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Programme International Retis. P rogramme d’accompagnement des startups innovantes Des US vers la France. Sommaire. Retis : le réseau de l’innovation. Retis est l’association des structures d’accompagnement des porteurs de projets innovants
Programme International Retis Programme d’accompagnement des startups innovantes Des US vers la France
Retis : le réseau de l’innovation Retis estl’association des structures d’accompagnement des porteurs de projetsinnovants 120+ membres800+ professionnels de l’innovation au service des entrepreneurs, 12 000+ entreprisescrées et suivies par le réseau • Incubateurs publics, conventionnés par le Ministère de l’EnseignementSupérieur et de la Recherche • CEEI – CentresEuropéensd’Entreprises et d’Innovation (BIC), labellisés par l’UnionEuropéenne via EBN • Technopoles, labellisés par Retis • Pôles de compétitivité, labellisés par le Ministère de l’Economie, de l’Industrie et de l’Emploi • Incubateursd’Ecole, intégrés aux Etablissementsd’EnseignementSupérieur • Nosmembresparticipentà la chaîne de l’innovation sur tout le territoirefrançais : • Détection des projets • Accompagnement de l’innovation • Financement de l’innovation • Aide au développement international
YEi : Mission et Management YEi a été créé en 2005par la Mission Scientifique et Technologique du Consulat de France de Boston. Depuis 2010, le programme est géré par RETIS avec un Chef de Projet français basé à Boston.
YEi : Résultats depuis 2005 Résultats depuis 2005 6 compétitions 218 Candidats 10+ projets en France 56 lauréats Sélection 25+ en progrès 15 en stand by
YEi : Statistiques lauréats depuis 2005 Statistiques sur les lauréats (depuis 2005)
YEi : Lauréats avec création d’activité en France Lauréats avec création d’activité en France • DigiPrice(YEi’09 - incubé Incuballiance Paris) • Fruition Sciences(YEi‘08 – incubé Montpellier) • PhotonicChip / Ultimara(YEi’08 - Rennes) • Spinroc(YEi’06 – incubé Impulse Meyreuil) • Store Experience (YEi’08 - incubé Belle de Mai / implanté Lille) • Centre Méditerranéen de conservation (Yei’08 - Arles) • Development of a novel diffraction optical sensor(YEi’08 -Grenoble) • Dienva (Ultiscan) (YEi’10 – Mulhouse) • Proteinfactory(YEi’05 - Chair d’Excellence Paris) • SmartMedicaVein Valves (YEi’09 – incubé Genopole Paris + partenaires à Marseille) TIC Envir. Sciences de la Vie
YEi’11 : Statistiques 44 candidats
YEi’11 : Lauréats 2011 Winners
Retis international : Contacts Merci Contacts : Retis International FRANCE Céline DELVAL Responsable International Email celine.delval@retis-innovation.fr Tél : 0688293061 Retis International USA Audrey GUAZZONE Chef de projet Retis aux USA Email audrey.guazzone@retis-innovation.fr Tél : + 1 617 714 3583
Founders: Sebastien Payen & ThibautScholasch Success Story What support did you received from YEi? • Advice on Intellectual Property • Two trips to visit cities in France. 1st trip: Lyon, Marseille, Montpellier and Grenoble. Second trip: Marseille and Montpellier • Partners we met: incubators (petal in Grenoble, Marseille, cap omega in Montpellier,...), research centers (INRA, Pole Minalogic, INRIA) and universities (Supagro, CPE in Lyon,...) • Mentorship to write the OSEO Creation and Development application • Free invitation to the French American • Conference of Entrepreneurs (FACE) • Why France? • Best research centers for viticulture and wine are based in France: Montpellier and Bordeaux • Potential huge customer base in the long term in Europe • Research grants: in 2007, Fruition was awarded 39,000 euros by OSEO Emergence and in 2008, it was awarded 250,000 euros by OSEO Creation and Development • Interesting tax rebates: JeuneEntrepriseInnovante (JEI) and Credit ImpotRecherche (CIR) • Labor highly qualified and less expensive. Also, employees tend to be less mobile than in California
Cell Viable Corporation JILL FABRICANT This project involves testing our lead compound, LF2, by validating efficacy and safety for use as an anti-aging agent in the cosmetic industry. The technology is useful not only in the cosmetic industry but also in the medical industry. Cell Viable has one patent (pending) in the United states which will be extended worldwide, with more expected to be filed in the future. The technology involves small molecules, inhibitors and breakers of Advanced GlycationEndproducts (AGE’s). Because of the huge markets and high costs for development, the company has decided to pursue development of a cosmetic product initially which will be an anti-aging cream, to be launched first in France, and later, in other parts of the world. The company is looking for partners in France to develop and to market the technology.
FOX HOLT Orthogonal is a specialty chemicals company selling a chemical called a photoresist to the electronics industry. Organic electronics industry is expected to grow into a $19.7B industry in 2012 (NanoMarkets) for several reasons including size, weight, and lower energy consumption. Orthogonal’s technology enables the electronics industry to use their existing manufacturing infrastructure to produce organic electronics. Orthogonal is currently selling these patent-pending chemicals to customers. The patent-pending technology is based research from Cornell University.
MicrowaveTomographic Imaging for Breast Cancer Diagnosis TOMASZ GRZEGORCZYK Delpsi is developing a tomographic biomedical imaging modality based on ultra low-power electromagnetic radiation for the detection of breast cancer. The new technology is safe, low cost, fast, and presents good sensitivity and sensibility. Currently in partnership with Dartmouth College and the Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Delpsi integrates hardware and software developments into a clinically viable prototype. Upcoming work will focus on clinical trials and comparison against existing modalities such as mammography, magnetic resonance, and ellastography.
BACK IN FOCUS Millions of people have to wear glasses occasionally. Presbyopia, for instance, virtually affects mid-forty people who want to read anything at close range. Also, usage and penetration of digital displays (ebooks, cells, GPS...) is increasing. Our solution consists in processing texts and images displayed on personal electronic devices and in providing the user with an image that matches his eyesight.rapidly. No need for glasses or contact lenses, we accommodate the content to your very eyes. ERIC PITE
Todd Horton KangoGift launched in late 2009 with the simple idea of letting people send small, thoughtful gifts, to their friends’ cell phones. Each customized gift voucher is displayed on any mobile device and the gift recipient visits the store, shows the phone, and redeems the gift. Since our launch, our company has received many accolades for our innovation and ability to work with small business owners and big brands alike. The company is in the process of looking to bring mobile gifting to Europe where the idea of sending a friend a latte, movie ticket, or other small item from a local merchant may be better received than a denominated gift voucher such as a 10 euro gift certificate. We are looking for marketing partners who can help us bring the technology to Europe.
ParallelCitiesis a mobile app that allows you to find the people at events you attend that you would be interested in and that you should meet. With it, you can easily search for whatever keywords (e.g. name, interests, expertise) describe the people you are interested in meeting at a live event, and the app finds them for you and provides a platform to communicate with them privately, or with the entire group of people present at the event through group chatting. With our social augmented reality technology networking at events is about to move into the 21st century! SIDI GOmEs
SWAROOP & KAVITA SAMANT SHUKLA Fenugreen is bringing to market a patented technology that holds the potential to revolutionize the food economy by lowering the cost of produce. Fenugreenis a simple, all-natural, and inexpensive food packaging that is remarkably effective at keeping food fresher for longer in a large-scale and sustainable way. Fenugreenseeks to address the enormous, yet often overlooked, global challenge of food spoilage (25% of the world’s food supply is lost to spoilage at a cost of $450B annually).