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Unit 2: Connections. What effects how we interact with others. Terms You Need. Empathy - the action of understanding, being aware of or being sensitive to the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another
Unit 2: Connections What effects how we interact with others
Terms You Need • Empathy - the action of understanding, being aware of or being sensitive to the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another • Derogatory - expressing a low opinion of someone or something: showing a lack of respect for someone or something (general) • Demean - to lower in character, status, or reputation (specific person) • Objectify - to treat as an object
People may forget what you said;People may forget what you did;But people will never forget how you made them feel
Gender • Feminism - The advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. VS. • Egalitarian – Believing in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities.
Terms you need • Sexual orientation - is a personal quality that inclines people to feel romantic or sexual attraction (or a combination of these) to persons of the opposite sex, the same sex, or to both sexes. • Transgender – someone who identifies with a gender other than their biological one. • Advocate – someone who speaks in support of a cause. • Alias – a fake name used to protect one’s identity. • Taboo – something that is generally not acceptable or not looked upon favourably. • Hate crimes occur when a perpetrator targets a victim because of his or her perceived membership in a certain social group.
Away from home • There are around 82 countries in the world with criminal laws against sexual activity by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or intersex people. • This list includes places like:Africa: Egypt, Kenya, Sudan, Asia: Afghanistan, Iran, PakistanAmericas: Jamaica, Barbados, St. LuciaOceania: Papua New Guinea, Indonesia • Europe: • Russia, where several cities and regions have laws that prohibit discussion of homosexuality in the presence of minors; • Ukraine, which has considered, but so far has not adopted a similar law against “gay propaganda.”
Closer to home Hate Crimes
Hate Crimes • What is hate crime? Hate Crime is a CRIMINAL OFFENCE committed against a person or property that is based upon the victim's race, national or ethnic origin, language, colour, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, or any other similar factor. • What is hate propaganda? According to the Criminal Code of Canada, there are two types of hate propaganda.
Hate Crimes: As bad as it gets • Advocating genocide This offence is committed when someone supports or promotes genocide. Genocide is the intent to destroy in whole or in part, any identifiable group. • Specifically: Killing members of the group; Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring out its physical destruction • An 'identifiable group' means any section of the public distinguished by colour, race, religion, sexual orientation ethnic origin.
Hate Crimes con’t • Public incitement of hatred • This offence is committed when a person communicates statements in a public place, and incites hatred against an identifiable group that is likely to lead to a breach of the peace. • This offence is also committed when someone communicates statements, other than in a private conversation, that willfully promotes hatred against any identifiable group. • "Communication' includes: words spoken, recorded electronically or otherwise, gestures, signs or other visible representations.
Matthew Shepard • The Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, is an American Act of Congress,passed on October 22, 2009,and signed into law by President Barack Obama on October 28, 2009. It is a response to the murders of Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr., the measure expands U.S federal hate-crime law to include crimes motivated by a victim's actual or perceived gender, sexual orientation, gender identity. • The bill also: removes the prerequisite that the victim be engaging in a federally protected activity, like voting or going to school; gives federal authorities greater ability to engage in hate crimes investigations that local authorities choose not to pursue; provides $5 million per year in funding to help state agencies pay for investigating and prosecuting hate crimes; requires the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to track statistics on hate crimes based on gender and gender identity The Act is the first federal law to extend legal protections to transgender people
In Canada • There is a wide body of laws that could be brought to bear on hate crime and bias activity in Canada. • Unfortunately, the enforcement of those laws and the administration of justice has often lagged behind the law. • It has often been hard for victims and their advocates to have law enforcement investigate complaints, lay charges and even harder to have perpetrators prosecuted. • In short, we have the laws but have a hard time enforcing them. This area of the law [in Canada] is constantly under review and change.
Reflection – My Sisters Keeper • 1. How did Kate’s illness affect how her family connected with one another? • A. How did it affect child/parent relationships • B. How did it affect sibling relationships • 2. How did Anna’s lawsuit affect how her family connected with one another? • A. How did it affect child/parent relationships • B. How did it affect sibling relationships • 3. While both the illness and the lawsuit negatively impacted the family. How did the impact differ? And why do you think that? • I.e Did the illness put more stress on the child/parent relationship or did the law suit. Why? • 4. What role do you think technology has in forming a family? • A. In your opinion should technology be used to in the formation of a family? What are some of the benefits/draw backs that you can think of? • B. How do you think using technology to start a family would change the decision making process?
More Important Words …. YAY! • Gene – the basic unit capable of transmitting characteristics from one generation to the next; consists of a specific sequence of DNA or RNA that occupies a fixed position on a chromosome. • InVitro Fertilization (IVF) – process of fertilizing eggs with sperm in a laboratory outside the mother’s body. • Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) – process of analyzing the genetic markers of embryos for disease or other risks. • Germ line therapy – process od replacing faulty sections of DNA with healthy DNA in eggs, sperm, and fertilized embryos; testing being carried out on animals. However, a type of germ line therapy has been approved for clinical in the U.K.
Designer Babies??? http://science.discovery.com/tv-shows/brink/videos/brink-designer-babies.htm
Sperm Bank Screening • In 1999 the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) proposed a set of guidelines for sperm and tissue donations. To date none have been finalized. • Currently individual states regulate sperm donations. • Most sperm banks screen medical history and test for STIs but do not do genetic testing. The majority of sperm banks write their own guidelines for genetic testing but since clean sperm is important for their business donation guidelines tend to be strict. • Some sperm banks will test for a specific genetic condition like Cystic Fibrosis. Others also test based on donor profiles. • Genetics testing is very expensive and there is NO Universal test – each condition needs to be tested for separately.
Think about It • How do you feel about technology’s role in the following two instances: If you have conflicting opinions – why? What makes one more agreeable than the other? • A married couple uses IVF to help them conceive after they were told they couldn’t through conventional means • A married couple uses IVF and genetic testing to “design” their baby • Do you think that sperm banks or egg donors should have to undergo genetic screening? Should the government have to cover it (insurance)? • Genetic screening is very expensive. Is it smart to profile donors and choose the genetic tests that they run OR is that discrimination?
Global Ethics Ethics and the media
Media in the 21st century • How is information spread? • Information is spread primarily through mass media: media technologies that are intended to reach a large audience by mas communication - especially TV and internet. • Information is now spread faster than ever – but WHAT media are we sharing?
The issue • Media groups – TV conglomerates and Internet businesses are businesses. They need to make money to continue to provide their services whether it is information or entertainment. • So what sells?
Infotainment • Infotainment is information-based media content or programming that also includes entertainment content in an effort to enhance popularity with audiences and consumers. • Infotainment in itself is not an issue except when it is misused for ratings:http://entertainment.time.com/2013/08/07/discovery-channel-provokes-outrage-with-fake-shark-week-documentary/ • So what happens when trusted media acts in an untrustworthy way?
Current Problems in the Media • High levels of inaccuracies: Public confidence in the media, already low, continues to slip. An American poll found only 36 percent of Americans believe news organizations get the facts straight, compared with 54 percent in mid-1989. This also includes not correcting inaccuracies when they are found. http://www.cracked.com/article_20293_5-clearly-fake-news-stories-media-told-you-were-true_p2.html 2. Sensationalism: There is tendency for the press to play up and dwell on stories that are sensational - murders, car crashes, kidnappings, sex scandals and the like.
Problems con’t. 3. Poor coverage of IMPORTANT events While the media is busy covering sensationalist stories, issues that affect our lives and the whole world receive little attention. Topics such as: The environment, The government, Foreign Aid, and Education are overlooked to cover things like Miley Cyrus twerking. What does that say about us?
Problems Con’t. 4. The media’s short attention span Brookings Institution in the 1970’s began observed what is called “the issue attention cycle” in the media. The cycle is: Step 1: the news media and public ignore a serious problem for years; Step 2: for some reason, they suddenly notice, declare it a crisis and concoct a solution; Step 3: next they realize the problem will not be easily fixed and will be costly; they grow angry, then bored; Step 4: finally, they resume ignoring the problem.
Bottom Line • Non-profit organizations are doing a better job at educating the public than the for profit organizations. • WHY? Because for profit has a money making so they want to broadcast what makes them the most money. http://www.thepicturesoftheday.com/zReportage.html?num=455