (started on February 2012) • Grid Computing Seminar for end-users(Mexico, May 2012) • Latin America "special" 2012 - Joint CHAIN/GISELA School for Grid Site Administrators (Colombia, May-June 2012) • Latin America "special" 2012 - Joint CHAIN/GISELA School for Application Porting to Science Gateway (Colombia, June 2012) • Latin America 2012 - Joint CHAIN/GISELA/EPIKH School for Application Porting to Science Gateway (Mexico, June 2012) • Design & realisation of the new graphic layout of the GISELA Science Gateway • Interaction with Regional Communities, in collaboration with the CLARA-TT GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 8

  9. GISELA-CHAIN Conference (1/2) The GISELA- CHAIN Conference 27th - 29th June 2012 (UNAM, Mexico City) has been the culminating event of GISELA • Highlights • 83 on site participants; • UNAM webcasted the conference (366 connexions reported during the three days) • 10 Keynote talks; 8 sessions: 2 on Sustainability and 6 for presentations with 29 talks • Information on the event was constantly distributed through: • Twitter (@gisela_grid with hashtag #GiselaChainMX); • GridCast ; • iSGTW ; • Mailing lists; • Press Rooms of institutions and NRENs: CEDIA, CENAT, CUDI, INNOVA|RED, RAAP, RedCLARA, RENATA, REUNA, RNP, SECIU and UNAM. • Most relevant outcome: Commitment of several LA institutions & NRENs to inherit and sustain the GISELA e-Infrastructure. GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 9

  10. GISELA-CHAIN Conference (2/2) The Proceedings of the Conference are available at http://indico.ceta-ciemat.es//materialDisplay.py?materialId=3&confId=26 GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 10

  11. Summary of Achievements Summary of WP2 accomplishments w.r.t. commitments GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 11

  12. Review recommendation: Interact with users (1/2) “Establish a process for collecting feedback from the users as well as partners supporting the sustainability in order to understand what are missing services and features of the science gateway. Differentiate the feedback from different user groups and aim to identify ambassadors in the different communities in order to benefit from a multiplier effect. Ambassadors might be per region, per university or per application community or a mixture of all.” • Observation (confirmed by the WP2 survey) • Users from small communities, too frequently prefer to continue working within their familiar, although limited, computing environment • Reasons: The complex user interfaces and Security Infrastructure are obstacles to a larger uptake GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 12

  13. Review recommendation: Interact with users (2/2) The GISELA Science Gateway as an approach to overcome the barrier (see the WP3 talk) WP2, in collaboration with the CLARA TT and WP3, has established a process for the user/partner feedback collection through Virtual Meetings to better know User groups Webinars to disseminate DCI technology This interaction, especially with Regional Communities, has given rise to the concept of Advanced Computing Services Based on the GISELA Science Gateway Responding to all Users needs as gathered from the interaction with them Result: The dissemination of the ACS model has been done, thanks to the GISELA Technical Coordinator who, personally, disseminated the model in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama and Venezuela The Dissemination was conducted via mailing lists and NREN Press rooms: http://www.gisela-grid.eu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=25&Itemid=29 GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 13

  14. Dissemination Handover • Mexico Declaration: CUDI, RENATA, CEDIA, RedCONARE and INNOVA|RED will care of Advance Computing Services (ACS) dissemination under the coordination of CLARA • The Dissemination strategy has already been devised by the CLARA-TT (see Deliverable D2.4) • The Latin American Task Force has taken over from the CLARA-TT • CLARA and several NRENS provided most of the staff dedicated to the GISELA dissemination activities, so the use and dissemination of foreground after the end of GISELA will be quite straightforward GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 14

  15. WP2: e.o. 2012 planning Latin American Task Force WP2 GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 15 15 15

  16. Conclusions The role and achievements of WP2 have been most supportive to GISELA • The Dissemination & Outreach of the project have been promoted with outcomes beyond commitments • The responsibility & competence WP2 in the organisation of most events has been much appreciated (with special mention to Tutorials, Virtual Meetings and GISELA-CHAIN Conference) • The professional use of the Web and Internet technologies has been very helpful to the propagation of GISELA opportunities & results • Moreover, WP2 has been able to contribute to other WPs work (e.g. contact of Users, development of GSG interface, etc.) • Finally, WP2 has been able to closely involve NRENs in all its activities, which made the handover to the Latin American Task Force straightforward GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 16

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