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Are you suffering from asthma disease and allergies that are triggered by your pet? Are you looking for best solution for indoor air pollution? Don’t worry about, because there is one of the best air purifier available in market that is Klairon Air Purifier. Klairon's Air Purifier & Sterilizer work to eliminate these airborne germs and unpleasant odour with this incredible oxidation capacity.<br>Here the Best Feature of Air Purifier:- <br>1- With 12 Kind Of Filter System, Make Sure To Give You A Good Quality Air<br>2- 12x HEPA Filter Hgh Density Active Carbon Pie hoto Catalyst UV light Filter Cold Catalyst Honey Comb Captivated Light Catalys Filter Ozone Generator Anion Sterilization.<br>3- Remote Control Air Purifier for the Home with Negative Ion Generator<br>4- Remove Smoke and Dust<br>5- Dispel Odors<br>6- Active Oxygen Purifier<br>7- High Concentration Of Negative- Ion<br>8- 12 Stages Filtration<br>9- Decompose Formaldehyde<br>10- UV Sterilizer <br>11- No Second Pollution
ABOUT US:- Klairon, a brand of Air Purifier and cleaning products was established in 2015 as a separate venture by an International high technological enterprise Spiktel Technologies head quartered in Georgia, USA. Air Pollution- Pollution is now a common place term that our ears are attuned to. We hear about the various forms of pollution and read about it through the mass media. Air pollution is one such form that refers to the contamination of the air, irrespective of indoors or outside. A physical, biological or chemical alteration to the air in the atmosphere can be termed as pollution. It occurs when any harmful gases, dust, smoke enters into the atmosphere and makes it difficult for plants, animals and humans to survive as the air becomes dirty. Regd. Address:- G-5,Pushkar Enclave,Paschim Vihar,New Delhi-110063
Deep breathing is the solution to many health problems as we inhale fresh and oxygen rich air. But is it true for our nation? Do we have fresh air especially? In the cities which are congested, full of public, vehicles and industries? Facts about Air Pollution in India:- India Is The Seventh Most Environmentally Unsafe Country In The World. In the Yale Environmental Performance Index by the Yale University, India ranked at 174th position out of 178 countries on air pollution. Only Pakistan, China, Nepal and Bangladesh have worst air quality than India as per the index. In 2010, India’s Central Pollution Control Board had presented the report according to which 180 cities in India had particulate matter six times more than the permissible limit set by the World Health Organization in the air. Vehicles, biomass burning, fuel adulteration are few of the major causes of air pollution in India. The problem of air pollution is so big that we cannot afford to overlook it. Regd. Address:- G-5,Pushkar Enclave,Paschim Vihar,New Delhi-110063
India's air pollution levels official overtook China's in 2015, with the average particulate matter exposure exceeding Beijing for the first time in the 21st century. The information was revealed by Greenpeace on 22 February, who conducted an analysis of NASA satellite data to reach their conclusion. Greenpeace research noted that 23 out of 32 National Air Quality Index (NAQI) stations in India had recorded more than 70% exceedance of the national standards, which puts public health at risk. Furthermore, as many as 15 cities showed levels of air pollution that greatly exceeded the prescribed national standards. Their report on NAQIs in India concluded that the most polluted cities in India often go months without a single day that meets the standard levels. Delhi, Ahmadabad, Varanasi, Patna, Agra and Kanpur were among those cities to be listed as having hazardous pollution levels. According to the WHO, 13 of the 20 most polluted cities are in India and most of India’s mega cities are also choking on toxic fumes. The WHO’s data has further revealed that air pollution is the fifth largest killer in India with an estimated premature death toll of 620,000 people annually. This is an extremely dire situation for us all to be in; it is clearly stating that Indian cities are facing a public health emergency and the public and the media are simply clueless on the extent of the problem in these cities. Regd. Address:- G-5,Pushkar Enclave,Paschim Vihar,New Delhi-110063
65% of the Deaths in Asia And 25% Deaths in India Are Due To Air Pollution. This is the Greenpeace analysed NASA’s satellite data on particulate matter from 2003 to 2015 in India and China :- The average Indian was exposed to more particulate matter than the average Chinese citizen in 2015 — the first time that has happened in the 21st century. The levels in India have increased over the years, with north India being the most polluted part of the country. The biggest jump was seen in West Bengal, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and the National Capital Region. China’s actions led to a 17 per cent reduction in PM2.5 from 2010 to 2015, while India saw a 13 per cent increase over the same period. In comparison, the United States saw a 15 per cent decrease. Comparing the situation in India and China, Greenpeace East Asia air pollution specialist Lauri Myllyvirta said: “China is an example of how determined policies and tougher enforcement can turn the tide on air pollution to people’s benefit.” Regd. Address:- G-5,Pushkar Enclave,Paschim Vihar,New Delhi-110063
Special Case of New Delhi:- According to the World Health Organization, Delhi is currently ranked as the city with the worst air pollution in the world. A study of 1,600 cities across 91 countries showed Delhi had the worlds. Highest annual average concentration of small airborne particles (known as PM2.5) of 153 micrograms per cubic meter.Poisonous particulates are certainly being added in the air by growing traffic and industries. Among all, growing number of vehicles is the major cause of air pollution in Delhi. Particulate matter for measuring pollution One way of measuring pollution is by the measure of particulate matter. Particulate matter is basically a mixture of extremely small particles and liquid droplets like acids, chemicals, gas, water, metals, soil dust particles, etc., the measurement of which gives an idea of the pollution of a city. It is also known as particle pollution or PM. Particulate Matter (PM) levels in Delhi:- Air quality or ambient (outdoor) air pollution is represented by the annual mean concentration of Particulate matter PM10 (particles smaller than 10 microns) and PM2.5 (particles smaller than 2.5 Microns, about 25 to 100 times thinner than a human hair). Regd. Address:- G-5,Pushkar Enclave,Paschim Vihar,New Delhi-110063
The world's average PM10 levels, for the period 2008 and 2013, based on data of 1600 cities in 91 countries, range from 26 to 208 micrograms per cubic meter of air (μg/m3), with the world average being 71 μg/m3. 13 of the 25 cities worldwide with the highest levels of PM are in India. In 2010, the year of the WHO survey, the average PM10 level in Delhi was 286. In 2013, the PM2.5 level was 153. These levels are considered very unhealthy. In Gwalior, the city with the worst air quality in India, the PM10, and PM2.5 levels were 329 and 144 respectively. Regd. Address:- G-5,Pushkar Enclave,Paschim Vihar,New Delhi-110063
For comparison, the PM10 and PM2.5 levels in London were 22 and 16 respectively. The PM levels in Delhi have become worse since the WHO survey. In December–January 2015, in Delhi, an average PM2.5 level of 226 was noted by US embassy monitors in Delhi. The average in Beijing for the same period was 95.Delhi’s air is twice as bad as Beijing’s air. Safe levels for PM according to the WHO's air quality guidelines are 20 μg/m3 (annual mean) for PM10 and 10 μg/m3 (annual mean) for PM2.5. Vehicles being the main reason behind the Air Pollution in New Delhi:- Regd. Address:- G-5,Pushkar Enclave,Paschim Vihar,New Delhi-110063
As per the Delhi Economic Survey, vehicular pollution rose by 135.59 percent between 1999 to 2000 and 2011-12.In 2011-12 it decreased marginally from 7.44 percent in 2010-11 to 7.27 percent. Major air pollutants are carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, benzene that directly impact human health and cause respiratory diseases, irritation in eyes, nose and throat, cardiovascular diseases and many more. Mostly the old vehicles that are not serviced regularly pollute the air more. Some Government study findings also reveal that three quarters of the total air pollution is contributed by vehicles. Note:- As per the scientific studies it has been found out that traffic at low speed especially during congestion burn fuel ineffectually and emit 4 to 8 times more air pollutants. There are more than 40 different types of dangerous pollutants in the engine exhaust (diesel and gas). 70% of the air pollution is caused by vehicles. Health Effects of Air Pollution:- Numerous health problems are associated with air pollution. A study was conducted on non-smokers in India and Europe. It has been found out that the lungs of a non smoker Indian performs 30% less than a European because of pollution. Regd. Address:- G-5,Pushkar Enclave,Paschim Vihar,New Delhi-110063
According to the below image, the number of persons in India are dying second most in the world due to air pollution according to WHO. Number of people dying of asthma in India is more than elsewhere in the world Regd. Address:- G-5,Pushkar Enclave,Paschim Vihar,New Delhi-110063
Among hospitalized children in India, 13% deaths are caused by the acute respiratory infection. Because of high vehicular pollution, Delhi school children show poor lung function (reduced in 43.5% school children in Delhi) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). According to the estimates of the National Cancer Control Programmed (NCCP) by 2026 there will be more than 1.4 million people suffering from cancer. One of the major reasons for this would be greater exposure to environmental carcinogens. Regd. Address:- G-5,Pushkar Enclave,Paschim Vihar,New Delhi-110063
The WHO’s data has further revealed that air pollution is the fifth largest killer in India with an estimated premature death toll of 620,000 people annually. This is an extremely dire situation for us all to be in; it is clearly stating that Indian cities are facing a public health emergency and the public and the media are simply clueless on the extent of the problem in these cities. Effects on adults:- Poor air quality is a cause of reduced lung capacity, headaches, sore throats, coughs, fatigue, and early death. This is the following comparison report of the lung of a person who lives in Delhi and in Himachal Pradesh:- Regd. Address:- G-5,Pushkar Enclave,Paschim Vihar,New Delhi-110063
Lower Life Expectancy:- According to a report in The Economic Times citing research by environmental economists from Chicago, Harvard and Yale that finds that well over half of the Indian population may be set to lose three years of their lives due to the adverse effects of breathing air with highly excessive levels of pollutants. It has been known for some time that the air that people breathe in Indian cities is among the worst in the world. Concern for the Traffic Police: - The Problem: The personnel of the Traffic department of Delhi police are most vulnerable as they are most exposed to the pollution (air, noise) of Delhi, which as quoted by High Court of Delhi as “of emergency nature”. The court, referred to particulate matter-PM 2.5 and PM 10-and said as per the statutory norms their levels Regd. Address:- G-5,Pushkar Enclave,Paschim Vihar,New Delhi-110063
are not to exceed 60 microgram per cubic meter per day and 100 microgram per cubic meter per day, respectively. However, as per DPCC monitoring stations, their levels are always far in excess of 400/500. A large number of studies in Delhi have examined the effect of air pollution on respiratory functions and the associated morbidity. The most comprehensive study among them was the one conducted by the Central Pollution Control Board in 2008, which identified significant associations with all relevant adverse health outcomes. The findings were compared with a rural control population in West Bengal. It was found that Delhi had 1.7-times higher prevalence of respiratory symptoms (in the past 3 months) compared with rural controls; the odds ratio of upper respiratory symptoms in the past months in Delhi was 1.59 (95% CI 1.32-1.91) and for lower respiratory symptoms (dry cough, wheeze, breathlessness, chest discomfort) was 1.67 (95% CI 1.32-1.93). Prevalence of current asthma (in the last 12 months) and physician-diagnosed asthma among the participants of Delhi was significantly higher than in controls. Lung function was reduced in 40.3% individuals of Delhi compared with 20.1% in the control group. Delhi showed a statistically significant (P < 0.05) increased prevalence of restrictive (22.5% vs. 11.4% in control), obstructive (10.7% vs. 6.6%) as well as combined (both obstructive and restrictive) type of lung functions deficits (7.1% vs. 2.0%). Metaphase and dysplasia of airway epithelial cells were more frequent in Delhi, and Delhi had the greater prevalence of several cytological changes in sputum. Besides these, non-respiratory effects were also seen to be more in Delhi than in rural controls. The prevalence of hypertension was 36% in Delhi against 9.5% in the controls, which was found to be positively correlated with reparable suspended particulate matter (PM10) level in ambient air. Delhi had significantly higher levels of chronic headache, eye irritation and skin irritation. What you need: The exposure of the personnel of Delhi Police in open air of Delhi can’t be reduced but sensing the longer and wider prospects the first way out can be a personal individual air purifier can be provided to each of the personnel on duty in open air, putting a stop to the increasing respiratory ill effects to the personnel while on duty, while gradually reducing the ill effects on health primarily caused due to the exposure in open air. The Opportunity: The one of the worst air in country and the obligation of duty to serve the nation in the said air can be even be utilized as an opportunity to set an example to the other counterparts and boosting up the morale of the personnel of Delhi Police by providing and equipping them up with the controlled air ambience systems, protectionary eyewear; which in-turn will imbibe the discipline in the citizens and amplified honor to the police personnel. Regd. Address:- G-5,Pushkar Enclave,Paschim Vihar,New Delhi-110063
The Solution: Any single elucidation to the mentioned problem can’t be a solution but a step towards the solution, and that step can be equipping the personnel with one of our product which provides the mask and a purifying device which can be worn at the belt or on the waist; it may reduce the mobility and agility of the personal as an individual but not at the level which will hamper the physical agility required by the office personal. One stop solution is Klairon’s Portable Air Purifier Regd. Address:- G-5,Pushkar Enclave,Paschim Vihar,New Delhi-110063
Technical Specifications:- Regd. Address:- G-5,Pushkar Enclave,Paschim Vihar,New Delhi-110063
Product Technology:- Regd. Address:- G-5,Pushkar Enclave,Paschim Vihar,New Delhi-110063
Product Specifications:- Klairon Air Purifiers actually clean the air around us purifying it by removing microns of 0.3 and larger size to render it 99.9 percent dust free. Proposal:- We hereby now propose the demonstration of the product and our collaboration which will give a beneficial return to individual personnel of Delhi police, Delhi police as an organization and the community of Delhi. Once we have received your consent and initial profile for the demonstration our team of professionals and representative will be available for discussion and demonstration. Regd. Address:- G-5,Pushkar Enclave,Paschim Vihar,New Delhi-110063
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:- Introduction:- Klairon, a brand of Air Purifier and cleaning products was established in 2015 as a separate venture by an International high technological enterprise Spiktel Technologies head quartered in Georgia, USA. Klairon air purifier system is claimed to be the best and most advanced air purifier in the market using modern technology and excellent designs. The purification technique used in the Klairon air purifier is high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtration. Objective:- The objective of this technology is to assess the safety, effectiveness and improve the air quality in order to provide the purest air to breathe. Recommendations & Credits:- We have been widely appreciated across the globe and in the nation by various industry experts. These are the following list of professional experts who recommended our products and awarded different credits at various parameters:- 1. Best Utility product - By Mr. Joe Root, Senior US Patent Attorney 2. Best Innovation for commercialization - By Dr. Garner Ridwik, G.M. Technology Licensing (Georgia - AT) 3. Best product to purchase for your family - By Ami Hamilton, Director - USA Today Health Report (Anaheim CA) 4. A product can increase Men’s life - by Robin Vargas, Sr. Editor, Men’s Health Magazine (Georgia AT) 5. A product will be use by all people - by Dr. Grace Lyons, Head Technology Business Incubation, and Georgia. 6. Real time effective product- by Maria Arapaho, HOD, University of Science, Houston TX USA 7. Best products for home use - by Paul Joseph Titus, Director Copperon Technologies Inc, Dubai MEA 8. Dr. AK Tyagi - Scientist Polymer Research at Shriram Institute of Industrial Research 9.Dr. Bhupesh Sharma - Scientist Radiation & Sterilizations at Shriram Institute of Industrial Research 10. Dr. Surender Dabas- Robotic Surgeon at Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Regd. Address:- G-5,Pushkar Enclave,Paschim Vihar,New Delhi-110063
Institute Participation in MSME at Festival of Innovation:- We have participated in the MSME festival of innovations which was held at Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi and we have been widely appreciated. The Klairon’s innovative approach and modern technology made it unique and credited it a token of appreciation at the festival. The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but we have promises to keep, and miles to go before we sleep. We may have miles to go, but we are on our way, and will not stop until we reach our destination. Stand with us and join the Clean Air Nation. Website: - http://www.klairon.com Facebook Page: - https://www.facebook.com/klaironindia/ Twitter: - https://twitter.com/KlairOn_india LinkedIn: - https://www.linkedin.com/in/klairon Google Plus: - https://plus.google.com/100317584662360588747 Regd. Address:- G-5,Pushkar Enclave,Paschim Vihar,New Delhi-110063
Regd. Address:- G-5,Pushkar Enclave,Paschim Vihar,New Delhi-110063