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LAMOST trial observations in 2010 & Introduction to the SCUSS discussion meeting. Zhong jing. obj-01b-20101101193641-1-79922936.fit. obj-01b-20101101193641-2-79922980.fit. obj-01r-20101101193641-1-79922936.fit. 20101102. ssy3-1. obj-01r-20101101193641-2-79922980.fit. ssy3-2.
LAMOSTtrial observations in 2010 &Introduction to the SCUSS discussion meeting Zhongjing
obj-01b-20101101193641-1-79922936.fit obj-01b-20101101193641-2-79922980.fit obj-01r-20101101193641-1-79922936.fit 20101102 ssy3-1 obj-01r-20101101193641-2-79922980.fit ssy3-2 obj-02b-20101101193641-1-79922936.fit … 20101105 ssy4-1
Three brightest stars in red side (i_band mag:11.00,11.87,11.89 ) • Same: • Success detected • Clear feature • Difference: • Flux count • Sky subtract • Sharp peak (bad pixel or something else?)
Three faint stars in red side (i_band mag:12.19,12.52,12.85 )
Three faint stars in red side (i_band mag:14.00,14.08,14.13 )
Three brightest stars in blue side (i_band mag:11.00,11.87,11.89) Same stars but fainter than red side Same side but fainter than last observation
Three faint stars in blue side (i_band mag:13.14,13.70,13.81)
Three faint stars in blue side (i_band mag:12.19,13.10,14.13)
Summary for Part I • Comparing to the trial observation on 2009, the sky subtract problem in red side have been improved. • From the available data at least, we found that the detected flux in this year is less than last year.
The South Galactic Cap U-band Sky Survey (SCUSS) • The South Galactic Cap U-band Sky Survey is an international cooperative project between National Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Steward Observatory ,University of Arizona, USA. • Plan to perform a sky survey of about 3700 square degree field of the south Galactic cap in U-band (3550 Å) with the 90 inch (2.3 m) Bok telescope , which is located on the Kitt Peak. • The project started in the summer of 2009 and the observations are being carried out from September 2010 to December 2012. • The main aim is to supply a U-band catalog for LAMOST of China. http://batc.bao.ac.cn/Uband/pc.html
Current problems II Bad images caused by telescope jump Small and large step jump in RA Jump in DEC (one star become three) Butterfly shape
Current problems III Bad images caused by readout errors
Current problems IV Large readout noise In the laboratory , the readout noises of all the gates were about 6-8e
Current problems V The problem of #2 CCD with low level signal 01.fits(2000ADU) / 03.fits(33000ADU) for #2 CCD after subtracted overscan 02.fits(26000ADU) / 03.fits(33000ADU) for #2 CCD after subtracted overscan
Current problems VI The unstable bias images #2 CCD For gate #1 and 2, the variation is about 8 ADU, but for gate #3 and4, the variation is about 40 and 60 ADU.
Statistics Weather statistics Bad images statistics
Summary for Part II • The used time of 3 CCD is about 1.5 times that used for 4 CCD. Thus, the efficiency of 3 CCD is only 67% of 4 CCD. • Get 1340 images, among those 195 are bad images caused by telescope and camera errors, the bad image ratio is about 14.6%. • The large readout noise, variablebias and low signal problem affect the low signal data of U band survey, also affect the photometric precision of survey fields.