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Data Structures and Algorithms for Information Processing. Lecture 7: Graphs. Today’s Topics. Graphs undirected graphs directed graphs Graph Traversals depth-first (recursive vs. stack) breadth-first (queue). Graph Definitions. Nodes and links between them
Data Structures and Algorithms for Information Processing Lecture 7: Graphs Lecture 7: Graphs
Today’s Topics • Graphs • undirected graphs • directed graphs • Graph Traversals • depth-first (recursive vs. stack) • breadth-first (queue) Lecture 7: Graphs
Graph Definitions • Nodes and links between them • May be linked in any pattern(unlike trees) • Vertex: a node in the graph • Edge: a connection between nodes Lecture 7: Graphs
Vertices are labelled V0 e0 Edges are labelled V2 V1 e1 e4 e5 e2 V4 V3 e3 Undirected Graphs • Vertices drawn with circles • Edges drawn with lines Visual Layout Doesn’t Matter! Lecture 7: Graphs
Undirected Graphs • An undirected graph is a finite set of vertices along with a finite set of edges. The empty graph is an empty set of vertices and an empty set of edges. • Each edge connects two vertices • The order of the connection is unimportant Lecture 7: Graphs
Graphing a Search Space • The “three coins” game (p. 692)(use green = heads, red = tails) • Switch from green, red, green to red, green, red • You may flip the middle coin any time • End coins can flip only when the other two coins match each other Lecture 7: Graphs
Start Finish Graphing a Search Space Often, a problem can be represented as a graph, and finding a solution is obtained by performing an operation on the graph (e.g. finding a path) Lecture 7: Graphs
Directed Graphs • A directed graph is a finite set of vertices and a finite set of edges; both sets may be empty to represent the empty graph. • Each edge connects two vertices, called the source and target; the edge connects the source to the target (order is significant) Lecture 7: Graphs
Directed Graphs Arrows are used to represent the edges; arrows start at the source vertex and point to the target vertex Useful for modelling directional phenomena, like geographical travel, or game-playing where moves are irreversible Examples: modelling states in a chess game, or Tic-Tac-Toe Lecture 7: Graphs
Graph Terminology • Loops: edges that connect a vertex to itself • Paths: sequences of vertices p0, p1, … pm such that each adjacent pair of vertices are connected by an edge • Multiple Edges: two nodes may be connected by >1 edge Lecture 7: Graphs
Graph Terminology • Simple Graphs: have no loops and no multiple edges Lecture 7: Graphs
Graph Implementations • Adjacency Matrix • A square grid of boolean values • If the graph contains N vertices, then the grid contains N rows and N columns • For two vertices numbered I and J, the element at row I and column J is true if there is an edge from I to J, otherwise false Lecture 7: Graphs
1 3 2 4 0 Adjacency Matrix 0 1 2 3 4 0 false false true false false 1 false false false true false 2 false true false false true 3 false false false false false 4 false false false true false Lecture 7: Graphs
Adjacency Matrix • Can be implemented with a two-dimensional array, e.g.:boolean[][] adjMatrix;adjMatrix = new boolean[5][5]; Lecture 7: Graphs
1 3 0 1 2 … 2 2 3 1 null null 4 0 4 null Edge Lists • Graphs can also be represented by creating a linked list for each vertex For each entry J in list number I, there is an edge from I to J. Lecture 7: Graphs
Edge Sets • Use a previously-defined set ADT to hold the integers corresponding to target vertices from a given vertexIntSet[] edges = new IntSet[5]; • Quiz: Draw a Red Black Tree implementation of IntSet. Lecture 7: Graphs
Worst-Case Analysis • Adding or Removing Edges • adjacency matrix: small constant • edge list: O(N) • edge set: O(logN) if B-Tree is used • Checking if an Edge is Present • adjacency matrix: small constant • edge list: O(N) • edge set: O(logN) if B-Tree or Red Black tree is used Lecture 7: Graphs
Worst-Case Analysis • Iterating through a Vertex’s Edges • adjacency matrix: O(N) • edge list: O(E) if there are E edges • edge set: O(E) if a B-Tree or Red Black tree implementation is used - In a dense graph, E will be at most N. Lecture 7: Graphs
Choice of Implementation • Based on: • which operations are more frequent • whether a good set ADT is available • average number of edges per vertex(a matrix is wasteful for sparse graphs) Lecture 7: Graphs
Programming Example • Simple, directed, labeled Graph • For generality, labels will be represented as references to Java’s Object class Lecture 7: Graphs
Instance Variables public class Graph { private boolean[][] edges; private Object[] labels;} Lecture 7: Graphs
Constructor public Graph (int n) { edges = new boolean[n][n]; labels = new Object[n];} Lecture 7: Graphs
addEdge Method public void addEdge(int s, int t) { edges[s][t] = true;} Lecture 7: Graphs
getLabel Method public Object getLabel(int v) { return labels[v];} Lecture 7: Graphs
isEdge Method public boolean isEdge(int s, int t) { return edges[s][t];} Lecture 7: Graphs
neighbors Method public int[] neighbors(int v) {int i;int count;int [] answer;count = 0;for (i=0; i<labels.length; i++) { if (edges[v][i]) count++;} Lecture 7: Graphs
neighbors Method (cont.) answer = new int[count];count = 0; for (I=0; I<labels.length; I++) { if (edges[v][I]) answer[count++] = I;} return answer; } Lecture 7: Graphs
removeEdge Method public void removeEdge(int s, int t) { edges[s][t] = false;} Lecture 7: Graphs
setLabel, size Methods public void setLabel(int v, Object n) { labels[v] = n;} public int size() {return labels.length;} Lecture 7: Graphs
Graph Traversals • Start at a particular vertex • Find all vertices that can be reached from the start by following every possible path (set of edges) • Q: What could go wrong? (Hint: how do graphs differ from trees?) • A: We have to be careful about detecting cycles Lecture 7: Graphs
Graph Traversals • Cycle detection can be implemented with an array of boolean values representing “shading” on the vertices • Each vertex is shaded once it is visitedboolean[] marked;marked = new boolean[g.size()]; Lecture 7: Graphs
Depth-First Traversal • Use a stack (or recursion) to store set of vertices to be visited • From a given vertex, visit neighbors I+1 … N only after traversing all possible edges from neighbor I Lecture 7: Graphs
Depth-First Traversal 0 2 1 4 6 3 5 Lecture 7: Graphs
Breadth-First Traversal • Use a queue to store set of vertices to be visited • Visit all neighbors before visiting any of their neighbors Lecture 7: Graphs
Breadth-First Traversal 0 2 1 4 6 3 5 Lecture 7: Graphs
Depth-First Traversal public static void dfPrint (Graph g, int start) {boolean[] marked = new boolean[g.size()];dfRecurse(g, start, marked); } Lecture 7: Graphs
Depth-First Example public static void dfRecurse (Graph g, int v, boolean[] marked) { int [] next = g.neighbors(v);int i, nextNeighbor;marked[v] = true;System.out.println(g.getLabel(v));(continued on next slide) Lecture 7: Graphs
Depth-First Example for (i=0;i<next.length;i++) { nextNeighbor = next[i]; if (!marked[nextNeighbor]) depthFirstRecurse(g, nextNeighbor, marked);} } Lecture 7: Graphs
Breadth-First Implementation • Uses a queue of vertex numbers • The start vertex is processed, marked, placed in the queue • Repeat until queue is empty: • remove a vertex v from the queue • for each unmarked neighbor u of v: process u, mark u, place u in the queue Lecture 7: Graphs