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WELCOME TO MEET THE TEACHER!. Mrs. Wehman and Mrs. Guthrie. Please make sure you sign in on the sign up sheet outside the door of your child’s homeroom teacher. Thank you for coming. Mrs. Wehman’s Homeroom Class Schedule 8:00 – 9:20 – Reading with Mrs. Guthrie
WELCOME TO MEET THE TEACHER! Mrs. Wehman and Mrs. Guthrie Please make sure you sign in on the sign up sheet outside the door of your child’s homeroom teacher. Thank you for coming.
Mrs. Wehman’s Homeroom Class Schedule • 8:00 – 9:20 – Reading with Mrs. Guthrie • 9:20 – 10:30 – Writing with Mrs. Guthrie • 10:30 – Switch Classes • 10:30-10:45 – Math with Mrs. Wehman • 10:50-11:40 –Recess and Lunch • 11:45 – 1:00 – Math with Mrs. Wehman • 1:05-1:50 – Rotation • 1:55 – 2:50 – Science and Social Studies with Mrs. Wehman
Yellow Folders The yellow folder is their daily folder. It will travel with them to their switch class. This folder should go home every day. One side will be labeled with COMPLETE and one side will be labeled with INCOMPLETE. Anything on the complete side has been completed or is a work in progress. Anything on the INCOMPLETE side should be completed for homework. We give specific instructions daily as to which side a paper should go on. PLEASE DO NOT clean out their yellow folders. We clean out yellow folders every Monday. Some papers are to be left in there for many weeks.
Red foldersRed folders go home every Monday. They need to be signed and returned within two days. PINK -- GUTHRIE PURPLE -- WEHMAN
Agendas/daily planners • 4th Grade Peeks-of-the-Week will not be sent home. Each of us will download our Peek to our webpage on Mondays. • Students will have an agenda/daily planner. Each day they will write their assignments in their daily planner. Their agenda should go home every day. It is not necessary to sign the planner.
P.I.F. means Homework T.I.B. means a graded worksheet.
HOMEWORK Homework is not taken for a grade but is very important in learning, reinforcing, and maintaining skills. We do try to limit the amount of homework assigned and usually allow some class time to get started on it. In your child’s agenda, if you see an assignment with a P.I.F. beside it, then that assignment is for homework and can be found in their yellow folder. P.I.F. stands for Put In Folder. Each student will receive one homework pass at the beginning of each grading period. They may use this homework pass one time per grading period when they do not have their homework (for any reason). If your child does not have their homework 1 time in a week’s time, then their Work Habits grade in their Monday Take Home folder will be a N. If they do not have their homework 2 or more times in a one week period then their work habits grade will be an U.
Graded work All graded work has to be completed at school—students are not allowed to bring graded work home to complete. When looking at your child’s agenda, if you see an assignment that has a T.I.B. to the side of it, that means the worksheet is a graded piece of paper. You will not find it in your child’s yellow folder. We will grade it and send it home in their red folder on Monday. T.I. B. means Turn In Basket. If your child has been absent they can get to school as early as 7:30 to make up their work. They will be able to come into our classroom and we can go over with them what they missed.
byod (Bring your own Device) • Pearland has installed WiFi on every campus in the district with the hopes of integrating technology into daily learning. Students will be accessing PISD’s WiFi so it will be filtered. • We are still new to all of this (especially at the elementary level) so we are not exactly sure how we will incorporate it into the curriculum. • Your child is welcome to bring a WiFi device. The device does not have to be “active”. It just has to have the ability to access the internet. • Online registration had an Acceptable Use Policy for Electronic Communication contract that you may have signed.
Our e-mails are: guthriej@pearlandisd.org wehmank@pearlandisd.org We may not be able to respond to an e-mail or phone call on the day you try to reach us. Please remember that we are teaching most of the day and it is not unusual to have a meeting scheduled during our conference and after school. We will get back to you just as soon as we can. We encourage you to be a big part of your child’s education. Parental involvement makes all the difference in your child’s success. We welcome phone calls, e-mails, and conferences. Our conference times are Monday’s, Tuesday’s, Wednesday’s, and Friday’s from 1:05-1:50.