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Saving the world

Saving the world. By: Ronuk j. Global warming. It may not be easy but we can all make a difference. How we can help the earth. If we all try we can all pitch in help the earth.

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Saving the world

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Saving the world By: Ronuk j.

  2. Global warming • It may not be easy but we can all make a difference.

  3. How we can help the earth • If we all try we can all pitch in help the earth. • Conserve water : Take shorter showers a ten minute shower uses 1000 gallons and a two minute shower uses 200 gallons! • Plant more trees!

  4. More ways to help the earth • Recycle : it is so much more better than throwing away trash, here is one way take a air-tight box and fill it up with some dirt than put old food in and than put water. Put the lid over and leave it for about two weeks than if you open it up there will just be soil for plants!

  5. Think Green • Many people say it is hard being green. I have to admit it is hard but, here is a example: say you are walking down a street and you see a lot of trash. The next time you are at that place have some friends, rubber gloves, and a trash bag collect the trash and clean it up and put it in your recycle bin.

  6. Save energy • Please save energy. I think saving energy is very easy to help the earth. Like turn the lights off when leaving a room. Change your light bulb to a eco-friendly light bulb.

  7. Pollution • Pollution is one of the biggest reason for global warming, because mostly all of global warming fits under pollution. Here are some examples: noise pollution, air pollution, and littering. Air pollution is the biggest challenge and one of the main reasons that cars are being designed as electric and solar powered cars.

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